Season 1

Jan. 4, 2023

Creating Space

We are always creating. We create the realities in our day, our lives. We can create space. You can create space, both inside yourself and outside yourself. To grow. To heal. To be a better man. But it is up to you. What do y...
Dec. 28, 2022

Another Step

Are you ready for the next step? Another step in your healing and evolution? It is a small yet powerful step and your dog is going to help lead you through it. Simple. Easy. It is about noticing, that’s it. Just noticing. Abo...
Dec. 21, 2022


Do you sense it? Can you feel something, well, different? Are you beginning to remember? Remember who you actually are? You, my friend, are a beautiful creation. Beyond all the stories and situations of your life there is som...
Dec. 14, 2022


What does it mean to Surrender? I used to think this meant giving up, and in a way it still does. Surrender the ideas and concepts that no longer serve you. But what if Surrender also meant allowing? Allowing your beauty and ...
Dec. 7, 2022

Being Present Moment

Everyone steps in some shit now and then. Most of us, however, get super upset about the shit. What if you could be with your shit, not trying to get away from it? What if you could just be present? Accepting? Taking responsi...
Nov. 30, 2022


What does it mean to accept? To receive something, some bit of information and understand that it is just as it is? Can you open to allowing a situation, not judging it as bad or good but just how it shows up? We all spend so...
Nov. 23, 2022

Taking Responsibility

Do you consider yourself responsible? What are you actually responsible for? Who are you responsible for? How is your dog teaching you about responsibility? It is way deeper than we have previously even considered. Have a lis...
Nov. 16, 2022

The Beauty Of Grief

This is one of the most powerful gifts available to us. My experience with the death of my brother tore me open and made me available to live. I didn’t realize how I was showing up in the world (poorly). Grief presents us wit...
Nov. 9, 2022

Life Balance

Are you in Balance? Do you feel off balance? Your life doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Your version of life balance is yours alone to create. Did you realize you can do this? I didn’t either. Take your dog for a walk...
Nov. 2, 2022

What About Beauty And Power?

We tend to see things and isolate them. What if we could put things together? What if you could see things that were more than they are perceived to be? Think of something that has Beauty AND Power. How does your dog represen...
Oct. 26, 2022

What Is Power?

What does it mean to wield power? Is this Superhero stuff? Presidential? The Yakuza? What if you had more power than you could imagine? Nature has power. My dog has a TON of power. Wake up! About the Host: Michael is a Canine...
Oct. 19, 2022

What Is Beauty To You?

What Is Beauty To You? It doesn’t have to be what anyone else thinks it is. Something in nature. The shape of a woman. The colors on a wild horse, running along the hilltop. A fiery sunset. Beauty is in everything if we can b...
Oct. 12, 2022


What is the wind bringing into your life? Are there messages that you are not paying attention to? I love watching my dog get all excited when the wind kicks up and her nose goes into overdrive. What is she picking up on? Wha...
Oct. 5, 2022

The Role Of Nature

What is the role of nature? Is it just a pretty thing that we like to look at? What if there was something more powerful yet subtle about what nature provides us? Download this one and take it into the forest or the beach. Le...
Sept. 28, 2022

The Ten Minute Glass Of Water

What can a glass of water teach you? What can taking 10 minutes to drink that glass of water do for your awareness? Grab your dog, a glass of water, go sit where you can see outside and have a listen! About the Host: Michael ...
Sept. 21, 2022

Ten Minute Orange

What if you could give yourself 10 minutes to begin to create a better life? What if you could dedicate this time and become so present that you found peace while eating an orange? Grab an orange, sit with your dog and have a...
Sept. 14, 2022

One Degree Shift

Do you want to create massive change in your life? Are you ready to go big and do something amazing? Then slow the hell down and make a tiny change. Then do another. Then do another. This is where you begin to create a new wa...
Sept. 7, 2022

Cada Cabeza

Cada Cabeza Es Un Mundo. Every Head is a World. What if every person on the planet had their own perspective on any one thing? On everything? What would that allow for you in your life? About the Host: Michael is a Canine-Par...
Aug. 31, 2022


What did you expect? Why aren’t you living the life you thought you should? Whose expectations are you living from? About the Host: Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help si...
Aug. 24, 2022

Control And Judgement

Control and Judgement. How do these play out in your day, in your life? How do they work together to make it harder on us to be who we are? I share an embarrassing story to make a point. Enjoy! About the Host: Michael is a Ca...
Aug. 17, 2022


Survival of the fittest?What a load of crap. If this were true, we would all be a lot happier. Darwin loved dogs and thought they were morally superior to humans. Hmmmm... I tend to think he is right. About the Host: Michael ...
Aug. 10, 2022

Where Do You Think YOU'RE Going?

Where do you think YOU’RE going? I used to hear this a lot as a kid. Too funny! Now I ask myself the same thing. I can tend to forget where I have been and also forget what I want my life to look like. My dog shows me the thi...
Aug. 3, 2022

So You Want Change, Do You?

Creating change, lasting change, is not easy! It is however, worth every bit of the journey. We don’t often hear about what happens to our relationships as WE change. As we change the rules, not everyone is onboard with what ...
July 27, 2022

Slow The Fuck Down

Why are you rushing around? Do you realize what you are missing? What if you could just Slow The Fuck Down and notice more? We are constantly attempting to reach a goal or attain some status that is usually important to someo...