Cada Cabeza

Cada Cabeza Es Un Mundo. Every Head is a World. What if every person on the planet had their own perspective on any one thing? On everything? What would that allow for you in your life?
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.
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Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love.
Michael Overlie:Cada, Cada, Cada, Cada. Hey guys what's going on? Good day morning, evening night, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. So glad you're here. Oh, I'm really excited about this. This is like, awesome. Follow up to the last episode about expectations. This one is about perceptions. Holy crap. So we're gonna get right into it. First question, how's your Spanish? Second question? Doesn't matter. No. So, this is about kata cabeza. Kata cabeza, I can't remember it's Cuban or Mexican, originally. But it's, it's his belief that every person has their own belief about something or their own perspective on something. The whole phrase is cada cabeza s Moon Moon dough. That means every head is a world. So, whoa, that freaking blows my mind. Every head. So every single person on this planet has their own world that they live in. That is bad ass, and completely freaking accurate. Holy shit. Think about this. Every single person, you know, has their own experiences, their own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions. Right? That's just the people in your circle, everybody you know. So by proxy, that means every single person on this planet has their own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, perspectives, about whatever. Holy crap. So how do we let someone else tell us how to be or who to be? That's just fascinating that we take that on with we don't trust our own perspective. We don't trust our own belief in ourselves to make good decisions. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, right? We're all going to stumble Bumble fuckup fall fail. But we get back up and do it again. We're not taught that we can fail and still be okay. That we can mess something up and still be okay. There's this push for success or perfection that they're just unobtainable, we're the thing we're not taught is that we can just be who we are. So right now, there's about 8 billion people on the planet. And each one is awesome. Just as they are, they may not show up eggs, you know, as pretty cool or fun loving people, but down deep underneath all that crap underneath all those expectations, societal norms, whatever. They're just someone who wants to be loved. That's it. It's as simple as that. What do you want? What do you think you actually want in your day? And how do your beliefs and perspectives shape? How you go about that? Right? And don't don't, you know, get all crazy and beat yourself up about it. But how do you do that? How do you show up? So like, yesterday, I was at the river with my partner, my dog, and we're working on training the dog. We're working with this professional trainer who's a total badass, but I have to be the one be able to work with my dog. So we're at the river in working on her reactivity. And a couple of times, man, she was full tilt, just acting out towards people or dogs walking by. And the most common misunderstanding is that most dogs can be aggressive. And some of it is aggression, but most of it comes from fear. Right? They're being reactive, they want the scary thing to go away. And aren't we the same? When we crap? Aren't we exactly the same? Don't we want the bad thing to stop or go away the scary thing to stop or go away? Well, I was more worried about what other people were thinking about how my dog behaved and how that made me look as a as a bad you know, companion Do my animal. That's crazy. So
Michael Overlie:luckily, my partner is very patient. Yeah, she's awesome. But I wanted the bad thing to go away, which was her behavior. I just wanted it to stop. I have no idea what those people were actually thinking, what their beliefs are around it. Maybe they were a lot more compassionate towards me than I was being towards myself in the moment. Maybe they did think I was being a total dick. I don't know. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. You know, I slept fine. Last night. I didn't worry about it all night. But it was embarrassing for me in the moment. It was also a good lesson. I'm still working on all this stuff. And I'll probably be working on one of these things, until I leave the planet, guys. And I think that's just how some of it is. But I'm better at catching myself, I'm better at being able to respond. Not always, but getting better. So, back to every head is a world. What? What does this look like for you? Can you stand in a room and look at 20 people and realize that all 20 people may have a different take on anything than you do? And can you be okay with that? Can you be okay with not having the exact same opinion as everybody else? Right, following whatever your political party is, or your religious or spiritual affiliation, you know, there's gotta be some things that work for you and don't work for you. Right, some things that fit and some things that don't. It's like making one pair of shoes that everybody's supposed to wear, right? Everybody's supposed to be a size 10? Well, you know, that's just not gonna work. Everybody's feet are a tiny bit different from everybody else's feet, some people feet are really different. So why can't their beliefs be? White? Can't you be okay with your beliefs being different? Then your dad or your moms, or your coaches, teachers, preachers, you know, all these people that we look to, to tell us who we are? Well, I'll bet you a huge sum of cash, that most of them don't know who the hell they are either. And they're going off of other assumptions, and expectations and societal norms. So that they'll fit it so that they'll feel like they belong. Well, what if you already belong? Right? Like the relationship with your dog? What do you have to do? To fit in with your dog? Nothing? What do you have to do to belong and feel connected with your dog? Nothing. So why do we feel like we have to do all these other things to be part of somebody else's groove, somebody else's inner circle? It's absolutely insane. You know, if we all realize that every single person has their own tweak, change. perspective. What would that do for you? What would that make available? I think it's fantastic. I think it's absolutely fantastic. So what can you do today to change that little bit? If you're okay with it? Are you willing to do like a little hit? Right, make a little little shift, tiny shift? I think that's hugely important. I'm not saying shift your perspective to believe what somebody else believes. But be open to the fact that they have their own. And that's okay. And it's okay that you have your own right. We, we frequently want people to join our camp, be on our side. And we don't understand what some people just don't want to do that or can't do that. And we, what do we do we create separation? Well, fuck that guy. Because he doesn't think like, I think he doesn't believe like I believe. So fuck him and his party and his religion, whatever. I mean, it's absolutely nuts, folks. We create all of these problems for ourselves, our culture, society, the world, you name it, we actually make this stuff up, we create these divisions and separations. Well, what if we could change that? How do we change that? Well, you don't worry about changing somebody else's mind. Probably not going to happen. It's going to do a couple things that might upset them, and you're gonna get pissed off because they're not changing their mind. So how do we do this? Your work on your own shit.
Michael Overlie:You work on your own perspective. You work on accepting yourself as you are. You work on accepting other people as They are because you know what you are as you will hurry the hell hours they are expecting something else is absolute insanity. So what do we do today? You know what to do, you grab the leash, you head out, you go for a walk, and every time it pops into your head, you see a person you think, huh? They have their own perspective. And that's okay. This is how we create lasting change, guys. Have an awesome day. Scratch the pup for me. Love you.