
What does it mean to accept? To receive something, some bit of information and understand that it is just as it is? Can you open to allowing a situation, not judging it as bad or good but just how it shows up? We all spend so much time and energy worrying about whether or not we will be accepted by someone else. What if you could turn that inward and learn to accept yourself? How much easier would life be? Have a listen, take your dog for a walk and let them lead.
About the Host:
Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker and Online Store owner on a mission to help men with dogs find love in their lives again. Let Your Dog Lead you back to love. For more about Michael, his work and cool swag with a purpose check out his links below!
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Hello, my friend.Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love.
Unknown:Hey, guys, what the hell?
Unknown:How are you? What's going on?
Unknown:What? I can't hear you. Oh, right odd.
Unknown:Oh, I'm sitting here in front of the fire this morning. It's what 17 degrees out, we got snow on the ground.
Unknown:And that's freaking awesome.
Unknown:I love it. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado, and I get all four seasons, right? It's, it's beautiful.
Unknown:I don't always, always like the wintertime, you know, I don't like cleaning up the cars and shoveling and all that stuff so much. But it's part of living where I live, right. So I accept that I have to do those things. Like I have to split firewood, I have to, you know, take a log and turn it into kindling, I have to clean the wood burning stove, I had to accept that all of this is a part of the lifestyle that I enjoy.
Unknown:I like out the back here, I back up to 38 acres currently. And it's gorgeous. It's gorgeous. But I have to do some work to be able to live here. And I accept that. Oh, that's that's what I wanted to talk to you all about today.
Unknown:Because acceptance is such a huge, huge piece of how we can live a better way how we can live this exceptional life that we're all striving for.
Unknown:So last time, we talked about taking responsibility. And this ties directly into it.
Unknown:Because we even if we want something to be different, it's difficult for us to create that change. If we don't accept how things actually are. Right, just because you want it to show up different you want your life to be different. If you're an accept where you are. And it's more challenging, let's say to take responsibility for what needs to be what needs to happen, basically what what changes need to be made.
Unknown:If you can't get to that place of understanding that then then we flounder and we'll choose the same direction we'll choose the same behavior and wonder why things aren't changing. So acceptance. Oh, this one, this one hurts sometimes.
Unknown:Yeah. I mean, can you accept that you absolutely. Maybe suck in romantic relationships, that things start off well, and something happens soon. And you just can't keep it going. Right? You can you accept that maybe you don't have certain skills in certain places. And it relates to work it relates to
Unknown:the way things go with your dog.
Unknown:Can you accept that your dog just is as they are? In any given moment? Maybe there's a behavior that drives you fucking bonkers. Well, just accept it. I'm not saying don't do anything about it. But in that moment, just accept that A, B or C happened.
Unknown:Ah, okay. What can I do from this place? Instead of just getting angry and reacting?
Unknown:What can I do differently?
Unknown:Well, when I accept that it happened, because of course it did.
Unknown:It didn't happen. You wouldn't be uncomfortable.
Unknown:But except that it happened. Whatever it is, this can be a romantic relationship. This could be
Unknown:family, oh my god family biggest triggers.
Unknown:It just accepted. So let's look at the flip side of this for a minute. Think about all the freaking cool, majorly awesome things that have happened in your life. Maybe places you've been to activities you've done, maybe you are a skier a climber.
Unknown:Maybe you're a painter, I mean, whatever it is something else that you have created this experience in your life, except that you are a part of this creation of this amazing thing. This amazing feeling. Right? So you don't just accept the stuff that you don't like, except that you are part of the creation of something amazing. Right? We forget about that shit. We get caught up in our grumpy angry discomfort. But we forget about all the things that
Unknown:Maybe we helped make amazing, we help somebody with something. We gave somebody some love when they needed it, right? Except that you were a part of that as well. Okay. So let's come a little more from that place. Give yourself some kudos.
Unknown:Work on accepting one little uncomfortable thing about maybe it's about yourself.
Unknown:Like me, I, my hairs leaving me.
Unknown:It's just saying, Okay, I'm gone, I'm out of here, we're taken off. And that's just the way it is, you know, I still get insecure about it, I feel uncomfortable about it, but I do something about it. Also, I cut my hair super short, so it doesn't bother me as much. Okay, so that's still an insecurity I have.
Unknown:What else? I'm not fit like I used to be. Right. But I accept that. I still got I still enjoy doing stuff that I want to do. I can go hiking with my partner and snowshoeing and do these amazing things. But I'm not the super Superman that I used to be.
Unknown:Yeah, and that's okay. Right? That's okay, I don't have to be that there was an identity that I had of myself as being able to do all these amazing things. And I don't do a lot of them anymore. And I'm not capable physically of doing them a lot anymore. And that's okay, I accept that. I could put more time and effort into being fit. But that's not as important to me anymore.
Unknown:I can still do super cool, fun, amazing things. And I accept that I have changed. That's another thing. Everything changes. Everything changes, every one changes.
Unknown:Everybody's gonna die. Let's dive into that. Your dog is going to die. Right?
Unknown:It's just the truth. You are going to die. Your parents, your friends, loved ones, people you like or dislike, they're all going to die. We're all going to leave this existence in this form. At some time. It's like taxes. You don't like them? But
Unknown:can you accept that they're a necessary part of life and necessary lesson.
Unknown:You know, I don't like the idea of giving my money to somebody. But if it helps somebody else,
Unknown:there you go. And I accept that that's part of what I have to do. In order to earn money, I have to give some of it to somebody else for things that they provide.
Unknown:What else can you accept?
Unknown:Can you accept that your car broke down? It's gonna cost you money. Can you accept that you're in a job you don't necessarily like,
Unknown:but you're willing to do whatever it is right now to help get you through?
Unknown:Can you accept that you need to make a change in your relationship, whether it's work harder on the relationship you're in, or leave a relationship you're in.
Unknown:You are only where you are, because of your willingness to accept where you are.
Unknown:And make another choice or decision based on that.
Unknown:Life's just going to be uncomfortable at times. It just is. accept it.
Unknown:Accept that you're going to fuck up.
Unknown:Except that you're going to fail at something.
Unknown:Except that maybe you're going to learn a really good lesson from whatever that was, right?
Unknown:You guys, we shame ourselves and we beat ourselves up over the most ridiculous things.
Unknown:Except that and then choose differently next time, or feel differently next time. There's such an emotional charge with all these things that happen in our lives. And most guys, most men are more just not emotionally intelligent. Right? We weren't raised to be.
Unknown:We weren't trained to do that to be that way. But you can choose differently. Now you can choose to be an emotional Einstein if you want to, and you can create something different for yourself. But that's for you to do. It all comes from this place of acceptance. So
Unknown:just sit for a minute.
Unknown:Think about where you're going to walk your dog. Hook up the leash, head out.
Unknown:Let your dog lead you somewhere new. Right? That's where the gold is. Except what your dog is trying to show you except at two
Unknown:Different way
Unknown:as simple as it seems this is extremely powerful except that your dog can show you something completely