How To Access The Untapped 80% with Pam Bakalian | Ep.43

“The capacity of our businesses are a reflection of our capacity to unconditionally love ourselves. Especially in our sphere, right when we're entrepreneurs and we literally wear our soul on our sleeve.”
This week I had the absolute pleasure to speak with Pam Bakalian about the importance of our nervous system to be able to scale our businesses and how we can gain access to 80% more creation power when we consciously connect our body and mind.
Often we don’t consider how we can integrate all aspects of our being to create a wholesome ecosystem within ourselves and as a result within our businesses.
If you are serious about scaling your business in a sustainable way, you definitely want to tune in!
Connect with Pam:
IG French: @pamela_bakalian
IG English: @deepdiveintofeeling
Book a call with Pam: CLICK HERE
About the Guest:
Pamela or Pam as most of her clients and friends call her, is a somatic magician, channel and Trauma Informed mentor, trained in somatic & polyvagal interventions, NLP, yin yoga and Kundalini yoga among many other modalities.
She came to this work as a human like you in need of Quantum Union, a deep desire for Rememoration and Embodied connection.
Before her awakening and integration of these teachings though, she spent decades of her life stuck in dysregulation, in toxic relationships, wearing layers of masks, unable to move forward, and feeling broken.
As a child and teenager, she tried talk therapy and then as an adult she tried medication to cope with her life.
Then one day and despite the appearance of a perfectly high performing VP of marketing career and high-profile marriage she woke up from her 13 years in an abusive relationship (mostly with herself) and decided it was time to choose different.
She believes that when you choose yourself and start to remember who you are, it is miraculous. Everything you need appears in front of and for you. Yes, you will have to put in work but it is good work and believes we came here to experience it!
The discovery of somatic magic among other things has changed her life and countless lives of women she had led and mentored. One of her missions is to democratize somatic work outside the English-speaking world.
She believes that working on the level of our nervous system and quantum unification of our parts is one of the greatest keys to taking bold action by accessing our heart leadership and our multipotentiality.
Pam has been a solo mom of her two magnificent boys/men and it is the pride and joy of her life.
About the Host:
Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support. Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.
In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.
Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.
Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching
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I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.
Theresa Lambert:Hello, hello, and welcome back to another episode of diaries on a six figure coach podcast. I am super excited to be here with an awesome, awesome guest. Pam, you're gonna love her absolutely love up Pam. I actually met him in Tulum at this beautiful new moon Hana event at Cal. And we literally met around the sacred fire in a singing circle with beautiful music and rose petals, and had on our hands and rose petals being floated onto us. And it was just this beautiful, beautiful thing. And at one point, we caught a glimpse of each other. And the next day, I had a message from Pam in my Instagram, I think and to see if I was the person that was sitting across from her and we were doing this beautiful, beautiful exercise. And it wasn't me, but I was like, Well, you know, now we're connected anyways. And ever since we've been following each other, we've been in touch, we've been having conversations, super excited that we're gonna get to spend a little bit more time soon hanging out here. And in this beautiful part of Mexico. And throughout this conversation, and throughout us connecting, I have been looking for people to come on this podcast to talk about a few different topics that I believe is so essential for you to be able to scale your business that often aren't considered. And Pam is an incredible somatic healer. Can I say that somatic healing using somatic healer.
Pam Bakalian:I like magician better
Theresa Lambert:Yeah, tell us a lot more about herself. She also focuses on something specific, which is nervous system regulation, apart from some other incredible work. And so I'm so excited that you're here. I'm so excited.
Pam Bakalian:I'm so excited to be here. I told you like just before we jumped in, I do podcasts all the time. This one is extra juicy for me. Yeah, I'm such a fan of yours. I keep telling you like you. You're actually it's so connected to Cymatics and nervous system work because you are embodied. And it's very rare in the business base. And I got chills just saying that. And that's why I resonate with you. Because there's so much out there that is really cool on the outside. But when you start digging into the layers, the foundations are wildly the same way foundations in your business have to be solid. The foundations and the anchoring in your body have to be at par with that. Otherwise there's disharmony. And then there's no, you know, there's no expansion, and then the person doesn't understand why. And usually what happens is women mostly we end up pushing even more when it's not even about that. And I think that's something you learned and have been working on quite a bit from, you know, just going with your content and listening to you and the importance of being in the body. Yes, right.
Theresa Lambert:Oh, my God. I think that that is something that we well, no one really well I want to say no one talks about it. But I think it's not spoken about enough. Because my mainstream Yeah, it's not mainstream. And I think it's not something that people are consciously aware off when it comes to building thriving businesses and what I have found and your it's funny that you say that I feel like I've been on this path for probably by now nearly a decade of reconnecting with my body and then I've really, really liked I've gone into the depths of it in 2022 when I went through my divorce, but I think what I've come to realize is that as I was scaling my business, and as I was growing at an accelerated rate and taking on more clients, and so having more of like a bigger online community and holding more responsibility, with my words, who I influential was following me, like, I hold like, we hold a lot of responsibility, there's a lot of energy that we're navigating, and I don't see think I had realized the energetic capacity that is required to be able to do that. And consequently, the time and space that is required for you to be off for you to be for you to swim in the ocean or be near water, or be in nature, or sit and meditate or breathe or be with soul sisters or dance. It doesn't matter. Like do what you love pain, but like to be and to really do work to regulate your nervous system. And so as I was transitioning out of 2022, and made a gazillion changes, and really was like, this is something that I am pivoting and changing my business model in my my goal, my number one goal for 2023 was a regulated nervous system. Above, scaling above domani above declines above the above the above the all this other stuff. I was like, I want to go for 2023 feeling like I can breathe, feeling fucking fantastic. And I want to show up like that. And I want to embody and be a representation of the possibility of having both
Pam Bakalian:and three months and I can tell you your objective is really to exude that you're talking in my career to go into like my energies, like I'm like buzzing so much. So that's, that's, you know, it's a beautiful goal. But most people it takes grit it takes I'm gonna use a word, it takes commitment to oneself. I know you like that word, because I listened to you. And you talk about being committed to your business? Yes, um, you use the word responsible a few times. One of the medicines I use the most is hoping upon No. And the first pillar of hope on a pono is I love you. And people really don't understand it. Like I got certified in and I've been practicing it. And it's really a model in everything I do, including business. But I love you is taking 100% responsibility for everything. Not in the I'm beating myself up because this happens. But this happened. And then you take your own hand and you say, and I love myself. And I appreciate myself anyway.
Theresa Lambert:And I love myself anyways.
Pam Bakalian:Yeah, you know, when you're talking and you're doing and I love and I appreciate myself, that's exactly what I love you is and I think that the capacity of our businesses are a reflection of our capacity to unconditionally love ourselves, especially in our sphere, right? When we're entrepreneurs, and we're literally our soul is on our sleeve. And we can take we can, there's two aspects of what I do. And that's why I like the word magician because versus healer. First of all, I don't believe in healing. That's something I've transmuted over the past few years, because there's nothing to heal, we are whole, we just need to remember that we're horrible. There isn't anything that's broken or that needs to be corrected, we just need to remember and you very rightfully said, when we are not conscious of it. So it's all about remembering and bringing to our consciousness and not in our minds because most people in our industry do it through the mind. And that's great. But if you really understand the way the systems not just the nervous system because you have the nervous system, you have the chakra system, you have the nadi system and it's very interesting because when you start digging in going down rabbit holes of all the different schools. I have a graphic that I usually share when I start working with clients and it's because you see that inside you have this little alien with like tentacles and It's all connected. And it's all an ecosystem of how everything works together. And so if you're not able to be in your body, and you're just in your mind from here to the bottom, like when you look at the chakra system, or even the the vagus nerve, the throat to the roots is 80%, the throat to the head is 20%. So right now in our field, most people are using 20% of what is accessible to them, because we are literally feet walking around and upper bodies walking around disconnected in life. So what happens when you bring consciousness and you align both, you get access to that 80% And the sacral, which, which is you know, the creation center, and then wall. happens from there. So yes, there's obviously a scientific aspect of the nervous system, but it's very quantum as well. So if you go to the casino, and someone tells you, okay, here you have an 80% chance of winning, and here you have a 20% chance of winning, where you're going to put your chips in the 80%. But most people don't know, because we only teach about the mind. But when we talk about subconscious programming, it's not in the mind, it's in the cells, it's in the body, our subconscious, Doc's through something called the fascia, so between our skin layer and the muscles, there's this gelatinous part, like I don't know if you've ever cleaned chicken. But you know, between the skin and the muscle, there's like this gooey, wee thing. And you think, like, what's that for? And I know, like language is something that's super trendy right now. And people who practice like language sometimes don't even know this, but it is through this membrane. And if you look at it through an electronic microscope, and if you're on YouTube, you can go Google Docs, the fascia, and you can see literally, it's like little highways of light, fusing, and connecting all of the parts in our body. Between the nervous system between the chakra system, our organs, everything functions together. And to have a wholesome business, we have to integrate it within a wholesome, an ecosystem of the body. It is not exterior to us and the fact and it's not just for entrepreneurs, by the way, if this were applied to business models worldwide, we would have world peace. as simply as that, as long as we continue to see things as separate, as opposed to integrate those. Yes. Then it's hard to move forward. Yeah, we feel like we're always catching up. Right? Trying to catch a the chase, but the chase is a nervous system. Literally. Response. Yeah, it's, it's, it's running away or fighting. Right? Because when we're in that activation phase, I usually don't use a dorsal vagal. Because for people it's like, again, going back to the mind, I separate them in three categories. You have your green zone, where things are chill, where, you know, you're you're in the zone, you know what I'm talking about, if you I mean, you've all been there at least once in your life, like when you're like, yeah, so slow baby, exactly. And then when there's activation, and by the way, activation has no polarity, it's just an increase of energy. And that, too, we are in a, in a world that looks at things in the dualistic way, when duality doesn't really exist. It's a story of the mind. And both of them are mirrors of the center. And you can go wherever you want to go, or come back and just have fun. And I call them the 50 Shades of Grey. And that's where we live, right? We experience all these shades and how we feel in them. And, and that's the experience. That's why we incarnate it to like, get a feel of all these shades. And then you're in the red zone, and you have two choices. So there's this surge of energy. And if you compare it to your house, for example, if your turn on the microwave, the dishwasher, the heater, the vacuum, and suddenly your electric box shuts down. So what happens in the red zone is there's overheating of the circuitry of the vagus nerve, and also the fascia like everything is heating up. There's too much and there's three things that happen there. Things are going too fast, they're too intense, or there's not enough of something. And so you go from a state in the red zone where it's uncomfortable, but you still can to freeze where you can't anymore. Right, and we've been there. I know. I've heard your story of it and we've been there wherever completely go there and, and then society tells you that when you're frozen, you're degenerate, you need medication, you're not doing your job, blah, blah, blah, when in reality, when you're in depression, you what you need is deep breasts. Depressed, you need deep breaths. And if you allow yourself the rest, and you allow yourself to go within, and listen to the wisdom, and listen to what you know, your divinity, all of your holistic systems are trying to tell you, then it's, it's possible to go back down. But most of the time for most people, when you're in the blue zone, that's where you go and get help. Because you need co regulation in the red zone, you can regulate on your own if you've learned most of us haven't, because our parents never learned and their parents didn't learn before. And it's just becoming, like, somewhat accessible, what regulation is, right? Regulation is being able to be in your body, or like being in an airplane when there's turbulence without having to land the plane. That's the grid, that commitment is so often talking about it in your stories. And that's the capacity we want to build. Yes. Right. Not to crash our businesses not to emergency lands. And it's very like intense because if you've never learned it's, it's painful. It's like watching a three year old having a tantrum in the supermarket. A kid doing that is not is not doing something wrong is just the overwhelm in his body is so strong, that his only response is to throw a tantrum, and we all throw tantrums in our businesses, don't we, but we're not really aware. And then we beat ourselves up about it and be judged ourselves versus taking full responsibility for it, and welcoming those parts that were doing what they could, because they only had that level of consciousness. Or they only knew what they knew at that time, versus taking full responsibility. Remembering that we are sourced that we are infinite, that this too shall pass. And it's just a big simulation, and everything's gonna be fine. But that takes practice. It's like going to the gym.
Theresa Lambert:Yeah, totally. I love that. And what really resonates for me about everything that you were saying is this concept about bringing it back to understanding that it's all connected. It's all one, right? And I love what you said, I've never heard anyone take, like, use this analogy about like, think about your entire body and your heads 20% And your body's at present. But when you put it that way, it's like, dang, like, why don't we tapping into the at present people. And like, I totally feel like this is where I mean, we are taught to be mind and head driven. We're taught to be goal oriented. And we are taught that when we achieve a certain result that's outside of us, then we get to feel a certain way. And I've certainly like flipped that because I build business models and strategy. And business strategies and models based on how you want to feel, not how you want what you want to accomplish. And then everything else comes after but it's all aligned with that. So I guess I without knowing I considered 80% Before we get to 20% involve because there's so much because your
Pam Bakalian:body and magical and you know, when we tune in, without understanding it cognitively, your body knows what your needs. It does. I don't believe in the whole healing thing anymore. Because it's really, once you start going back into the body, you allow it to do its natural thing. We are a supersonic mega something spaceship that can do anything. I mean, look at a scar. If you leave it alone after a few days, it's gone. It's the same. Did you put anything on it? No. Did you have to go to hell? No. But suddenly, when it's bigger things, we just make it bigger, when in reality, it's just that we don't have the capacity to deal with something that's bigger. Remember, when I said too much too fast? Not enough of and you want to you want to be even more mind blown. What we are taught is that it's a top down system. It actually isn't it's a down up system. So when we receive the information, it comes from the root, which makes sense. It's the roots, right? When you look at trees and the sap, the SAP doesn't go down, it goes up and then it does whatever thing it needs to do to evaporate the water and then goes back into the leaves and goes back. That makes sense, right? I mean, living here is just so delicious because I my repertoire of analogies has like it's always around us right now. We're stepping into a daily living in Mexico when you're, you know, in Canada, where it's cold half of the year and you don't see anything but why? It's hard to get those frames, right. But so what happens is the message you receive first is a message that comes from from your roots. So you feel it into your route, and it goes through all of your systems and goes all the way up to the mind. And I like to call them lawyers, what does the lawyer do? Oh, your fights the case, right? They're gonna defend the case. So if the message that comes up is we're safe, or things are okay, then it's gonna send down a green light and say, Okay, guys, you can chill. But it's, it's starting to get an orange signal, what are they going to do? The lawyers up there, they're doing their job. And that's another thing we demonize the ego, but the ego is just there to help us survive at the end of the day. You are incredible. I just want if anyone's listening to this and is having doubts, you are a miracle. Just imagine the number of things you have survived. And at the end of the day, you know, every one of our systems is there to help us survive. where we step in as a God being because we're all God is how do we thrive? Chills there's this model to, to remembering our essence, which is infinite abundance, unlimited. And that's not easy. And I'm not saying it's gonna be easy all the time, is gonna be super uncomfortable. Actually, I have clients, we're this month is very intense, energetically. I have like big clients. We're doing big, big things in the world that are in the hospital with like, weird, bizarre ailments. Like one got a puck in her head at a hockey game. And out of nowhere, another one is like, crunchy bulged up, and they thought it was a bacteria and they can, like all the interns have been big can't figure out what is going on. Once we decide to go up in the next vibration level, and the next the body will do what it needs to adjust, because the density will drop, and there will be more space for light. But then my favorite word which is never used, and should be used in business is integration.
Theresa Lambert:I use integration. I know which
Pam Bakalian:is why I told you like I love you give me hope. Like when I listen to you speak, you give me hope you give me so much hope because I deal with so many business coaches and women that are heart leaders who are like driving amazing communities but are struggling with a mask. It's so hard carrying this mask day in and day out. And I know I wasn't VP of Marketing for many years, and I had suppose a perfect marriage and living like in a nine and a half apartment downtown. I was medicated to the wazoo. I couldn't have seen a calf get one done. Finally, I would not have reacted I was so numbed down by medication to survive. That's not the kind of life we were meant to live. Whether you work in a corporation, or you work for your own, we are meant to experience this.
Theresa Lambert:Feel Yes. Feel good. And if you add Yes, yes, really be at SES as your natural state to be and validation as your natural state to be in joy and abundance. Because it's your natural state. The other stuff, what driven by all the story, but it requires you to let go of all the story, right and, and that's the,
Pam Bakalian:that's the thing that I don't let go because that part will never be will never go away. It's about integrating it. All those little stories or parts or parts of you who have protected you this far. And now I talk about grief. That's something people don't like to talk about either. But it's so prevalent. Because once you start looking at parts that took a lot of space and you're like, you know what, I want more. That little part that's three years old, because it's still living as a three year old in your body is gonna throw a tantrum, if you don't give it what it needs. If you don't do the due diligence of explaining the same way you would to a small child. And that's okay, somatic work, but also inner child work of going thing. Hey, I see you. I know. I know. It's hard to let go of things. It's hard. And you've never been taught that we can do this together. And that's where we reparent ourselves. But then our lives, we change countries, dreams change. And what do you do with all of that? When you're not taught to grieve? And when we're in a society where grief is not some One thing that is acceptable, unless it's like someone who died even then, oh, it's been two weeks, you're not back to life, something's wrong with you. What is wrong with us that we don't respect the cycles of life? Yeah, that we forgot that things are cyclical all the time.
Theresa Lambert:And grief is, I mean, it's a natural cycle, right, that we're going through. And, you know, it's interesting that you're mentioning that and I mean, I don't believe in like, I, you know, I believe there is no such things as like, coincidence, like, I really believe, people, when we're ready to meet certain people, because there is a, there is a connection or an activation or like an end, I've really been finding everybody that has come into my life. And everybody that's quite frankly, been pulled out of my life, including clients that are misaligned. It's been a big learning lesson. But the thing with that is that I've learned and this was a big lesson for me, how I'm through divorce, and for walking away from 16 years and a life and a home and, and all this, this ideal of stability and, and pillows of stability of I had a home that I owned, I was in a marriage, I had savings, I had security I had I had I had I had and I was like, goodbye, I am leaving all of this behind, and I'm going to be traveling and I'm going to be you know, not my much, you know, but I think the thing that I find, really I've been through was this process of grieving, but also not just grieving, the things that I let go, the things that I surrendered, but actually grieving an idea of what I thought would be an ideal Off, off what I thought my life even would be, so we use this this, we project, right, like, we project forward into the future. And so, so what I've really learned through all of that was VD, feeling all of it and calling it all and then whenever I was in, you know, grinding, like big, big tears for like hours and hours and hours, and literally on the floor, not able to get off the floor. And I was like healing tears. You know, this is grief, and it's okay to feel it. And it was so good. Like, it was so good, you know, to check out that in as much as you allow the other things and then, you know, I think in the coaching space, and maybe you can talk or we can touch on that. Because I feel like you would have something interesting to say about this. There was this idea around high vibe. And I think it's really misunderstood. Like most people, like have this idea that like I'm always like high vibe and like, listen up, like, I have done a lot of freaking work. So like, generally, you will probably experience me as a very what you would say hi Vipassana and I love to dance. I love to be expressive. I love to be out. But vidiots Because it's from an embodied integrated place of all of my emotions. But I also know that when I'm angry, I'm angry. And when I'm pissed off and frustrated, I'm not and when I'm grieving, and I'm sad, I am died. And when I'm joyful, I am dad. And when I'm laughing, I'm not and when I'm activated, and my legs xe lives I'm not right, like I'm all of it. And it doesn't have what range of motion I am. They're not bad web, like you said, like, I'm out in the web around the center, and I'm somewhere dancing, right? And I'm going to be in a high frequency because ultimately, what this has come down to me, isn't you this is what we started with. I love myself unconditionally. And I can say this, and it is shows that it is shows and that requires us to do work. But that is not a word that does
Pam Bakalian:the work you need to do on your business. People think it's only about strategy. I believe it's the same as the nervous system is 80% work on you and 20% strategy and to come back to that when you combine like don't please don't think that I I am saying that mine you know mine stuff is unnecessary it is. Both are unnecessary because then we ostracize another part that's not what I'm saying at all. But imagine Integrating both parts will.
Theresa Lambert:That's what I always feminine, integrate lewdly like this man, like,
Pam Bakalian:we're in a very huge part of activation of Christ consciousness. And when I say Christ, I don't mean the religious Christ is just the divine masculine that is really integrating this. And we went very far in the polarity of looking at what, you know, these past few years of getting in touch with our feminine and then we touch the extreme. And it's so funny because it's cyclical, right? We go all the way to the edge. And we're like, oh, maybe went a little bit too far. So we're coming back here. And now.
Theresa Lambert:Because it doesn't work. We can't exactly on one side. Exactly.
Pam Bakalian:Dark now it's. Yeah, it's, but then people don't realize that we have those parts within us, both of them meet. Like, there's never going to be perfect balance. The word I like to use is harmony, just like a symphony, like a symphony or an orchestra. Every every little part has its part to play. And sometimes one will be a little bit off and it's okay, it gets it gets to be in harmony, in harmony with everything else. Because when you think about something being balanced, it's static. It's not a movement. Right? And we want movement to emote. Emotion is motion, right? Emotion is motion. Yes. When you feel you move energy. And when you move energy you receive, that's another thing learning to receive. Whoa, that's another traumatic and I call them traumatic memories. I don't call them traumas or like, like, you can add, we can say beliefs, but it's really memories. And then you learn how to rewire them like because let's say you have a field or let's talk about Canada. So there's lots of snow that just got dumped. And there's no trace, right? And then the same day, you walk your dog on the same old pot. And then at some point, you have this little like, you know, snow pop, right? What happens though, if you stop using that one, and you start taking another one, another path is going to open up and that one's going to resort? Right? So that's what happens in our neurobiology in our brain when we so there's, I call it the three C's. So first, you have to create the context, which was the three questions that I asked earlier. What is going too fast? What is too intense? And what do I use, and that applies to business as much as it does to yourself. It's a rule of keynote, just a Rule of Life. And when you're able to ask those questions and get curious, then you come back to the present. And when that happens, then you're connected to yourself to your context, your environment. And from that place, you can make a choice. So when we talk about alignment, so I'm beginning to get in the line, I'm like, I love these concepts that people come up with, and they're like, let go alive, like what do you do with that? Like, is like, what am I supposed to do with that? You know, but so you can use the three C method, context connect and choice. Your first one is you really identify the context. And most of the time, when you resolve the context, the path becomes so clear. Because you took the time to slow down to look at what's going on, to change the dial, maybe the radio system, because you're not coming back inside, you're not outside of your body. And then when you're connected from there, you can ask the right questions. And trust. That's another big thing. Trust. We all love trust, and we all say we believe but then when things when shit hits the fan, what happens? Well, wow,
Theresa Lambert:I mean, yeah, this is like an entire other, like, open up just now. I love this. And I love this method you shed so much. I think that it's so powerful when we have tools. And you know, one of the things that I love about our connection is that we have a very similar approach to how we support people where we can get the mind involved in a way that's very collaborative. So it actually helps our mind Think, think, Oh, this is logical. And so then the mind buys into what you're doing. And consequently, you're actually removing some of the resistance that we naturally have that had been created through some old past memories. By memories because you you kind of learn to tap in so I love that. So Pam with just getting to the end of like this interview. I'm sure by now I'm like I feel like it was like wow, why the hell did the time go like this This was so juicy. Um, if my listeners would like to connect with you find out more about your work, where can they go? Where shall we? Yeah, so
Pam Bakalian:there's, there's, I have a francophone Instagram account and I have an Anglophone Instagram account, the Francophone is Pamela underscore McCallion. Are you guys going to share the links? I'm not sure. Yeah. Yes. And the second one is my angle account, which is brand new. Because I that's the conversation we had initially, like, I used to do a lot of teaching in the Anglophone sphere. And then I really felt the calling to go into the Francophone sphere where there's absolutely no understanding about this. So now I'm going back, you know, the pendulum just goes back. It's very interesting how it's just depending on so it's called deep dive into feeling that's my English Instagram accounts. And yeah, what I offer is two things I offer leadership. So for heart leaders, whether you're an entrepreneur or CEO, or whatever you are. And then I offer retreats. So for the retreats, or daily retreats to just sit down and what is a retreat, the word retreat is like you stop, you know, it's exactly what I teach in the three C's like you get to stop and ask the questions and reconnect and then envision what's next. Most of the time we're on the rat race and it's hard to just slow down so intentionally card and that's, that's what brought me to Tulum actually, is very interesting, well to this area. In 2015, I came right after my separation, I told my my friend who was running the retreat, if I get the check from whatever it was that we we were partners with my with my ex husband, and if I get a check back, I'm looking for the very first time something for myself as an adult, and it was my first time doing yoga and all those things and first time to meet them. And the third day after a mind massage, which was excruciating, painful, but so oh my god, it just reminded me of my holiness, I just was sitting on the beach and it just said, You're gonna live here, you're gonna come live here with your kids. So retreats are very powerful that like the deep and they're called Deep Dive because you get to dive deep and like I in French, we sing this sort of gal is like taking something you know, and going really really deep and then getting the elevation afterwards. So if this speaks to you, you know where to find me.
Theresa Lambert:I love that well, we're gonna add all your links if you're in the tool room area to come tracker down at defeat at a tempo scowl, you know like all the all the places and fun places we do you know is a beautiful place in the world and it's always it's always amazing when you get that feeling somewhere and when you learn to listen and you know this is something that I feel like has really come out from this like conversation that we've had that we've come back to again and again and again. Learning to listen learning to listen out to our body learning to listen to the wisdom that's already there, right instead of always going searching somewhere like to source yourself yeah, like go learn to lists Hearne we no like I didn't sleep last night you're saying there's some crazy energy around like I feel like a wild month. I did not sleep last night. The weather was great.
Pam Bakalian:The astrological year by the way so and we can have for going into Aries season and it's the new year so it's closing and we just had like Saturn Jupiter and like astrologically speaking it's very crazy out there.
Theresa Lambert:Well purge on my end. Oh, coming out of me right just
Pam Bakalian:last night. It was insane. It was like a show. Oh, yeah.
Theresa Lambert:I've been feel I felt like the weather last night like that is how I felt I was like, rolling and I couldn't sleep and I was like, oh my god and then I but you know learning to listen, I woke up this morning. And it was like, go do your workouts again. Go move again. I do these routes and I was like, every day I was like, no more excuses. I was like somebody like being like, Yes, I found myself literally you know, I just went and did it and it felt so good. And you know here I am feeling great. I don't know I slept maybe three hours last night but I don't feel it you know, but it's it's really this learning to listen and I think this is for everything and and I love that you brought that up up and I can't wait for people to connect more with you. So Pam, thank you so so, so, so much for
Pam Bakalian:having me. It's been an honor. I will say it again, I'm such a fan. Your clients are so lucky to have you for real though, for real.
Theresa Lambert:I am going to just, you know, take like, a warm hug and receive dye beauty and I'm just so grateful that we all connected and that we met. You shared all this incredible knowledge with us. And I would highly encourage everyone to go follow Pam on Instagram connect with her. She's a beautiful, beautiful. So go say hi, don't be a stranger if you have questions like she is a wealth of knowledge as you can see. And if you want to find out about those retreats, get in touch. So thank you so so so much. We'll be back next week and I will chat with y'all soon. Bye.