Embrace Authenticity and Scale with Courage with Becca Post | Ep.58

Meet Becca Post - she’s the visionary entrepreneur behind “forward healing”, a Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Therapist and Coach for wholeness seekers, trapped achievers, karmic breakers, family shakers, and emotional feelers .
Her journey from solopreneur to the driving force behind "Forward Healing" is a testament to the power of blending therapy and coaching.
Tune in as she shares her entrepreneur journey and how recognizing the power of combining therapy and coaching helped her scale from solopreneur to founding her practice and hiring a Team for "Forward Healing".
This is a candid conversation about embracing authenticity, the importance of validation, and navigating the path of entrepreneurship while maintaining a strong sense of self.
In this episode we chat about...
● The immense value of connecting to your core values and authenticity.
● Embracing the power of validation and external encouragement on your journey.
● Understanding the balance between personal vision and external expectations in entrepreneurship.
● Learning how the combination of therapy and coaching can lead to profound personal transformation.
● Uncovering how to navigate vulnerability while sharing your vision with the world.
This episode is like a refreshing breeze of empowerment and insight, guiding you to make the most of your personal growth journey while scaling your business to new heights.
"It's not just about understanding your past; it's about building a future aligned with your values and aspirations." ~ Becca Post
🎧 Ready to be inspired? Listen to the full episode now!
T xoxo
About the Guest:
Forward movement requires modern ways of thinking.
Which is why I combined my clinical training in psychotherapy models with holistic tools and spiritual practices to create my Forward Healing Model of Change™. With a commitment to show up in my humanness so you can too, I offer you permission to shift your patterns and propel yourself forward.
I’m a Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Therapist and Coach for wholeness seekers, trapped achievers, karmic breakers, family shakers, and emotional feelers, and the founder of Forward Healing, where we offer modern tools + personalized models for Therapy and After-Therapy.
Because we believe in a preventative approach to healing, which means wholeness doesn’t come from a diagnosis.
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Intro Therapeutic Coaching Session
About the Host:
Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.
In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.
Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.
Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success. It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.
Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching
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I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but mobile success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and master the position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I'm your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.
Theresa Lambert:Hello, Hello. And welcome back to another fabulous episode of The diaries of a six figure coach Podcast. I'm so thrilled and excited about this season two being back. And I have another incredible, incredible guest with me today, here, which is Becca Post Hello, Becca. How are you doing?
Becca Post:I'm good, how are you?
Theresa Lambert:I am great. I am great. I'm so excited that we're jumping on. And literally just before we hit record, Becca and I were talking a bit about like meeting random, really cool people over the internet. And this is kind of how backup found herself here. I really been recently all of them. And community and I've made so many incredible, incredible humans along the way. And Becca was one of them. And I really loved what she's doing because she's all about forward movement requiring a modern way of thinking. And she does something that I haven't actually had a lot of people do, which is sort of combining clinical training and psychotherapy models with holistic tools and spiritual practices. So awesome, and so high, and I started chatting on Instagram, and we're going back and forth. And she really liked me and a little bit on what she's up to, and how she's also moving towards building this incredible team and this incredible practice, where she's located and supporting people I believe still Clovelly, but having an actual team of practitioners supporting you to do that. So, Becca, I'm so excited for us to be here to have this conversation to talk about entrepreneurship, but also get a little bit more of an idea of how the heck you figured out how to combine psychotherapy models with like these holistic tools and spiritual practices, because it is branching away from the traditional model, medical model that, you know, maybe we've been used to. So I know this is kind of like, why the heck are we talking about this on this podcast? Because it's a little about building business. But I think for me, it's about highlighting to everyone that you know, if you have a cool idea, it's worth bringing it out in the world. And, you know, I'm just so excited to hear what this journey has been like for
Becca Post:you. Yeah, I'm excited to share it I think for so long in my, like entrepreneurship one, that term was so hard for me. But then two I've, I've like kept it pretty close to home. And it's been a three year journey. And so this is the first like time I want to say in the last couple of months that I've started like stepping in and being like, Oh, I have something to share about this. And I've built this really cool thing. And I don't have to be afraid to talk about it in a way that is like, hey, what I've done is really successful. And it's really cool. And like, I want everyone to actually be aware of what we're doing. I love that. I
Theresa Lambert:love that. You know, one of the things you just said that around, you know, I can share what I want what I want to share, I can say what I want to say and I feel like a lot of entrepreneurs really struggle with that, honestly. And why do I have like the spidey feeling that like something like it's obviously something psychological going on, and you probably have way better explanations and I don't know why. But it's, you know, it's it's interesting, like, how we have these gifts, and we often hold ourselves back sharing them. So what was like the push for you and what was that moment for you where you're like, actually, I'm done hiding in the background and I'm ready to talk about what I have to share because I know it's vulnerable, to put ourselves out there and to, to say what we want to say and to share our viewpoint of the world off, you know, healing or like combining modalities and and some people have something else to say about it business like I mean, anything really, but like, what was that moment for you where you're like, enough is enough, I'm gonna take the stage and talk about this.
Becca Post:I think for me there were a couple of things like one once I started bringing on team members. So like, I'm an LCSW. In the US and Utah and Utah, like not Utah, the US in general has like pretty strict mental health regulations, we function under a medical license. And so combining or doing different things is not it's hard to navigate, right? What it's what we all say, like what you're allowed to do. But it's kind of what it is, right? Like, you're you're like trying to figure out what, what it is that I'm allowed to do that's very authentic to me, and then how do I work within my license. And I think I got I started getting like more comfortable when I started bringing on a team, like I had my first hire, and 2021 then quickly had another hire, like a couple months later, and then in 2022, we're out on three more therapists and having to go through that process of hiring had, I had to get really clear on like, what I was envisioning and what I was imagining, and the why behind doing it. And then I brought on my most recent hire in the beginning of this year, and she's been in the field for the like the longest of my employees over 10 years. So even longer than I have, and having her resonate with the vision and the idea of challenging the mental health model. And the idea of connecting to your values as a therapist, and instead of like, just what you do, and and being like, authentic, I think gave me a little bit more confidence of like, oh, other other people who've done this maybe longer than I have, right, because we're always looking to the expert, really under like, also see the importance of it. There's value here that I guess I needed that validation. That's really what it comes, I needed somebody who's done it longer than me to be like, hey, what you have here is really for
Theresa Lambert:thank you for sharing that. Just take a moment to just like, send some appreciation and gratitude for you for saying that, you know, I think sometimes we'll like so like, framed around, we have to be disempowered women, and it has to come for ourselves. And you know, all of this, and that's beautiful, I guess is great. Like not to say like I'm all for it. But there's also nothing wrong with having some validation or having experiences or having somebody say something that kind of gives you the sense of ya know, I'm on the right track here. And it can fill our confidence. But also, I find it reinforces our path. And I don't think we have to, you know, make that mean any less than that. That is what it was. So I actually really appreciate you sharing it because I bet you there's a lot of people listening that might have had this experience that might be timid about saying, you know, actually was somebody else who said, you're really good at this. I'm really resonating with that.
Becca Post:So thank you. I think that's huge, you know, yeah, and I think it's like the part of right, like being an entrepreneur specifically I've found it's like balancing those line of like, your own passion and your own value and your own vision and then like not getting derailed by what everybody else believes you should do. But then also being vulnerable enough to be like this is this is mine and this is what it is and this is what I want it to be.
Theresa Lambert:Oh my goodness. Absolutely. You know, I feel like staying in our own lane. is so important and I mean I talk about that a lot because I think we get lost in other lanes and I also feel like it's a path to being really anxiety riddled when we can't stay in our own lane because we're constantly in this comparison trap and and this constant like oh my god, she's further ahead or she's doing this and it's working for her but not mele. It's working for him for him but not me and and I find specifically as entrepreneurs that are present online that show a message that holds quite a lot of like we hold quite a lot of responsibility whether we're aware of it or not because we're shaping public opinion. Right like we are out there shaping public opinion. We are standing up and we're sharing what we believe in what's important when you're saying to you know around like walking this line off like where how Can I speak to coming up with his more modern model of approaching mental health while also being in congruence and you know, alignment with what my medical licensing requires me to do. So, it's fucking scary sometimes. And that puts so much on our nervous system. And I think most people just see that oh my god, I'm going to be a cool entrepreneur and I'm going to do all this awesome things. And I'm going to have this great fan club on my industry. That's all there. But I mean, personally, honestly, I did not realize how much stress was going to be put on and how much I was going to have to navigate internally and with my and how many, you know, boundaries or have just sat and strict to have to be moved myself and, and focus that has to be on me and my journey in order to be able to go down this path and build what I'm building and scale my business without honestly being anxiety riddled and exhausted and terrified, and, and in a constant like state of like panic and like, listen, like I've scaled a business to eight figures, like I've built a company do 180 employees, I've held a lot of responsibility. This feels very different.
Becca Post:Because you're doing someone else's vision, right. Like, I think one of the things that's been the hardest for me is that like, I'm good at the other person's vision, like my I'm an I'm a generator, like I'm a worker be like, that is what I do, give me the thing, and I'm gonna get it done because of all the other areas of my life that I've learned to cope that way. But like, building my own business and having to articulate the why and the vision and the mission and feeling like it's honestly one of the most vulnerable pieces of me, like people who know me who then like, see my business or like this is, this is Becca, like, this is everything she's ever shared, everything she's ever been through everything she's ever done, is in this. And so showing up on social media, or being joining a podcast or doing these things have been like, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I'm stepping into this place of like being even more vulnerable now. Because I'm sharing with more people than the people who just find our website, or the people who just want to work with me as a therapist, like even stepping into the role of coach for me, was such a challenge. Because owning that title, or owning the title of healer or owning the title, there was something comforting in therapists, I think, because it's safe, I think there's like a lot of black and white to it, it seems like I mean, when you're in it is not that way, but it seems that way to the public. But when you step into the role of like coaching and healing and moving in that direction, there's so many ways it can be misconstrued. And specifically in the US, like it's therapy and coaching are pitted against each other. So then going forward with this idea, because at our practice, we combine both of them. It's like, it's terrifying, because you know that in some way it's going to be rejected, because the way that we view it here is you are either a coach, or you are either a therapist, and you can't be both.
Theresa Lambert:Yeah this is so interesting, because as someone who's a coach, and is also experienced therapy and knows the difference between the two, they actually are so essential and working together. Yeah. Like, for me, it's like, okay, like, I've had a lot of trauma. And I needed to talk about the trauma and create the awareness around what's happening for me. And then I also needed to find a way to actually move forward from here and change it. So it's great, like, I dug into healing. Yeah, like it needs to happen, but then I need to like, what the fuck am I gonna do with it that like, and I feel like this is why therapy and coaching is is goes so well together because coaching isn't meant to be going and digging in the past and, you know, it can be a little bit dangerous. Sometimes people you could do digging around, like in people's past lives and traumas a bit. Like, you know, I have like that and like the coatings made not being you know, um, it's not regulated and there is, you know, I think we have to hold a sense of responsibility, but the impact you can have on somebody's life as a coach is traumatic, huge. So I would love for you to share like, what is your vision with bringing this together? Because you've touched on it, set it and you know, now you've brought up this and I I see the challenge that you've faced in the US. And it's the same in other countries that therapy is understood and accepted coaching, while have become more and more accepted, still is questioned. And oftentimes it's us against them in the therapy coaching world when it should be, in my humble opinion. That gumbo, but what is your vision with that? Like, why are you so passionate about bringing these two modalities
Becca Post:together? Because it works for me, right? Like, I've I tested it first with myself, right? Like, the whole way that my business is built, like I try everything first, which is like a great model and ultimately an exhausting model. But like, I, yeah, I think I think as an author, once you step in entrepreneurship, you're like, Well, I guess I should try this thing and then see how it goes. And then somehow you end up teaching it to other people. But I, for me, it became super passionate, because like, I felt so broken, always needing to go back to therapy over and over and over again. And like I've been in therapy on and off since I was 10 years old, like, almost two decades, I do like I will be very transparent still. Therapist, my husband and I see a couple of servers like there'll be still an active part of like me unpacking and navigating who I am. But I needed a place to land once I like, I did a lot of deep trauma work when I first moved to Utah, from the East Coast. And like, had I unpacked so much. And what I really needed was someone to be like, This is how you live with this, like, these things don't necessarily go away. But this is how you build a life knowing this information. Now, it's not like we're not going to go back and unpack it and process your trauma. What we're going to say is like, how do we figure out like, what you want your purpose to be, what your values are, now that you understand this information, what your career is going to look like, what you want your relationships to be like, and really having someone hold your ability to vision, which before in therapy, there wasn't space for that, because it was so focused on figuring out how to put all the puzzle pieces together and like that detective kind of way of like, how you got here and what you needed. And as I came closer and closer to like, realizing like it wasn't ever really going to I mean, it goes away in the sense that my symptoms aren't really big, but like, the beliefs are still there. I still navigate the challenges, right? Like I still occasionally have night terrors are I experienced, like flashbacks or memories, but like, I've built a life now because I worked with a coach, right, like life coaching, where I know how to make space for those things to happen. And I don't feel like for me personally therapy cultivated that in the way that I needed it to because of the restrictions inwhich you have to function.
Theresa Lambert:I love that. So really, the combination of both is like what unlocks the path.
Becca Post:And I think helps people feel like they're actually on a path instead of just like in this endless cycle of stuff coming up and coming up and coming up. And, and like, I can't tell you how many times I've ended up therapists office like and how many clients I've had be like, Well, I'm here again. Like, why am I hear what is it now? Like, what are we going to unpack? Oh, I've done this before. And I really needed someone to just be like, okay, you've done it before. Now what? Like, what do you actually want to do with it? Okay, we've been here, what do you want to do? And so part of how I started integrating that when I wasn't doing coaching originally was like I started integrating more holistic and spiritual tools such as like oracle cards and astrology and human design and tarot and crystals and oils and Reiki and massage like all the things right? Like go buy a massage their physical button acupuncture is because I don't call them all. But I started incorporating it because I was like, what happens when you get a different perspective? What happens when someone like another person validates that like, what you've been through sucks, and it's awful, and you should have never happened but like, what do you want now? What do you want for yourself like, now you know all these things and now you're can be empowered to figure out where you want to go from here.
Theresa Lambert:What do you want for yourself writing them down? I think that that is so essential. You know, it's like, and that's the beauty of this combination. I think it's one recognizing that We've all been through a lot, you know. So no matter what you've been through in your life, if you're listening, you know, doesn't matter if you've had a traumatic childhood, or you had a very normal childhood growing up, like, we all have our stuff, you know, like, we all have our stuff, we all have our baggage, we all have things, we all have drama. And the reality of it is it can come at any time and a lot of it is so subconsciously wired in that we don't even know. Right? So understanding what it is, it's one thing I like I talk a lot about in business that like, if you don't have awareness and clarity around what's working, what isn't, you can't actually do anything, like, you're just gonna keep guessing what to do in your business, and it might never work. And it's kind of keeps you stuck in the same place just like therapy, in some ways can feel like you're always talking about something else what's coming up, and you know, and then, right, like, yeah,
Becca Post:therapy and like, be okay, I can't, I've had so many conversations over the years where I've been like, my clients, I'll be like, everything's gonna, like, good. And I'm like, okay, cool. Let's like talk about what's actually good, right? Like, let's dive into like, what's good? What's working, right? Because if I can't see what's working, and I can't see the same thing, you're saying, right for business, I can't see what's working, and I can't see what's not working, then I don't actually know where we're going.
Theresa Lambert:And that's the whole point, right? So you need the awareness, you need the clarity, you need the understanding of what's happening right now, for me, in all the ways, you know, like it, like in all the ways, like, I'll tell you, you know, from there, you can make a different choice, or change your perspective, or find acceptance or find healing or like, make a game plan to move forward. You know, one thing that happened to me like, this is like, super personal. I don't think I've ever like shared this publicly, actually. But, um, so I used to get near panic attacks when I would ring a doorbell. And people wouldn't open right away. Like, and I remember one time, like, I went to my ex boyfriends house, my God, this is like, years ago, okay. It was a long time ago, and I rang the doorbell. And nobody opened and I rang the doorbell again. And I could just feel myself getting really like agitated. And I was like, okay, like, obviously, like, this store is gonna fuckin open somewhere. I'm gonna go. And I made my way back home. And I was besides myself, and I was like, I don't understand why I'm feeling like this, because it's just a door. Like, obviously, we miscommunicated like I did, like, it wasn't like, you know, that I was feeling abandoned or anything like that. But I was just so stressed. And in this, like, full on, like, floundering like, holy shit, like, what? And I just was like, not functioning, you know? And I remember getting home and, and my mom said to me, Oh, you're back already. I'm gonna go yeah, this happened. And like, and I was like, you know, it's so weird. Like, every time I'm at somebody's door, and I ring, and it doesn't open, I get so stressed out, I get like, it's like, feels like a panic attack. I can't breathe like, and now this happened. And like, I'm besides myself, and there's like, whatever. Like, way, like, this isn't even important. But I don't understand why I feel that way. And then she says, Oh, that's interesting. And I was like, Why is that interesting? You know, like, now I'm like, What the fuck? Do you know that I don't like. And she's like, oh, you know, I like and she's literally says to me, she's like, I don't know, maybe it's got nothing to do with this. But when you were little, like you were like, not even like three years old yet, your shifter and you went over to your grandparents house. And you rang the bell and let your sister and we're not you. And I don't know how long you sat on the steps crying, trying to get in the door. But I found you completely distressed and I let you in and you know. And I was like, I can't remember. I can't remember that experience. And since I've gone, you know, I've gone back and I've read through it and and, you know, I've had a lot of forgiveness and I ended up having a very beautiful relationship with my grandparents who both have since passed away. But there was a part of me that relive that experience as an adult and getting panicked. And so knowing that I was able to say to myself, Okay, well if I ring the doorbell, like I'm an adult, people are gonna let me end like this was like, I'm fine and I'm okay. And so just knowing that changed it and I could change my perspective and it was It's almost I needed to know what had happened for me to to know that it's okay, I'm not, I'm not going to be left outside the door, you know, like, I'm an adult now. Like, I'm not four years old not knowing what to do anymore. And so anyways, I just like this came up for me because it was such a huge thing. And it made such a big difference for me having the knowledge and ever since then, I really got fascinated by yeah, having clarity and awareness. And it's continued to be integral to everything that I've done and everything I do in my work and how I express myself and how I live my life and all the things because that was so monumental for me, and the impact was huge.
Becca Post:Yeah, and I think you're like really honing in, at least from the way that like, I practice in the way that my business model of, like, healing is built is on this idea that, like, therapy is focused on that developing awareness and then creating and understanding the patterns, right, like, that's what therapy is for therapy, the whole piece of therapy is to be able to go into that space of saying, like, Oh, I just found out this like, really traumatic thing happened to me at three years old. And now I want to like piece together what I build as coping skills around that anxiety, depression, traumatic responses, right, like having panic attacks. And then the once you're like, Okay, I get it, it makes sense to me, we need that place to like, to have a place to really like, integrate and process and like build change around it. Because knowing that thing about yourself, like, and obviously, maybe this isn't the belief, but we'll just go with it because it gets really general. Like, I'm not like, I'm gonna be abandoned, or I'm gonna be left or people don't love me, right? Like, those are such common beliefs we all have. Okay, no that believe. But now, like, how does it show up in my relationships? Oh, I built these relationships where I'm like, the primary person, or everybody, I don't want that role anymore. I need someone to help me figure out how to change that. And like, yes, that can be done in therapy, but there can be aspects of it that feel really stick, you keep coming back to that past piece. when really you're like, okay, yeah, I get it. It's over here. I want to figure out how to integrate it, like how do I build what I need? Like, I can't tell you how many of my own limiting beliefs show up. Like, every day in my business, I want to say like, two weeks ago, I had a fear of being fired. I own the business, I can't be fired, like, I'm gonna fire myself. Right? Like can I can be I'm really having a conversation with my husband. And I'm like, what if someone fires me and he literally looks at me, and he's like, that is a little kid belief. Like, that is a belief that can't like that could literally cannot happen now. Becca, what? Where's that coming from? Right? And I'm like, Oh, yeah. Okay, so what do I need to change in my like, present environment and not have me feel that way? What am I doing in my business right now that feels like it's all gonna like, combust. And I'm afraid, right? Like, these pieces that we understand that are become part of us then like, they just show up, and all these other areas of our life. And we tend to, like, make ourselves small or not do the things we want to do or not build the things we want to build because we're afraid of ever feeling like that again. Yeah, and
Theresa Lambert:Yeah and entrepreneurship has a way of bringing a lot of that out.
Becca Post:Yeah, there's like a joke in the therapy world where it's like, I don't know how you could be a therapist, not a therapist. And sometimes I'm like, I don't know, you could be like, an entrepreneur and not have like, a therapist and a business coach, and like a personal coach. And like, your friends who are also entrepreneurs, but then also your friends who have no idea what your business is, or how to run a business. Like, you need so much support, because not only like, now your business is the mirror like before, for me, it was just clients, right? It was just, like, every time a client walked in my office and be like, oh, yeah, I understand how that feels. Now, it's like, anytime something happens in my business, I'm like, Oh my God, how do I not revert to being like five years old?
Theresa Lambert:Yeah, and entrepreneurship has a way of like having you deal with the fact that like, you can't let your five year old keep driving this bus because it's not gonna work. And, you know, to your point, so sure, like rejection was like, showed up everywhere, like over functioning over achieving constantly proving my wife like, you know, like, I mean, I've excelled in my life and my career in so many ways. Because off me guess I was like, shutting that on me ever again, like I will make sure of it, you know? And then I was like, an exhausting way of being and it really like, I mean, you know, there continues to be that but for me, it was like, the willingness to be rejected, you know, I'm willing to be rejected, I'm willing to misunderstood I'm willing to be, you know, not asked to come to Potty, like, I'm willing to be the person that you don't want to open the door for, it's okay, you know, we can have a conversation because I actually don't want to come into everybody's house too. So like, back into it, like, a two way road, you know. But like, you, you really, again, like, if we don't understand that if we don't have the knowledge, we can't do anything. And if we just have the knowledge, and then we choose not to do something with it, we create so much resistance. So it's like, we choose to be living in our own struggle reality that we're creating for ourselves by saying, This isn't working for me, but I'm not going to do something about it. But I know it's dead, but I'm not going to do something about it. And that also isn't the healthy pattern. So I love that you're combining that and seeing that. And, in our review, like, I know, this is gonna resonate with a lot of people, both from the point of hey, you know, how is that showing up in our business journeys, but also possibly, because reality is, you know, if you're an entrepreneur, if you're serving people, if you're service based specifically, but if you're doing anything really is like, if bottom line is in order to show up and do what we do as entrepreneurs and run a business and deliver service and shell message and do all that, like, you really have got to be in a good place.
Becca Post:To hold on, you have to do that work, I think like you highlighted on this, like, really important part where you were like, Oh, I realized that like, I mean, you didn't say in those ways, I'm definitely paraphrasing, but like you said, like, I chose that I know that I reacted out of that, being closed out of that door as like, no one is ever going to close the door on me again. So I'm going to like strive, and I'm going to do and I'm going to prove my worth, and I'm going to show you that I can account right like you didn't, that's like you just labeling all the coping skills and understanding exactly how you got to where you got, and you got there because there's one thing impacted you and you were like, never again, right? And now I need to survive. That's like such a survival based skill. But also what what your story really highlighted as the idea that like, I can't keep doing that either. And I need to learn to separate what is what, when should I use that like striving proving my worth par? And when do I need to put that aside and say like, it's okay to offload this, it's okay to like step away from this because I have a very similar part where I'm like, I can just do everything, and I can't rely on anybody, like I can do it. And bringing on a VA bringing on a team opening the doors to other people being part of the vision asking for help, has been the hardest part of expanding. Like, I thought showing up on social media and having to occasionally do like a live video would be stressful, but honestly, like, asking someone else to do something with your vision is so hard.
Theresa Lambert:I agree, I agree Like, it's that asking for help. Letting go of the control, and also bringing people in to be a part of it. And you're right, like, you're gonna get to the point in entrepreneurship, where you can't scale on your own, you're not going to be able to do it. So you have to leverage the expertise of other people the time of other people the like, you got you need leverage like that. That is ultimately it. And that is hard. Yeah. But I'm like, That's really hard. What if they don't like me, and they're gonna quit? You know, again, you know, me, you know, I might not be able to view firing me but they can tell me say I don't want to work for you which you know, anyway,
Becca Post:that's for like being able to like understand right like to be able to know all the things where it came from, understand the belief system, understand the patterns, understand the name, label, experience the emotions at but then you you need that new level of support, where that person is being like, okay, you know this about yourself, what are you going to delegate? What are you going to give away? Like, what can you safely give away that you don't feel you need to control if somebody is going to take this over for you and your business? Are you like, that was the biggest thing for me. When I hired my first employee was the realization I was so burned out on doing trauma work, like I was, it was like, the middle of the pandemic, right? Like, everybody was like, Oh, my gosh, I have trauma and then more trauma was happening. And I was like, I need to bring someone on whose passion right now is doing this part of the work because I can't do it anymore. And like, having to get really real about the idea that like, I can't, like I want to I feel like that's what I should be doing. because my heart is telling me I can prove my worth by continuing to do it. But if I get radically honest, I'm not going to be able to do any of this if I keep doing it. And I needed someone to hold up that mirror in a different way. And that was what the coach did, which was like, why are you still doing this? Like, not? Not all the stories from your childhood? Not all the beliefs you have, but like, the practical present pieces, why are you doing this if you don't want to be doing it? And I was like, I don't? I don't know. And she's like, that's not like good answer. I was like, Oh, this is the difference. You literally holding me, right, like coach's job is to hold you accountable for what is present in this moment, and in this time, to get you to where you want to
Theresa Lambert:go. Yeah, and it forces you to make new choices, and move you towards that. And basically, get out of your own way. And then you get progress. It's actually so simple.
Becca Post:I know, it sounds really simple as we're blogging about it. And then I'm like, Yeah, this three years later. Yeah,
Theresa Lambert:but I mean, that's that. And I think that's the journey too, right? I think oftentimes, we're so focused on that timeline. And, and the reality is, the timeline is gonna be what it is, you know, the longer it takes you to get out of your own way, the longer it's gonna take you and I feel like you know, not having to support from team members, coaches, therapists, all like natural Bob's nutritionists, fitness, coaches yoga, like, it doesn't matter. You know, it doesn't matter what you go down, but like, if you choose to VD V lift us, like I'm on in this on my own story, you know, like the reality of it, it actually can cost you so much more than what it would be to pay for the therapist, or to pay for the coaching or the pay for the, you know, like, whatever it is that you really need to be supported. And I think this is where we feel so scattered about spending our hard earned money, and we're so scared to lose it. But really, we're not, we're not considering the cost of staying the same, we're not considering the cost of key being in it on our own. And so a lot of the times what I found is like we, we spend a lot of time and energy and money, not taking an action and doing the thing we need to do or hiring, the support we need to hire. Because we're so stuck in our stories, which brings us back to the importance of being clear on what the story is in the first place. And figuring out a way to move forward and to do something with it. If we don't like this story, it's like, but like you say, like, it's so simple. It's actually quite difficult to do, because we spend our lifetime coping a certain way and making certain choices, right. And like, again, like that brings me back to why it's so cool, that you do what you do. And I you know, I love your vision, and I love your story of also, you know, through your own entrepreneurship, realizing, Hey, I can't do this alone. And hey, you know, that's the other thing I like, I've done this as part of my business. And this is part of a service and I have all these people who want it. So it's like dangling, you know, but it's like, there was demand and the realization off, but it's no longer serving me. So let's bring somebody in.
Theresa Lambert:Which also means let's give up that revenue, let's give a give up, you know, sacrifice, like we get into that, that money. So, you know, I just want to commend you for both creating the awareness, realizing it, and then choosing to go down that road and pivot and change your business model and bring in a team and do all these things. Because it comes with new challenges, new responsibilities, new ways of doing things. And, and it's scary because you're, you're doing things in a way you've not done them before. And you you kind of constantly readjust, you know,
Becca Post:and finding the people who who can tolerate that. I think, like that was the biggest thing for me when I was building my team was being really honest in the interview process of like, I have never done this. And so like I am like, this is my vision and I don't totally know how we're gonna get there. Is that something you can tolerate? And so, holding the space for me as the person like, who's whose vision we're building, can you tolerate that it's going to change and can we be okay with that? And I think I I've like had to learn how to like make a process for them and like, achieve hiring in a way that draws them the right people. We'll and figuring out like, who would be a good fit and like taking different practices that aren't common in the mental health field, like, there's just been so many nuanced things that I've chosen to put into place in order to grow the business. Because one, I part of me wants that control, right, there's always going to be that part. But then to like, I don't, I don't want to be trapped, or I left, I left what I was doing working for other people, because they felt trapped all the time in making someone else's vision happen. And so I always want my team to feel like they have a say, or collaboration in how the vision is occurring, but also have the option to if it's not what's working for them, then that's okay, too. And like, my work has to be tolerating that piece, right of like, it's okay, that they leave.
Theresa Lambert:I love that. I love that. I know that that is not easy to do. And I feel like that's also though, you know, leading in a way that is inclusive, and that makes it okay to be that and okay to move on. You know, that was actually one of the things I used to say to new senior managers that I hired when I was a hotel GM. And I would say, Look, this is a two way road, it has to work for you, and it has to work for us. And if we get to a point where it doesn't work, then I want us to have a conversation and we can move on amicably. And I've had a lot of conversations with people. Over the years, though, that work, you know, coming and going and it wasn't working. And, and it's hard, you know, you want to include them, but you you need them to be in the vision and contributing to create a culture that, that has that environment. But I think that's also part of, you know, being able to have a vision and be open to have people still bring in their perspective, and to still listen to it and to not, you know, just bypass it, you know, to acknowledge it and to talk about it and to consider it because maybe it can make the vision mental, you know, so I love that for you so much. Okay, like we could call on for hours like I like
Becca Post:talking on Instagram. And now we're like, oh, how do I have this three hour podcast?
Theresa Lambert:Not free hours, but like we went way longer than I usually go. But this was just too juicy to stop. Let's just face it. But like, I'm sure people will want to know, how can they find out more how they can help? How can they follow you? So where can we send people?
Becca Post:Yeah, so sending people to our Instagram right now is kind of the best option. It's at forward healing.co. And that will link you to our website, which is also forward healing.co. We did keep things consistent. But it'll give you information on their therapy and therapy right now is only offered in the state of Utah. So just keep that in mind if you live anywhere in the world. And then if you go to our website, what you'll see is we've called coaching after therapy. And after therapy is where we dive more into those holistic tools. I can work with anybody across the globe. I am able to like support you we do one on one coaching. We're doing a workshop series as well as I do therapeutic Human Design readings as well. Oh,
Theresa Lambert:therapeutic Human Design readings. Oh my goodness. Okay. Well, I have some research to do on you. stuff. I'm freaking love that. I love that. Um, Becca, thank you so much for being on the podcast. This was such a joy. I really love this conversation. And like, you're like the second person that I'm interviewing with this new theme of conversation for the season two, and I really, I'm so lit up by this conversation and so inspired by it. That was so good. And I now I want to know what therapeutic human design is. I don't know, I'll go follow back on Add forward healing on her Instagram. There's also a little discount code that we've put in here for that workshop series that she mentioned. So check it out in the show notes. Becca before we wrap this up. Is there anything else that you'd want to share or words of wisdom that you want to leave for
Becca Post:my listeners? Yeah, I think the biggest thing that I keep sharing me on podcasts or videos or anything that I'm doing right now is that like what our core belief is that like when and it's my core belief as a person, but when you choose to heal in any capacity, emotionally, mentally, physically, you're changing your path and the world that we live in and so like really keep that in mind that the investments that you make feel expensive. I'm hard in the beginning, but the long term benefit isn't just about
Theresa Lambert:you. I love that. I love that leave the ripples leave revolts Yeah. Oh my god so good Becca, you're such a joy to talk to. I absolutely love it. I love that we connected on the internet I know. This is such a valuable episode. Thank you everyone for being here every week. I really appreciate it. If you are entrepreneur five figure or six figure on for scaling and you want to be on a podcast and talk about your story. Send me a DM at Teresa Lambert coaching. Don't forget to subscribe to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast on your favorite podcast channel or YouTube. And make sure you follow back and forward healing. This was such an epic episode. I can't wait to be back and I'll chat with y'all soon.