March 17, 2025

The Vehicle That Drives You to the Best Version of Yourself | DFS 338

The Vehicle That Drives You to the Best Version of Yourself | DFS 338

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your

intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of

success with ease. Chad shares his method for getting off the

inconsistency rollercoaster!

In this episode you will learn:

● Perfection - it doesn’t have to be perfect!

● Focus - on what we’ve done well!

● Stack the Wins!

Who is Chad Austin?

In a world that is flooded with promises of instant gratification, short cuts,

quick fixes, and easy buttons, Chad helps his clients get off the

inconsistency rollercoaster so they can improve their quality of life with

long term fitness success.

Chad Austin is the owner of Priority Fitness in Overland Park, KS, and is

also the best selling and award winning author of the book series, “Make

Fitness A Priority.” Chad is the former host of the talk radio show, “Be

Fit...For Life”, and has been a featured guest on over 50 podcasts.



If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming

about it, start today with!

Buy your copy of the the Best Selling Book, 12 Minutes to Success on


Grab your FREE meditation: Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION

Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message?

Let’s talk

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, International

Inspirational Speaker, and 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author,

shares the invaluable lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is

crafted to provide tools, insights, and inspiration to lead with integrity.

As a masterful energy healer, Jennifer combines an extraordinary range of

transformative certifications and modalities, including Emotion Code, Body

Code, Belief Code, Energetic Magic, DISC Behavioral Analysis, Change Style

Facilitation, Law of Attraction, and advanced coaching techniques. Her

unique expertise enables her to guide clients through profound shifts,

unlocking energy, mindset, and belief patterns to achieve deep alignment

and lasting success. Known for her humor, Jennifer brings a dose of fun to

each session, so expect some puns and perhaps a bit of sarcasm!

Tune in for motivational guests, impactful stories, and actionable tips that

bring you closer to the success you’ve been striving coveting.

Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a


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I look forward to connecting with you soon, Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book

interviews, please email my team at

Jennifer Takagi:

Music, welcome to Destin for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I'm excited to have a new guest

Jennifer Takagi:

with me, Chad Austin, and his top title for his podcast

Jennifer Takagi:

interview is the vehicle that drives you to the best version

Jennifer Takagi:

of yourself. This is so in line with all the success, things

Jennifer Takagi:

that I talk about, share about and other gurus have shared with

Jennifer Takagi:

us, Chad, let's just get right to it. Where are you from? What

Jennifer Takagi:

are you doing, and how did you end up on this path?

Chad Austin:

Yeah, absolutely. I'm honored to be here. Thanks

Chad Austin:

for having me on the show. I'm so I'm a personal trainer and a

Chad Austin:

fitness author. I live in Shawnee, Kansas as just outside

Chad Austin:

of Kansas City, been here doing this for about 20 years now, it

Chad Austin:

was actually a career change for me. I was a PE teacher and high

Chad Austin:

school wrestling coach for three years before I started doing

Chad Austin:

this, and I honestly thought that personal training was just

Chad Austin:

going to be a temporary stop for me until I found my next

Chad Austin:

teaching job, but it just ended up being an even better fit for

Chad Austin:

me. And I bet I've loved it. I've been doing it ever since.

Chad Austin:

But yeah, I think just my my own attraction to exercise, I think

Chad Austin:

I didn't even realize so I was a trainer for several years, but

Chad Austin:

clearly I was attracted to exercise because it has been my

Chad Austin:

best medicine just to be the best version of myself. And I

Chad Austin:

think once you really find something like that out, it

Chad Austin:

really just feeds the passion you have to kind of share that

Chad Austin:

with everybody else.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love that. I was just, I'm here

Jennifer Takagi:

in Spain right now, and I was talking with my girlfriend that

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm here with, and we were talking about getting into

Jennifer Takagi:

exercise and like, all or nothing, and I've seen a lot of

Jennifer Takagi:

my friends and relatives get all hardcore into an exercise

Jennifer Takagi:

routine, and then, like, they miss one session, and somehow it

Jennifer Takagi:

just goes away. It's like in podcasting, they call it pod

Jennifer Takagi:

fade, where you do several episodes and it just kind of

Jennifer Takagi:

fades away. It's almost like exercise fade. Have you

Jennifer Takagi:

experienced that with your clients? And how do you overcome

Jennifer Takagi:

that? It

Chad Austin:

happens a lot. I feel like we're that is, like

Chad Austin:

one of the biggest misconceptions in fitness is

Chad Austin:

that it's gotta be perfect. Everything's gotta be perfect.

Chad Austin:

We are taught that with new year's resolutions. We're taught

Chad Austin:

because we all we know stats about New Year's resolutions,

Chad Austin:

but I bet you can't say any positive stats about New Year's

Chad Austin:

resolutions. We always know. We always know how people are going

Chad Austin:

to fail by six weeks into the year, right? 90% of people, or

Chad Austin:

something like that. But who determines my failure? If I if I

Chad Austin:

miss one workout, or if I mess up and have to go to the drive

Chad Austin:

through one time? So I didn't plan ahead. And does that mean

Chad Austin:

I've done I might as well just wait till and start till over

Chad Austin:

next year. I mean, that is how we think in fitness, is what you

Chad Austin:

make a mistake. It's over and and it also the other way we

Chad Austin:

hear that is with phrases like, it takes 21 days to build a

Chad Austin:

habit. I'm sorry, but that is a myth. It takes way longer than

Chad Austin:

21 days to get something to stick in your life. If you think

Chad Austin:

you're going to do it for 21 days and then go on autopilot.

Chad Austin:

You're going to fail by day 25 for certain, there's there's no

Chad Austin:

clear path from your goal to from where you start to your

Chad Austin:

goal, or to from where you start to the finish line. There's

Chad Austin:

going to be two steps forward, one step back, all the way

Chad Austin:

there. There's going to be ups and downs along the road. And so

Chad Austin:

what I have to help. I help help my clients realize that that

Chad Austin:

nobody is perfect when it comes to making fitness a part of your

Chad Austin:

life. No fitness professional or no matter, I don't care what

Chad Austin:

highlight reel trailer they're sharing on their social media,

Chad Austin:

they fail from time to time. Everyone does in fitness, just

Chad Austin:

like anything else. We're all human, and so I mean being

Chad Austin:

perfect, that's an impossible bar to set for yourself, and so

Chad Austin:

you have to expect failure. But the good part of that is you

Chad Austin:

don't have to be perfect, and it's actually the failures, the

Chad Austin:

days that you mess up, those are the days that set you up for the

Chad Austin:

most success, because you get to learn from those, and you get to

Chad Austin:

get back on track. I always feel like those days. I remember what

Chad Austin:

my dad told me growing up, but is this the best advice? I think

Chad Austin:

I think I use every day still in fitness, because it fits so

Chad Austin:

well, but it's like, it's what you do next that counts. It's

Chad Austin:

like we're we're supposed to make mistakes as part of the

Chad Austin:

journey. But the stronger, the strongest days are those days

Chad Austin:

that you've gotten right back on track after you've messed up.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh. I i love that so much. And I did a

Jennifer Takagi:

talk in January of 2024 and it was probably I was putting the

Jennifer Takagi:

information together around the 10th or something. And there was

Jennifer Takagi:

a New York Times study that early in the calendar year that

Jennifer Takagi:

something like 70 or 80% of people had already given up on

Jennifer Takagi:

their New Year's resolutions, and it hadn't even been a full

Jennifer Takagi:

week yet, like, just like, ah, yeah, I'm not going to do that.

Jennifer Takagi:

So I have a lot of thoughts and feelings around this subject,

Jennifer Takagi:

just from personal experience, because obviously I'm not a

Jennifer Takagi:

professional like you, but it seems to me that one of. The

Jennifer Takagi:

ideas that can create that first obstacle of failure. I'm doing

Jennifer Takagi:

air quotes for those of you who are listening to the audio, the

Jennifer Takagi:

failure piece of that is they set two grandiose a goal without

Jennifer Takagi:

enough incremental wins to keep them motivated. Do you

Jennifer Takagi:

experience that? Or have you seen that with your clients? I

Chad Austin:

think there's a lot to that. A lot of times, if you

Chad Austin:

if you have a big goal and it's a long way to the finish line,

Chad Austin:

you know we have to have patience as the biggest

Chad Austin:

challenge when it comes to fitness, especially if we have a

Chad Austin:

really big goal, and if we just focus on what we haven't done

Chad Austin:

yet. It can seem like we're never going to get there, and

Chad Austin:

it's so hard to keep going. And instead, it's so important to

Chad Austin:

celebrate every win, every win along the way, no matter how

Chad Austin:

there is no such thing as a small victory, every win,

Chad Austin:

everything every day. You have to celebrate wins every week.

Chad Austin:

And so I make sure I do that regularly with my clients. I

Chad Austin:

think it's, it's very important if you focus on everything that

Chad Austin:

went well, and don't focus on what you haven't done yet, but

Chad Austin:

you keep focused on what you did well every win, even if it's,

Chad Austin:

you know, I messed up yesterday, but I got right back on track

Chad Austin:

today. That's a win. But you keep stacking all those wins and

Chad Austin:

celebrating those, you know, eventually it's going to be so

Chad Austin:

hard to see that the finish line's so far away, because

Chad Austin:

you're going to be focused on all the things that you've

Chad Austin:

improved and that you're going to start to love the process of

Chad Austin:

it more, and that is how you cross the finish line as a whole

Chad Austin:

different person. Because it really should be when you're it

Chad Austin:

should be an identity change. It should be you're becoming that

Chad Austin:

person who has fitness is a priority in their life. You're

Chad Austin:

becoming that person that works out regularly and improves their

Chad Austin:

quality of life through fitness. And you do that by kind of

Chad Austin:

falling in love with the process.

Jennifer Takagi:

I love that. Years ago, I went to water

Jennifer Takagi:

aerobics every Tuesday and Thursday night from 615 to

Jennifer Takagi:

seven, and my father one time said, Well, if we're going to do

Jennifer Takagi:

that on a Tuesday or Thursday? It has to be at 730 because

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer won't come if it fits before that, because I was so

Jennifer Takagi:

committed to it, like those are my two days I went, and I was,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, hardcore into it. Nothing was going to shift that

Jennifer Takagi:

commitment that I had made to going. But it took a while,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? Like you, you don't necessarily get in that right

Jennifer Takagi:

off the bat. So what are some other strategies that you

Jennifer Takagi:

recommend? And I'm all about celebrating the win. I was on a

Jennifer Takagi:

special project years ago, and like, I swear, I ran down the

Jennifer Takagi:

hall every couple days when something went right and was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Victory, victory. I declare victory because I had so

Jennifer Takagi:

few wins. If I didn't celebrate the wins I had, I was not going

Jennifer Takagi:

to was not going to last emotionally in that setting, one

Jennifer Takagi:

so important

Chad Austin:

thing, it's not only important just to celebrate

Chad Austin:

your wins, but celebrate with people that are going to

Chad Austin:

celebrate with you. And that's so important. It's especially on

Chad Austin:

the fitness journey. It's so easy to surround yourself with

Chad Austin:

the wrong or not so much. Surround yourself with the wrong

Chad Austin:

people so you don't have to get rid of those people, but make

Chad Austin:

sure you surround yourself with the people, enough people that

Chad Austin:

are supportive of what you're doing and on the journey with

Chad Austin:

you, because you're if you're telling your wins the people who

Chad Austin:

are just going to dismiss them and pop your balloons all the

Chad Austin:

time. That's not the same as celebrating your wins. That's

Chad Austin:

not That's not what celebrating your wins is. So you got to make

Chad Austin:

sure you are celebrating with the right people who are going

Chad Austin:

to help build you up and and see the victory for what it is. But

Chad Austin:

that is, that is, that is an important strategy all by

Chad Austin:

itself. But I think other ones just so how we get stuck on that

Chad Austin:

inconsistency roller coaster that we're kind of starting to

Chad Austin:

talk about, where we kind of fall off track with fitness for

Chad Austin:

a while is because we're doing something that no longer fits in

Chad Austin:

our life. And so I think the biggest strategy every new

Chad Austin:

client that they come to me, the first thing we do is we define

Chad Austin:

what fitness means to them right now. So I was on a podcast. It

Chad Austin:

was probably two years ago now, but where I was, I was asked the

Chad Austin:

question that seems so simple, but it just really stumped me.

Chad Austin:

And the question was, just, what's your definition? What's

Chad Austin:

your definition? What's the definition of fitness and and

Chad Austin:

when I got off the podcast, I asked my wife, what's the

Chad Austin:

definition of fitness? And she pulled out her phone and said,

Chad Austin:

Hey, Google, what's the definition of fitness? That

Chad Austin:

seemed like one of those questions, right? But to me, I

Chad Austin:

had kind of a different approach, and I actually refused

Chad Austin:

to answer. I told the the host, I'm like, this is a question I

Chad Austin:

can only answer for myself, because everyone has their own

Chad Austin:

answer to this, and I think everyone's answer changes over

Chad Austin:

time. So like, what is, what is your definition of fitness?

Chad Austin:

Another way to say it is, what does fitness mean to you right

Chad Austin:

now? And that as our life change and as fitness fits differently

Chad Austin:

in our life, our definition of fitness changes too. So I think

Chad Austin:

it all starts by by saying, What is my current definition of

Chad Austin:

fitness? How? What do I want to get out of this? Why am I doing

Chad Austin:

this? What and so that those are important places to start.

Jennifer Takagi:

I think I hired a personal trainer. We were

Jennifer Takagi:

together almost two years, and she had a baby. And. And took

Jennifer Takagi:

off a while, and we never reconnected, not that we're not

Jennifer Takagi:

gonna, but we haven't yet. But I had gone to an all inclusive

Jennifer Takagi:

resort, and it was fairly flat. It wasn't like I was walking up

Jennifer Takagi:

and down hills, and I've had some knee issues, and I've since

Jennifer Takagi:

had my knee replaced, which was like a perfect game changer.

Jennifer Takagi:

That was really good solution at that point, finally, but I told

Jennifer Takagi:

her when we started in January, the next December, 11 months

Jennifer Takagi:

later, roughly 12 months I was going back to the same resort,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I said, I want to be able to walk from end to end easily,

Jennifer Takagi:

with no joint pain without like wanting to sit down and have a

Jennifer Takagi:

cocktail in between, because it's too far, because it was a

Jennifer Takagi:

pretty long walk. And so, like, that was my goal, and I went on

Jennifer Takagi:

the vacation, and the next time we got together was in January,

Jennifer Takagi:

advantage, because, well, a year ago, you wanted to be able to

Jennifer Takagi:

walk that whole thing. Could you do it? And I was like, Oh my

Jennifer Takagi:

gosh, yes. Like I had forgotten my own goal that I had set for

Jennifer Takagi:

our our journey, and it it made a huge difference, right?

Jennifer Takagi:

Because I was, we were working towards that thing, but I was

Jennifer Takagi:

able to do so much more, right? That was just a benefit. In the

Jennifer Takagi:

end, that's

Chad Austin:

awesome. I love stories like that. It's so it's

Chad Austin:

we don't realize at the time how much of a gift that is, because

Chad Austin:

we're when we have struggle with something, because what we're

Chad Austin:

given as a fitness Gage, and so that when we come back next time

Chad Austin:

and we're able to do it, it shows how all the work's paying

Chad Austin:

off. But my wife has a surgery coming up here in December,

Chad Austin:

actually. And I'm, we're, we've talked about it so much. I'm so

Chad Austin:

she's been limited for from stuff, and this, this surgery,

Chad Austin:

is going to really fix that problem. And so we can already

Chad Austin:

see in the future, all the the rewards she's going to get from

Chad Austin:

these things that she couldn't do or struggled to do this year,

Chad Austin:

that it's going to be, you know, it's going to feel like she's a

Chad Austin:

whole new person. And so, I mean, but it's, it's so

Chad Austin:

important when you have those gages, but, but, yeah, your

Chad Austin:

trainer, they did a good job of bringing that book up, making

Chad Austin:

sure you saw that. Is it almost, it seems like you were going to

Chad Austin:

over. You weren't going to notice it.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, I just kind of Skid right over it. It

Jennifer Takagi:

was like, wait, what? Oh, yes, I we just had been working

Jennifer Takagi:

together for so long, and she's actually in England, so we

Jennifer Takagi:

worked out over zoom and so just, you know, you forget it,

Jennifer Takagi:

right? You're just like, oh, wait, so what so in your

Jennifer Takagi:

fitness, do you focus more on like, the physical side of it,

Jennifer Takagi:

like, like body composition, like lifting weights, cardio,

Jennifer Takagi:

that kind of thing, or is nutrition an equally important

Jennifer Takagi:

piece of of your philosophy. Well, both the

Chad Austin:

diet and exercise, nutrition and exercise, whatever

Chad Austin:

word you want to use, those are both real important for all my

Chad Austin:

clients. But I think my strength right now with the fitness

Chad Austin:

pivot, so I've evolved so much where I just, you know, in 20

Chad Austin:

years in fitness, I started at a gym, and I realized my first

Chad Austin:

lesson as a trainer, that, you know, short term results lead

Chad Austin:

the short term motivation. Because everyone comes fueled to

Chad Austin:

a personal trainer with short term motivation, right? There's,

Chad Austin:

there's something coming up they want results for, and that's

Chad Austin:

what got them to come in the door that they want fast results

Chad Austin:

for. And so seeing all those people, I helped get those

Chad Austin:

results, had them just be temporary results. That

Chad Austin:

definitely changed the way I thought. And that led to a book

Chad Austin:

series, I have make fitness a priority, where it was, make

Chad Austin:

fitness a priority one book became three, and that became my

Chad Austin:

my community is make fitness a priority. And then that was my

Chad Austin:

name of my first studio, too, is priority fitness. So it's all

Chad Austin:

going at the the mindset of, how do I help people get long term

Chad Austin:

success? So I want to make an impact a lot longer than short

Chad Austin:

term, right? And so we were in businesses, helping people,

Chad Austin:

because we want to make an impact for a long time. But then

Chad Austin:

eventually, what led to the fitness pivot was that I was

Chad Austin:

seeing even my people that were the most dedicated and

Chad Austin:

passionate about fitness have been with me for a while, even

Chad Austin:

they fall off track from time to time. And myself, in the 20

Chad Austin:

years I've been a fitness I have fallen out of out of fitness

Chad Austin:

several times, and so everyone does, because no one is immune

Chad Austin:

to life's obstacles. So once I realized that it's life's

Chad Austin:

unexpected changes that really throw us off track with our

Chad Austin:

fitness plan, and it doesn't have doesn't matter if it's a

Chad Austin:

good change or a bad change, you could get married, you get

Chad Austin:

divorced, promoted, fired, you could start a family, or your

Chad Austin:

kids could move away. All those things are major changes, and

Chad Austin:

we're really good at adapting to change. When it comes to our

Chad Austin:

family, our career, our faith, things like that, with our

Chad Austin:

health, it always becomes something we're going to get to

Chad Austin:

later. Like fitness always becomes a thing. Well, we'll

Chad Austin:

pick that back up later. And meanwhile, you know, fitness,

Chad Austin:

like I said, and fitness, I believe, is the vehicle that

Chad Austin:

drives us to be in the best version of ourselves. I There's

Chad Austin:

so much proof of that to me. I know when I take good care of

Chad Austin:

myself, I'm exercising regularly, I'm eating healthy,

Chad Austin:

I'm getting good sleep, staying hydrated, all the stuff I know

Chad Austin:

that's important. I'm a better husband, I'm a better son, I'm a

Chad Austin:

better friend, I'm better at my job. I have less i. Anxiety,

Chad Austin:

have more energy, all those things. I'm the best version of

Chad Austin:

myself, and it just overflows in all areas of my life. But when

Chad Austin:

I'm not doing those things, and fitness is not a part of my

Chad Austin:

life, because I'm waiting for a day where I feel like it will

Chad Austin:

fit better, I become like the opposite, basically, is true,

Chad Austin:

like I don't have the energy, I don't handle my stress anxiety

Chad Austin:

very well. I'm really the worst version of myself, probably, and

Chad Austin:

it which hurts my relationships and everything too. So fitness I

Chad Austin:

just is so important to be able to keep and so the reason I can,

Chad Austin:

I can what changed my business name to the fitness pivot with

Chad Austin:

the idea is when Plan A no longer fits What's plan B? How

Chad Austin:

do you pivot to Plan B? And what it's all about is helping people

Chad Austin:

adapt to life's changes when it comes to fitness. And so if I

Chad Austin:

can go, if I can help people adapt faster, so they can keep

Chad Austin:

fitness a priority in their life, then I can make an impact

Chad Austin:

for a long time. And then, and those clients I've really done

Chad Austin:

that, those are the ones that are the most rewarding to me.

Chad Austin:

And they're, they are who I call a fitness fisherman. And so a

Chad Austin:

fitness fisherman, this is you've you've heard the phrase

Chad Austin:

before, where, if you give someone a fish, you feed them

Chad Austin:

for a day. If you teach someone to fish, you feed them for the

Chad Austin:

rest of your life. So I want to give my clients the tools that

Chad Austin:

they said they can adapt to life's changes fast, so they can

Chad Austin:

show up as the best version of themselves, whether things are

Chad Austin:

going good or bad in their life and and that is what the fitness

Chad Austin:

pivot is all about.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh. I love that, because life happens.

Jennifer Takagi:

I you know, when I think back just over the last 20 years of

Jennifer Takagi:

my life, I've had sick parents, a sick mother in law, and then

Jennifer Takagi:

my mother in law passed away, then my parents passed away 12

Jennifer Takagi:

days apart, that was catastrophic. I had job changes

Jennifer Takagi:

in there, and then I became an entrepreneur in the middle of it

Jennifer Takagi:

all. And so, you know, with all those changes, it's like, what

Jennifer Takagi:

are you going to prioritize? So I love that, you know, you gotta

Jennifer Takagi:

pivot. How are you going to show up and what's going to work for

Jennifer Takagi:

you? So if we have a listener that has not been making fitness

Jennifer Takagi:

a priority, what is one thing that they could start doing

Jennifer Takagi:

today to start adding fitness as a priority into their life?

Chad Austin:

Yeah, well, sign up for a coaching session with me,

Chad Austin:

and first of all, and we'll go through this, but what I do with

Chad Austin:

people is I take them through the cleanse and reset coaching

Chad Austin:

call so I have a people can sign up just to get to know you. Call

Chad Austin:

doesn't cost anything for us to speak like an icebreaker

Chad Austin:

strategy session that is always important to have. But the first

Chad Austin:

thing I normally recommend to people is to do a cleanse and

Chad Austin:

reset coaching call. It's 230 minute coaching sessions with

Chad Austin:

me, and we go through the two most important parts. I feel

Chad Austin:

like I was starting a fitness journey, but it's the cleanse.

Chad Austin:

It's the doorman cleanse. It's called, is named after a client

Chad Austin:

of mine that I had for years that is basically helping you

Chad Austin:

redefine what fitness means to you right now is like we talked

Chad Austin:

about earlier, what's your definition of fitness and why?

Chad Austin:

What will you gain? Those kind of important questions to kind

Chad Austin:

of start from, and then the second coaching call is the

Chad Austin:

fitness reset. And so it's resetting how fitness fits in

Chad Austin:

our life. So it's like now that life has changed, our fitness

Chad Austin:

that we used to do for fitness does not fit in our life

Chad Austin:

anymore. We could try to force it. That's one of the biggest

Chad Austin:

lessons you learn in fitness, is that what you do for fitness has

Chad Austin:

to fit in your life. If it doesn't fit, it won't stay there

Chad Austin:

very long, and you can force something for a while. But if it

Chad Austin:

doesn't really fit, it's either it's it's either not going to

Chad Austin:

get you the results you want, or it's going to hurt the other

Chad Austin:

priorities in your life, like your family, your career, things

Chad Austin:

like that. And so what it has to fit. So how does fitness fit

Chad Austin:

right now, after the life change? And so those are the

Chad Austin:

kind of things I work through with clients. And it's a

Chad Austin:

priceless thing. It's a priceless coaching course that

Chad Austin:

gives you you go you learn how to do it once you know how to do

Chad Austin:

it for the rest of your life. So anytime a next life change

Chad Austin:

happens, where it's good or bad. I mean, anyone can look through

Chad Austin:

through their life. They can count back all the times they

Chad Austin:

were in great shape, okay? And they can look at all the gaps

Chad Austin:

they have when they were without fitness for a while. There's

Chad Austin:

always a life changing go back and point to this thing just

Chad Austin:

happened in my life, and that's and right after that, fitness

Chad Austin:

wasn't a part of my life for a while. I can do that as a

Chad Austin:

fitness professional. I'm like I I started 20 I left 24 hour

Chad Austin:

fitness. Started my own business. I started my own

Chad Austin:

studio, and we had independent contractors. I wrote a book, and

Chad Austin:

I got an I was in a relationship, and then I got

Chad Austin:

married, and then I bought a house, like every time something

Chad Austin:

major happened, that's when I fell off track on fitness, and

Chad Austin:

everyone kind of had that track line. But what if I would have

Chad Austin:

adapted to fitness faster? What if I would adapted to my life

Chad Austin:

change faster? I would have kept fitness a priority that whole

Chad Austin:

time, and it wouldn't have to go through all that that I did, but

Chad Austin:

that's where people start with me. Sign up for a coaching call,

Chad Austin:

and we can get you started with the cleanse and reset course,

Chad Austin:

but you can do that at the fitness pivot com, or there'll

Chad Austin:

be a link in the show notes for a coaching call too.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, I love that. And it's, it's.

Jennifer Takagi:

Important, because we do have all these shifts and changes and

Jennifer Takagi:

turns in life, and it does impact how we show up and and

Jennifer Takagi:

what we're able to do, like for fitness, like we might have been

Jennifer Takagi:

able to do an hour and a half every other day, and now we may

Jennifer Takagi:

not have quite that timetable, and we need to shift. Ah,

Jennifer Takagi:

awesome. Excellent conversation. Chad,

Chad Austin:

yeah, I do have this has been such a such a good

Chad Austin:

podcast. I knew the destined for success. This has gotten my name

Chad Austin:

written all over it. I want to talk to this person. I want to

Chad Austin:

talk to this audience. Make fitness a priority. I mentioned

Chad Austin:

earlier, everyone, if you're if you're listening to right now,

Chad Austin:

then that is my gift to you for listening to the whole show, but

Chad Austin:

there'll be a link in the show notes. You can go get your own

Chad Austin:

copy of that book.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, that is so generous. I really

Jennifer Takagi:

appreciate it. I've written books too, and you know your

Jennifer Takagi:

heart and souls in there. So thank you for that generous

Jennifer Takagi:

gift. As we wrap up, do you have any final words for the

Jennifer Takagi:


Chad Austin:

Well, to kind of wrap up what we said earlier, I

Chad Austin:

think is important, just case you didn't hear us the first

Chad Austin:

time that failure is, you know, part of the journey. Failure

Chad Austin:

does not define you, and you're going to fail from time to time

Chad Austin:

and making fitness a priority in your life, just like anything

Chad Austin:

else, there's no such thing as being perfect at anything, but

Chad Austin:

there's no such thing as being perfect. When it comes to your

Chad Austin:

fitness plan, you don't have to be perfect. So it may take you

Chad Austin:

longer than 21 days to build your habits, but the good news

Chad Austin:

is you don't have to be perfect. Either you can make mistakes and

Chad Austin:

you can, you can. You can fall off track from time to time.

Chad Austin:

What matters is how you respond, how what matters is what you do

Chad Austin:

next, and so just get back on track and stay with it. Stack

Chad Austin:

the consecutive days.

Jennifer Takagi:

Oh my gosh, Thanks, Chad, this has been such

Jennifer Takagi:

great information. I appreciate your time and all the valuable

Jennifer Takagi:

information you've shared.

Chad Austin:

Yeah, absolutely thanks for having me on.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi with destin for success,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I look forward to connecting with you soon. You.