Sept. 30, 2024

Prayer versus Meditation and how they work together | DFS 314

Prayer versus Meditation and how they work together | DFS 314

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Prayer is talking to God,  Meditation is listening for the answers!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Ask and you shall receive!  
  • Responses come when you are quiet.  Be still and know I am God.
  • Intuition is being very attuned to that listening piece in an effortless manner.

“Be still and know I am God”:  Psalms 46:10

“The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson

Meditation How To Manifest Anything! Very Powerful Tool! Law Of Attraction

If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with

 Grab your FREE meditation:  Reduce Your Anxiety MEDITATION

Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website:



Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to Destin for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host, Jennifer Takagi, and today I want to talk about prayer

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versus meditation in last week's episode, if you didn't catch it,

Jennifer Takagi:

my friend candy shared a very profound nugget, and when I was

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looking over the show notes for it and putting that episode

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together, I thought this is powerful. I want to talk about

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this in a little more detail. And she shared that prayer is

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talking to God. Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is

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listening to God. Meditation is listening to God. Now, if your

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belief system is not that God is God, and you believe in spirit

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perfect, if you believe the word should be source perfect, it's

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source for you. If you believe it should be your inner knowing,

Jennifer Takagi:

fine. It's your inner knowing. If you haven't listened to me

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for a while, or, like, in a while, or you haven't heard this

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before, like, I'm all inclusive when it comes to this religious

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spirituality, what you believe thing I'm I'm open to whatever

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you want to believe. I believe what I believe, and I don't

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really want you to tell me I'm wrong, because, guess what, I'm

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not going to tell you you're wrong either your choices, your

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belief system, that's for you, like that's for you, and I'm not

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trying to change anybody's belief systems. But in this

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episode, I want to talk, and I'm going to use the word God, so

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just insert whatever you prefer for that. And I'm going to talk

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about prayers, talking to God and meditating, or meditation is

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listening to God. In the Bible, it talks about Ask and you shall

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receive. That's a quote. And no for this episode, I should have

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looked it up. But no, I didn't. You know how I roll. I just roll

Jennifer Takagi:

people. And one of the things that we as entrepreneurs, as

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corporate executives, as employees, as people in general,

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one of the things we don't do is ask, and we don't ask for help.

Jennifer Takagi:

We don't help. Ask help from other people, and we certainly

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don't take the time to ask for help from God, universe, source.

Jennifer Takagi:

Recently, I was at a party, and I turned to someone and said,

Jennifer Takagi:

Hey, I need to ask you a favor. Will you help me with this? And

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somebody else said, No, you can't ask for help. Do it

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself. And being the very professional, upstanding

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personal growth guru that I am, I said, shut up, because that's

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just what popped out at the moment, people, this is a

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journey. It's not a destination. And she goes, Don't tell me to

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shut up. But I said, Don't tell me I can't ask for help. And she

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said, but you can do it yourself. And then proceeded to

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tell me exactly how I could do it myself, and I didn't want to

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do it by myself. And so I asked my husband, would you help me

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with this? And it was like I had two choices on who I could ask

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easily, and my husband was 10 feet away. This other person was

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right next to me. So that's who I asked first. In the end, I

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went to my husband, I was like, Hey, would you do this? And he

Jennifer Takagi:

said, Yes. And it all worked out. And so my my friend who

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told me to do it myself, whom I love dearly, and there's no

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animosity whatsoever. It just makes for a really funny story,

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and it's great to emphasize this point. Later, I said you told me

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not to ask for help, and I didn't initially, and you told

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me to do it myself, and thank goodness I didn't attempt to do

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it myself, because the solution I could not have made happen

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like it wasn't gonna happen. And more conversations have since

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occurred where we talked about things we like to do, want to

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do, versus what we have to do, need to do. And I get teased a

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little bit because I order my groceries. I started doing this

Jennifer Takagi:

before covid When I go to water aerobics. This is more

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information than you need, but it's part of the story. Go with

Jennifer Takagi:

me here. The Target store is in the same parking lot as the y

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where I do water aerobics, and so I literally can order

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groceries when I wake up in the morning, I can go to water

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aerobics, and nine times out of 10 by the time I finish the

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class and take a quick shower. Or I get a notification that my

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groceries are ready. The fun thing about target, shout out to

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target. I love Target. There's not a minimum order, and you can

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order and they'll bring it to your car. My niece literally

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ordered a 99 cent packet of gravy mix and and she said, Hey,

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will you run me up there real quick? Because I was parked

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behind her. I did pick this up, and I said, Yeah, it's

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convenient. I like it. I order groceries from Walmart, and I

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pull up and I park, and they throw them in my trunk.

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Sometimes, if I'm in a big hurry, I actually will order

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them to be delivered to the house. It's convenient. I like

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it. I like asking them to do something for me, and then it's

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convenient. It's convenient and I can get on with my day and do

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other things that I care about more and where I want to put my

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energy. It's the same thing with asking God, asking for universe.

Jennifer Takagi:

You don't have to do it all by yourself. You don't have to.

Jennifer Takagi:

We're put together on earth like however you believe. We all got

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here as human beings. Everything was set up to live in community.

Jennifer Takagi:

I overheard a conversation and inserted myself into it because,

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gosh, I just can't hardly keep myself from doing it. But there

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was a conversation about the Bible on the Bible, in the Old

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Testament, in the New Testament, and it's my understanding and

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belief the Old Testament is history. It's prophecy, and it's

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telling us how to set up society. And when it talks

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about, if somebody steals, cut off the hand, pluck the eye,

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right? All those really harsh things. That's for the judicial

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system. The punishment should fit the crime. The punishment

Jennifer Takagi:

should fit the crime. So that's all historical. The New

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Testament is all how you should live as a person. Turn the other

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cheek. That's how you should live as a person, in my belief,

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my understanding, my interpretation of that

Jennifer Takagi:

scripture. And so if we're looking at that and we are to

Jennifer Takagi:

ask for help, where to ask for help? I need help with my

Jennifer Takagi:

relationships. I need help building a business. I need help

Jennifer Takagi:

knowing the next step I've heard for a long time on this

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entrepreneurial journey. Don't ask how, just, you know, set it

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up that you want it. And I'm like, Yeah, but I want to know

Jennifer Takagi:

how sometimes things turn out in such a better way, like we can't

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plan everything out and have it turn out for the best. Sometimes

Jennifer Takagi:

the biggest things that derail us end up being the best

Jennifer Takagi:

possible solution. Years ago, I applied for a job. I just knew I

Jennifer Takagi:

had the job I like when I got that letter that I wasn't

Jennifer Takagi:

selected, I was devastated. I knew I had that job. How could I

Jennifer Takagi:

not have gotten that job? And I ended up having foot surgery,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I came back from foot surgery, back to work. I was

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off, like two whole days. I should have been off a week or

Jennifer Takagi:

two, but, you know, you're committed. I was off a couple

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days, went back to work, and I got a call, and they offered me

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the job. And I was like, Wait, but I wasn't selected. And the

Jennifer Takagi:

woman said, well, the person that we selected changed his

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mind and he's not going to work here, and we're offering it to

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you. And I was like, Oh my gosh. Like, can I call you right back?

Jennifer Takagi:

And she goes, Yes, ma'am, but we need a decision. And I said, No.

Jennifer Takagi:

Like, I'll call you back in five minutes. Give me your number.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I wrote the number down, and I hung up, and I turned to my

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work best friends, and I was like, Oh my God. I was just

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offered this job. I was having some heart palpitations, and I

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returned the call, and I was like, Yes, I'm happy to accept,

Jennifer Takagi:

but I can't start for three weeks because I was having the

Jennifer Takagi:

second foot surgery. And she said, Okay, great. You know,

Jennifer Takagi:

you'll start on this date. Perfect. That was excellent. I

Jennifer Takagi:

was talking to my mom, and she said, Well, isn't that just

Jennifer Takagi:

wonderful? Had you gotten the job the first go around, you

Jennifer Takagi:

wouldn't have been able to take off work and have your surgery

Jennifer Takagi:

because you wouldn't have had any sick time or vacation time

Jennifer Takagi:

to do it. So I did get what I asked for, just not in the

Jennifer Takagi:

timing I thought it would be. It wasn't in the time that I

Jennifer Takagi:

thought it would be. I thought it would have been two months

Jennifer Takagi:

earlier, but it wasn't. It was in the perfect time. So I asked

Jennifer Takagi:

for what I wanted, and the answer came when the right time

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

when you get responses. The responses come. Come when you're

Jennifer Takagi:

quiet. They come when you're quiet. So you pray, you ask, you

Jennifer Takagi:

ask for help from others. You seek out answers and guidance,

Jennifer Takagi:

and then sometimes you have to wait for the answer. And what I

Jennifer Takagi:

have found time and again the answers come when I'm still and

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I'm quiet, another scripture again. I don't know which number

Jennifer Takagi:

you can Google. It is Be still and know that I am God. You have

Jennifer Takagi:

to be still. You have to be still. You have to quiet your

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mind, and you have to be able to hear the answers. If you're not

Jennifer Takagi:

quiet, you're not going to hear the answers. The guidance is not

Jennifer Takagi:

going to come. So again, if you're newer to my world, on

Jennifer Takagi:

April 19, 1995 I worked for the federal government, for the

Jennifer Takagi:

Department of Housing and Urban Development, and I woke up that

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morning sick. I had bronchitis. I had no business going to work,

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but I was very committed. Thought I needed to be there.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I debated for a long time, do I stay home or do I go to

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work? In the end, I stayed home, and less than two hours later,

Jennifer Takagi:

the whole house literally shook. I was 133 blocks north of my

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office in the Murrow Federal Building, and the whole house

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rattled. All the dishes in the house rattled. And that was the

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day of the Oklahoma City bombing, and that morning, as I

Jennifer Takagi:

asked the question, should I go to work or should I stay home?

Jennifer Takagi:

The answer was, very clearly, stay home, take care of

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yourself. Had I not listened to that? Had I not been still?

Jennifer Takagi:

There wasn't a radio on, there wasn't a TV on. The dog was even

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outside and not even barking in the house like it was perfectly

Jennifer Takagi:

quiet and I heard the message. If we don't take time to be

Jennifer Takagi:

quiet, we can't hear the message. There's an awesome

Jennifer Takagi:

meditation on YouTube. I will get the link and drop it in the

Jennifer Takagi:

show notes, and it's on manifesting and manifesting

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anything you want. And he talks about just throughout the day,

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ask, what is my next best step? What is my next step? And the

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next step? We have to ask questions to keep our brain

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engaged, because our brain is always looking for answers. It's

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always searching and seeking. It's like a radar, and it's

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going be beep, looking, for the answer to the question. So you

Jennifer Takagi:

have to pose the question, ask the question, and the answers

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will come. But you have to be aware and you have to be quiet

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as you listen for the answer. I read a really great book, I

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can't remember the author, and it was called the prayer circle.

Jennifer Takagi:

I believe the prayer circle, and he's a preacher, and he's

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talking about literally, physically walking around a

Jennifer Takagi:

building or a baby crib, or mentally in your mind, or

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circling a passage over and over again and praying over it or a

Jennifer Takagi:

person or a wish or a thing. And that was so enlightening to me.

Jennifer Takagi:

A colleague said, Yeah, I don't really want to do meditations.

Jennifer Takagi:

They seem to take you down a path, and I don't want to go

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there, and I'm a Christian, and I went, Oh my gosh, I just read

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this book. So if you ever look at my show notes, it always

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says, If you want to start your meditation journey, click here,

Jennifer Takagi:

and I have a collection of meditations. And I have one for

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anxiety and one for joy and one for sleep. I have, I don't know,

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four or five. I don't it's been a minute since I recorded them,

Jennifer Takagi:

but most of them are based on scripture, because they're just

Jennifer Takagi:

awesome statements, and they just bring peace. At least they

Jennifer Takagi:

do to me, and they also do to the lots of people who've

Jennifer Takagi:

downloaded them. So that's an option too. I really enjoy a

Jennifer Takagi:

meditation with beautiful music and then a repetitive statement

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like that's very calming to me. I. And then I need to shut it

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down and be quiet and be still. And the messages come, and it

Jennifer Takagi:

can be really great when you go to bed at night, if you've got a

Jennifer Takagi:

problem you've been trying to figure out, if you ask the

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question, How am I going to solve this? What is my next best

Jennifer Takagi:

step, and you go to sleep and your brain is working on it. It

Jennifer Takagi:

is working all night long, because your brain doesn't shut

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down trying to find the answer. I know this is true because math

Jennifer Takagi:

was not my favorite subject, and I took Algebra One, Geometry,

Jennifer Takagi:

Algebra Two, and trig, Algebra three, all through ninth through

Jennifer Takagi:

12th grade. And Algebra Two is really, really hard, and trig

Jennifer Takagi:

algebra three. That was a semester of each for my senior

Jennifer Takagi:

year of high school. They just about ate my lunch. They were so

Jennifer Takagi:

hard for me. And literally, I would wake up the morning of the

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test, I would go in and take the test, and I pretty much gotta be

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consistently, because it took me that long to figure out what was

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going on. I always said, you know, if we could have one more

Jennifer Takagi:

day, I probably would have gotten an A on that test, but it

Jennifer Takagi:

took that long to figure it out, but I went to bed with this hope

Jennifer Takagi:

and intention that I could figure out what to do on that

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test. I was happy with the B because it was so hard for me a

Jennifer Takagi:

B was outstanding in my book. But you go to bed with that

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intention of what do you want to know? What answers do you want

Jennifer Takagi:

to be revealed? Your brain is going to work all night long,

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while you sleep peacefully, to find the answer. And I've talked

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a lot about intuition over the many episodes. And intuition is

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that inner voice. It's that inner knowing. And intuition

Jennifer Takagi:

comes from practice of listening effortlessly and getting that

Jennifer Takagi:

answer quickly and effortlessly, because you've practiced so

Jennifer Takagi:

much, you've listened so much. I hear people say, Oh, I just go

Jennifer Takagi:

into my body and I feel the answer. And I was like, that is

Jennifer Takagi:

the weirdest thing ever. I don't know what you're talking about

Jennifer Takagi:

until I learned this sway test. And if you're not driving a car,

Jennifer Takagi:

if you're in a safe place where you can do this, if you sit up

Jennifer Takagi:

fairly straight, but not like stiff, but straight, and you

Jennifer Takagi:

say, My name is, your body will just naturally lean forward just

Jennifer Takagi:

a little bit because it's like, Yes, that's true. Let me hear

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more. If you say my name is Karen, my name is not Karen, my

Jennifer Takagi:

body just leans back just a little bit. You can do that with

Jennifer Takagi:

so many things and practice it. Go to the grocery store. I mean,

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I don't go very often, but I do go sometimes. I went this week.

Jennifer Takagi:

But you go to the grocery store and you say, Should I get this?

Jennifer Takagi:

And your body will lean in. Should I get that? Your body

Jennifer Takagi:

will pull back. Your body knows what it needs. The more you

Jennifer Takagi:

practice, the more you'll hear. Then when you take those moments

Jennifer Takagi:

of being quiet and being still, you will hear the answers

Jennifer Takagi:

faster, easier. I like to say with ease and effortless.

Jennifer Takagi:

Effortlessly. It's easy for me to say all of a sudden. I have

Jennifer Takagi:

trouble with that, but you can hear the messages. So my three

Jennifer Takagi:

points today are Ask and you shall receive responses come

Jennifer Takagi:

when you're quiet, and you can build that intuitive ability

Jennifer Takagi:

with practice. I'm Jennifer Takagi, and I look forward to

Jennifer Takagi:

connecting with you soon. You.