July 8, 2024

Intuition Saved My Life Multiple Times | DFS 302

Intuition Saved My Life Multiple Times | DFS 302

Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  Gut feeling.  Hairs on the back of your neck.  Voices in your head - not the crazy ones!

In this episode you will learn:

  • First steps to know if it is intuition or second-guessing
  • A few critical times when I should have listened
  • When listening saved my life

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

Official Website: http://www.takagiconsulting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifertakagi/

Facebook: facebook.com/takagiconsulting

Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, 12 Minute Success Coach

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at Jennifer@takagiconsulting.com

Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi, and I want to continue the discussion about

Jennifer Takagi:

intuition. Last week, Dagmar Fleming shared about intuition

Jennifer Takagi:

and some great things to do some tips and some ideas. And I want

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to talk about my personal experience with intuition.

Jennifer Takagi:

Sometimes intuition can be called a gut feeling like I felt

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it in my gut, I knew that was the right thing, or I knew it

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wasn't the right thing. Sometimes you get hairs raised

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on the back of your neck, that's often in a dangerous situation.

Jennifer Takagi:

And you're like, ooh, so I need to pay attention to my

Jennifer Takagi:

surroundings. Sometimes you have voices in your heads. I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

mean like the crazy kind of voice. I mean, the voice in your

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head this, like, you should pay attention to this. All of that

Jennifer Takagi:

is intuition. All of his important, all of it matters. So

Jennifer Takagi:

one thing I'm asked often is, how do I know if it's my

Jennifer Takagi:

intuition? And then I start second guessing. So I was going

Jennifer Takagi:

to my friend, Christina, and I just have recognized recently

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did you notice it? I say, so a lot. It's the beginning of a

Jennifer Takagi:

sentence. It's going to be my goal from this point on not to

Jennifer Takagi:

do that. So let's be positive and optimistic that I can start

Jennifer Takagi:

a sentence differently. People this is real life, and this is

Jennifer Takagi:

how I roll. I was driving to my friend Christy's house. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

was five o'clock traffic, it was kind of busy. And my other

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friend Leisha taught me to put in the address where I was going

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to my GPS, whether I knew how to get there or not. And I was

Jennifer Takagi:

like, wow, that's a great idea. So I, so I did it. Let's start

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counting. I did that I put her address in Christy's addressed

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it and off I go. As I am, about a mile from the highway, I want

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to get on my GPS start saying, Turn left. Turn left. And I have

Jennifer Takagi:

named my GPS Lola after Robin Williams in the movie, RV. His

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GPS was named Lola. Therefore I named mine, Lola. And Lola says

Jennifer Takagi:

turn left and I was like, Lola, you're crazy. And I keep going.

Jennifer Takagi:

I get to this is like an area that has several little lights

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close together like not even a full city block apart. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

caught at the next like five o'clock traffic. It's Oklahoma.

Jennifer Takagi:

You know, we have rush 15 minutes. I'm in the middle of

Jennifer Takagi:

the rush 15 minutes. And Lola says turn left and I get to the

Jennifer Takagi:

next little block and the next light and Lola says turn left.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm like Lola, you're nuts. I do not need to turn left like

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the highway is right there. I finally make it through the last

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light going over the overpass to get onto the highway and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

and there is a sea of red tail lights. Lola was right. I should

Jennifer Takagi:

have turned left. If I had turned left at any of the

Jennifer Takagi:

multiple places she told me to. I could have gotten North one

Jennifer Takagi:

mile and gotten past this see a taillight? I did not do that. I

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't stop to think intuitively should I go ahead and listen to

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Lola. I was just being argumentative. I was not doing

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it. I ended up in a bunch of traffic. I ended up having to

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drive on the frontage road for three miles because I wouldn't

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even be able to get on the highway. That is an example of

Jennifer Takagi:

where there was no intuition involved. I had technology that

Jennifer Takagi:

typically serves me well. Lola has gotten me places and I get

Jennifer Takagi:

there and I think thank goodness for GPS and for Google Maps

Jennifer Takagi:

because I would never have arrived at my destination. Yes I

Jennifer Takagi:

know there's somebody out there the Negative Nelly going well,

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer one time yet sent me down the wrong road. Yeah, it

Jennifer Takagi:

did mistakes happen. But I'm gonna say 99.9% of the time Lola

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gets me where I need to be. And if I need to take a detour. I

Jennifer Takagi:

try to pay attention to Lola. But this day I was not. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

costs me Now intuitively, without even checking in without

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asking a question. I knew to follow my GPS. She doesn't lead

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me astray. But I didn't and therefore That is why it took me

Jennifer Takagi:

longer to get to Christy's house than it should have taken me.

Jennifer Takagi:

How do you know how to listen to your intuition? So one easy way,

Jennifer Takagi:

wherever you are, as long as you're not driving in a car, or

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a train or plane, where you're actually driving the vehicle, if

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you're at a place where you can safely safely is key, sit up

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straight. And I don't mean rigid, but sit up straight, your

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shoulders are kind of relaxed, but your back is straight. And

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ask yourself a question. That's a yes. Such as for me. I'm going

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to say or ask the question Is my name Jennifer, I'm sitting up

Jennifer Takagi:

straight. And I asked myself is my name Jennifer, and my body

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gently leans forward? Because I am Jennifer. If I'm sitting up

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straight, and I ask myself, Am I Christie, I lean back a little

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bit, and I'm leaning back. Because I'm not Christie, that's

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not true for me, our bodies will naturally lean in to something

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that is right or true for us. And it will pull away from

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what's not for us. Another way is to use a pendulum. If you've

Jennifer Takagi:

ever worked with me either one on one or attended one of my

Jennifer Takagi:

group clearing sessions, I use a pendulum and they have all

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different stones, I have a tiger's eye, a blue topaz, a

Jennifer Takagi:

pink quartz, I don't know I have several, they just kind of lay

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around the house, I have a white quartz that's missing. And

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody told me when they go missing, it's because they have

Jennifer Takagi:

fulfilled their mission in your life. And they just vanish. And

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it's vanished. I don't know what's happened, I'm sure it's

Jennifer Takagi:

in the bottom of a purse or something. But with the crystal,

Jennifer Takagi:

I hold it in my left hand, I'm right handed, right hand

Jennifer Takagi:

dominant. And I hold it in my left hand while I'm talking to

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the person or I'm talking to myself, not out loud. But like

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I'm thinking about the things I want to work on or address. And

Jennifer Takagi:

as I hold that crystal, I'm literally putting my energy into

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it so that the crystal is connecting with me. For me, when

Jennifer Takagi:

I hold my crystal up, it goes forward and back to indicate a

Jennifer Takagi:

yes. And it goes around in a counterclockwise circle. To say

Jennifer Takagi:

no. I have a friend hers is exactly the opposite. Hers goes

Jennifer Takagi:

in a circle for yes and forward and back for a no, you have to

Jennifer Takagi:

ask the questions and you have to get in sync with what it is

Jennifer Takagi:

with using crystals. I know many practitioners who put it out

Jennifer Takagi:

when the moon is full so the moon can recharge it. Sometimes

Jennifer Takagi:

they keep them all in a window seal so the sun can recharge it.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm sure every bit of that is 100%. True. I'm sure it is. But

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't got time for that. Ain't nobody got time for that? Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't. Because that doesn't mean anything to me. It's what

Jennifer Takagi:

you put meaning on. For me What's meaning is holding it in

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my hand and letting it connect with me. The other thing that

Jennifer Takagi:

you can do is just take time to listen. If you have a big

Jennifer Takagi:

decision to make in your life, whether it is financial, a

Jennifer Takagi:

business decision, is this a good business decision or choice

Jennifer Takagi:

for me or not? Those kinds of questions. If you sit with it

Jennifer Takagi:

quietly and quietly is very important. The answer will

Jennifer Takagi:

bubble up and you will hear it whether it's actual words or

Jennifer Takagi:

just a knowing or you'll see a picture of the outcome. Whatever

Jennifer Takagi:

it ends up being, it will work out and you will see it. So

Jennifer Takagi:

there are multiple ways to listen to your intuition. You

Jennifer Takagi:

can Google it, there are all kinds of YouTube videos on it.

Jennifer Takagi:

And they all work. They all work. It's what fits for you

Jennifer Takagi:

that matters. So there are a few times when I did not listen to

Jennifer Takagi:

my intuition. I've already shared the one go into Chris's

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house. The other one that's a really big one. And I have

Jennifer Takagi:

shared it on stages a couple times. And it's a pretty fun

Jennifer Takagi:

story. Though, but when I was in high school, one of my besties

Jennifer Takagi:

introduced me to guy his name was Keith. And I did not like

Jennifer Takagi:

him from the get go. Like he just was not my kind of guy. And

Jennifer Takagi:

she would make these little comments about oh, you should

Jennifer Takagi:

date him. Oh, I just think you'd be the best couple and I'm like,

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

A few years later, he was a year ahead of me in school and a few

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years later he transferred to the University of Oklahoma where

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I was going to school working on my Bachelor's, and he moved in

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with three or four other guys. And I knew all of them from high

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school. Most of them were a year ahead of me, a couple of them

Jennifer Takagi:

were a couple of years ahead of me, but we all knew each other.

Jennifer Takagi:

And we ended up going out like as a group, it was like, we're

Jennifer Takagi:

all from Edmond, Oklahoma. So we'll all go have cocktails or

Jennifer Takagi:

whatever. And Keith was always there. And before I knew it, I

Jennifer Takagi:

was dating him, like, how did this happen? And then one day, I

Jennifer Takagi:

woke up, and I thought, I should not be dating this guy, like, he

Jennifer Takagi:

is not my kind of guy. So I called him up. And I was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

hey, I really loved running around with you and being

Jennifer Takagi:

friends. But I don't think I want to be dating anymore. And

Jennifer Takagi:

he said, Oh, I'm coming right over to discuss this. Well, he

Jennifer Takagi:

showed up. And if I had any artistic ability at all, I could

Jennifer Takagi:

literally draw my bedroom in this duplex that I shared with

Jennifer Takagi:

my roommate. And I could literally draw him sitting on

Jennifer Takagi:

the floor with his back against my dresser, hands, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

covering his face crying on how he didn't want to break up.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, we had been together like four or five months. I know, in

Jennifer Takagi:

college, that's like, you know, four lifetimes. But it wasn't

Jennifer Takagi:

really that long in the grand scheme of things. Against my I

Jennifer Takagi:

would say, then my better judgment. Now, I would say,

Jennifer Takagi:

against my intuition against everything that I knew that was

Jennifer Takagi:

holy. I got back together with him. And that started a pattern

Jennifer Takagi:

of together, have a fight, breakup together have a fight

Jennifer Takagi:

breakup, I won't go into all the various things that happen. But

Jennifer Takagi:

I will say they all ended up with me marrying him, because

Jennifer Takagi:

that's what you do. You pick the worst possible person, you fight

Jennifer Takagi:

every instinct you have. And then you marry the guy. Does

Jennifer Takagi:

that sound like you at all? Have you ever done that? Maybe you

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't marry and maybe you were smart, and you got out sooner.

Jennifer Takagi:

My mom really wanted me to be married and he was a guy and he

Jennifer Takagi:

was there. And it all worked out for 12 months and 11 days. Don't

Jennifer Takagi:

let anybody jeje 12 minutes. 11 days can be a very long time

Jennifer Takagi:

people a very long time. So I knew not to marry him. The list

Jennifer Takagi:

was long on why not to marry him. And let's start with number

Jennifer Takagi:

one. I'm a Christian. I was born on a Monday my first time in

Jennifer Takagi:

church was the following Sunday. I have always known I've always

Jennifer Takagi:

believed, and my belief has never wavered, ever. He was an

Jennifer Takagi:

atheist. He didn't believe at all. And he thought it was

Jennifer Takagi:

really fun to poke fun at me. After we married my mom and dad

Jennifer Takagi:

would come pick me up on Sunday morning to go to church and out

Jennifer Takagi:

to lunch. You weren't allowed to go out to lunch. If you didn't

Jennifer Takagi:

go to church. Mom had a few little worlds there. And she'd

Jennifer Takagi:

say, So Keith didn't want to come today. And I'd say no, he's

Jennifer Takagi:

never going to want to come. No, he's not. And my mom just could

Jennifer Takagi:

be so sweet. And she turned around and she goes, Well,

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer, God can move mountains. He can move Keith.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I went oh, yeah, but our mountains don't argue. So they

Jennifer Takagi:

didn't fight it. They were like, lame and not lame is in a bad

Jennifer Takagi:

way lane. But like they were just there. They weren't

Jennifer Takagi:

fighting back and say no, I'm not moving. And so we divorced.

Jennifer Takagi:

And when I went to see the preacher, not the preacher that

Jennifer Takagi:

married us, but another preacher, maybe he was the one

Jennifer Takagi:

that married us. I don't remember. But I was like, hey,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, I don't know about all this. And he said, You had red

Jennifer Takagi:

flags everywhere. They were like virtually slapping you in the

Jennifer Takagi:

face. And you refuse to listen. So your sin is not getting a

Jennifer Takagi:

divorce. Your sin is in not listening when God put every

Jennifer Takagi:

single possible thing in front of you. So that you would say

Jennifer Takagi:

no, but you said yes. Anyway. Did I learn a lot in that

Jennifer Takagi:

relationship? Yes. Did I finally come to terms with the fact that

Jennifer Takagi:

I played a part in that relationship? Yes, but that was

Jennifer Takagi:

hard. And it took a lot of years and I didn't really want to do

Jennifer Takagi:

it. Could I have avoided all that heartache by listening?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yes. Yes, I could have. I had all the messages but I refuse to

Jennifer Takagi:

listen to them. So my question for you is are there times when

Jennifer Takagi:

you can look back Hindsight is 2020 Right? We get that

Jennifer Takagi:

Hindsight is 2020 Are there times when you can look back and

Jennifer Takagi:

say, Wow, I knew and I knew in all these ways that it was the

Jennifer Takagi:

wrong thing, and I did it anyway. Do not beat yourself up

Jennifer Takagi:

for it, but just recognize that these things happen. And when we

Jennifer Takagi:

can start seeing a pattern of when we do these things, then we

Jennifer Takagi:

can start to move beyond it and move past it. So pay attention,

Jennifer Takagi:

I said, so again, I've been trying so hard not to, but pay

Jennifer Takagi:

attention to those voices, students messages. Now, when has

Jennifer Takagi:

listening literally saved my life. If you're newer to the

Jennifer Takagi:

podcast, and you don't know me very well, I'm Jennifer Takagi

Jennifer Takagi:

from Oklahoma City. Nice to meet you. On April 19 1995, I worked

Jennifer Takagi:

in the Murrah Federal Building here in Oklahoma City. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

was a bright, sunny, beautiful spring day, right after Easter.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I woke up sick, I had bronchitis I was coughing up a

Jennifer Takagi:

lung. I had no business, even hardly getting out of bed, much

Jennifer Takagi:

less going to work. And I sat at the kitchen table, and I debated

Jennifer Takagi:

for probably 20 minutes do I go to work? Do I stay home? Am I

Jennifer Takagi:

well enough to go to work or sick enough to stay home, I was

Jennifer Takagi:

building a career, I was making an impact. I was trying to make

Jennifer Takagi:

a name for myself. And I needed to go to work. It wasn't the

Jennifer Takagi:

work from home days back in the day, you had to go into the

Jennifer Takagi:

office. And a soft, gentle voice said, Stay home, take care of

Jennifer Takagi:

yourself. And I thought well, that's really weird. I have a

Jennifer Takagi:

lot to do. And as I had that thought that I have a lot to do.

Jennifer Takagi:

Another voice said you need to go to work. Not only do you need

Jennifer Takagi:

to go to work, here are the things you need to do, like gave

Jennifer Takagi:

me my to do list. And it felt like I had an angel on one

Jennifer Takagi:

shoulder and a devil on the other one saying sweet, nice

Jennifer Takagi:

things, stay home take care of yourself. The other being very

Jennifer Takagi:

harsh, very critical. I decided I would split the difference.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I would go in at noon. That way I could stay home a little

Jennifer Takagi:

bit longer, drink some more juice, take a hot shower and

Jennifer Takagi:

then go to work later. And that way I would appease both halves

Jennifer Takagi:

of this argument going on in my head. Well, at 9:02am A Ryder

Jennifer Takagi:

truck pulled up and blew up the Murrah Federal Building. And

Jennifer Takagi:

that was my building. 35 of my friends and colleagues were

Jennifer Takagi:

killed from how to loan countless others I knew within

Jennifer Takagi:

the building. And had I gone to work. I would be dead because

Jennifer Takagi:

the building sheared off about three feet south of my desk and

Jennifer Takagi:

at nine in the morning. I was almost always at my desk it

Jennifer Takagi:

would have been a rare occurrence that I wasn't. And

Jennifer Takagi:

everybody around me was killed everybody that sat near me. I

Jennifer Takagi:

got back a crumpled note. A crumpled nameplate that my mom

Jennifer Takagi:

had bought me when I got my first job and a few family

Jennifer Takagi:

pictures. And that was it out of my workstation. I knew that I

Jennifer Takagi:

knew that I knew that I was literally not supposed to be

Jennifer Takagi:

there that day. And had I not listen to the message I would

Jennifer Takagi:

not be sharing with you now. Because I would have not

Jennifer Takagi:

survived. Another time I was driving home from work. And it

Jennifer Takagi:

was a funky intersection. There was a stoplight. And then you

Jennifer Takagi:

went not even a city block maybe half a city block if even that

Jennifer Takagi:

and there was another light is like the streets all Christi

Jennifer Takagi:

crossed right there. And the speed limit was like 40 miles an

Jennifer Takagi:

hour. I'm in the right lane. There's a car in the left lane

Jennifer Takagi:

and we're pretty close together like not really neck and neck

Jennifer Takagi:

but pretty close to neck and neck. And out of the corner of

Jennifer Takagi:

my eye on the right. headed south and we were headed west. I

Jennifer Takagi:

could see this car coming really fast. And our light had just

Jennifer Takagi:

turned green. And I knew that that car was not going to stop.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I literally stood up on the brake with both feet slamming on

Jennifer Takagi:

my brakes and laying on my horn.

Jennifer Takagi:

And because I laid on my horn and I'm sure my tires were

Jennifer Takagi:

screeching. The woman in the car next to me slammed on her brakes

Jennifer Takagi:

too because she didn't know what was happening because I was

Jennifer Takagi:

making so much noise with screeching brakes and laying on

Jennifer Takagi:

the horn you get The picture right like it was a whole thing

Jennifer Takagi:

going on right then. And she stopped to had she not stopped,

Jennifer Takagi:

she would a T boned that car, that guy would have been killed,

Jennifer Takagi:

and probably she and her boyfriend would have been

Jennifer Takagi:

killed. So we both looked at each other, we take a breath, we

Jennifer Takagi:

go to the next little light. It's read also, when we're both

Jennifer Takagi:

trying to catch our breath. And I, I noticed something out of

Jennifer Takagi:

the corner of my eye, and I turn and look to my left. And she is

Jennifer Takagi:

laying over her passengers. person sitting there and there

Jennifer Takagi:

was a guy and had him roll down the window. And she was waving

Jennifer Takagi:

at me and I rolled my window down and she goes, Oh, my God,

Jennifer Takagi:

you just saved my life. And I went, I know, I know, I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

know how and I don't know why. But I know because I knew if I

Jennifer Takagi:

did not stop her. One, two, or all three of them were going to

Jennifer Takagi:

be killed, it just was going to be too fast, too high impact of

Jennifer Takagi:

a wreck. And once I caught my breath, and we made it through

Jennifer Takagi:

that intersection, she went her way I went my way. I'm thinking

Jennifer Takagi:

about this scenario. Nobody ever taught me and Driver's Ed. If

Jennifer Takagi:

there's a crisis slam on your brakes and lay on your horn,

Jennifer Takagi:

like that never came up. I believe I was intuitively

Jennifer Takagi:

divinely my higher self source God, all of the above any of the

Jennifer Takagi:

above guided me to slam on my brakes and horn at the same

Jennifer Takagi:

time. And when I say stand on my brakes, I literally was standing

Jennifer Takagi:

up in my seat with both feet on my brakes to stop the car.

Jennifer Takagi:

having had that experience, some time pass, it could have been a

Jennifer Takagi:

year it could have been five years I don't remember the the

Jennifer Takagi:

timing of it. I was driving to work on a residential, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

a through street speed limits 40. I'm in the left lane. And

Jennifer Takagi:

two cars in front of me is at a dead stop turning left. And

Jennifer Takagi:

there's a car in front of me and then me and I just happened to

Jennifer Takagi:

look in my rearview mirror. I'm at a dead stop. And there is a

Jennifer Takagi:

commercial van vehicle construction type vehicle coming

Jennifer Takagi:

up on me. And I can see in my rearview mirror He is literally

Jennifer Takagi:

has his head turned talking to the passenger. He doesn't see

Jennifer Takagi:

that we're all at a dead stop. So I laid on my horn. Because I

Jennifer Takagi:

learned right I learned from the previous message if you lay on

Jennifer Takagi:

your horn, everybody looks around. He looked up and at the

Jennifer Takagi:

last second was able to whip over into the right lane and

Jennifer Takagi:

avoid a collision altogether. And I did take a moment of

Jennifer Takagi:

gratitude and thank you that I was guided to hit my horn in

Jennifer Takagi:

Oklahoma, we don't really honk much some places they just honk

Jennifer Takagi:

willy nilly and nobody pays attention. In Oklahoma people

Jennifer Takagi:

don't really honk a lot. If you honk you're like really pissed

Jennifer Takagi:

off or there's really a problem. But when somebody opts everybody

Jennifer Takagi:

looks around. And those are a few really critical times in my

Jennifer Takagi:

life when paying attention to my intuition, paying attention to

Jennifer Takagi:

the message, whether it's an audible message in my head,

Jennifer Takagi:

whether it's a gut feeling, don't go down that street, stop

Jennifer Takagi:

and get gas. You don't want to go to the next case gas station.

Jennifer Takagi:

I ended up randomly being stranded in Atlanta and I rented

Jennifer Takagi:

a car and drove from Atlanta, to our little lake place in eastern

Jennifer Takagi:

Oklahoma. It was a 12 and a half hour drive. And then I had

Jennifer Takagi:

another almost three hours to get to the airport to return the

Jennifer Takagi:

rental car the next day. And I pulled into a parking into a gas

Jennifer Takagi:

station. And I was on the phone it was Bluetooth but I was on

Jennifer Takagi:

the phone talking to a girlfriend because it was a long

Jennifer Takagi:

drive to talk to a lot of people that day. And I'm trying to get

Jennifer Takagi:

to a pump and I look around everything around me is in

Jennifer Takagi:

tatters the cars, the people, the gas station building itself.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I was like hang on a minute, I gotta back out of here. And I

Jennifer Takagi:

let God out and I backed out of there and I went to the next gas

Jennifer Takagi:

station and it was clean and it was bright and it was you know

Jennifer Takagi:

not all in tatters. Would anything bad had happened to me

Jennifer Takagi:

at that first gas station? Probably not. But why do I need

Jennifer Takagi:

to feel icky about getting gas in a rental car that I had to

Jennifer Takagi:

google how to get steaks I could put gas in it. These are the you

Jennifer Takagi:

know first world problems that I have. So listening I did Again,

Jennifer Takagi:

there was another. So listening to your intuition can either

Jennifer Takagi:

save you from a whole lot of heartache such as a divorce when

Jennifer Takagi:

you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. Or

Jennifer Takagi:

it can literally save your life. I encourage you to start

Jennifer Takagi:

listening to start paying attention, write a list of 10

Jennifer Takagi:

questions that are yes or no? And have four or five of them be

Jennifer Takagi:

yes. And the others be knows, in practice, is it a yes? Is it a

Jennifer Takagi:

no. I wasn't an event and somebody was leading us through

Jennifer Takagi:

a visualization. I can talk visualization exercise. And she

Jennifer Takagi:

was talking about our future. And we all were standing with

Jennifer Takagi:

our eyes closed, and she was talking about our future, and

Jennifer Takagi:

what it's going to look like and what it's going to look like for

Jennifer Takagi:

you as an individual. And, and then she stopped and said, what

Jennifer Takagi:

if it's five years from now, and you've not done anything

Jennifer Takagi:

different? So what a break another. So at the break, we

Jennifer Takagi:

broke into groups of two to discuss our experience. And I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

talking to this gal and she's I said, Did you Did your body

Jennifer Takagi:

physically move during that exercise? And she said, yeah,

Jennifer Takagi:

why? And I said, when she was talking about your future life,

Jennifer Takagi:

did your body literally lean forward? And she said, Yes. And

Jennifer Takagi:

I said, and then when she talked about if in five years, you've

Jennifer Takagi:

done nothing. Did you lean back? And she said, Yeah, I thought I

Jennifer Takagi:

was just kind of swaying because we were standing with our eyes

Jennifer Takagi:

closed, and I said, No, you leaned forward to lean into your

Jennifer Takagi:

future, because that's what you want. And you pull back to get

Jennifer Takagi:

away from what you didn't want. If you would like an audio

Jennifer Takagi:

series to help you get clarity on what you want and how to move

Jennifer Takagi:

forward with your life. Go to 12 minute gift.com 12 minute

Jennifer Takagi:

gift.com and get my three part audio series so you can start

Jennifer Takagi:

planning out your life and create the life of your dreams.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look forward to connecting with you

Jennifer Takagi:
