In this episode, Tara shares insights on how to recognize your unique superpower, how it can be packaged in signature methodology, and uncovers the steps to create valuable content from your expertise, and monetize it with an online business model. If you are an expert wanting to use your talents to create a sustainable business that not only generates income but also leaves a lasting impact on your customers, this episode is for you.
About Me:
My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into a scalable business. It's my passion to help you find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.
This podcast is 100% focused on support, tips and example sharing, and building a community of business owners who are passionate about building awesome customer experiences.
We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and customer-centered digital experiences. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our customers can thrive and succeed.
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1. Want to package or pivot your business? Download our free Step-by-Step guide to get the exact steps you need to create and grow an online business.
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Hey, everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are
listening to the Course Building Secrets® Podcast. Whether you're
a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based
on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
without adding more time or team to your business? If you're
looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and
use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.
Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode of the cCourse
Building Secrets® Podcast, I am thrilled that you're here today.
Hey, in this episode, I just had to jump on over the weekend and
record this episode because it's actually kind of a funny one. So
I don't know if you have ever been in the situation. But you
know that one time that I was sitting talking to my husband,
and realize that he actually is the ideal prospect for one of
our programs, that I had to share it with you because it was
it was like a full circle moment, right. And so he was
talking about what was going on right now with him at work. And
he said, You know, it's so interesting, for the last couple
of weeks, people have really been telling me how good I am at
this thing that he is doing, which is part of kind of his
core job. But he never really recognized before the gift that
he had in this part of the work that he was doing. And he said,
You know, it's so funny, because people keep coming to me and ask
me questions. People are, you know, keep commenting about how
this approach that I'm using has helped them so much has really,
you know, been something that they have never heard from other
people. And he's added a lot of clarity, and a lot of just
calmness to some stressful situations. And he said, You
know, just super interesting. And I said, Well, let me see,
right, like, this is what I do. And it's an you know, that is
one of the key signs that you have an expertise that you could
package to help other people is when you start hearing that
like, Oh, you're so good at that, oh, I wish that, you know,
everyone could experience this. Like that is something that's so
great that you're doing for our customers, or our patients or
clients or whoever else, right? Like, if people are seeking you
out, if you're hearing compliments like that. And
you're like, Huh, what am I doing that's different, right?
That is a great indication that you may have some sort of
proprietary methodology or approach or way of doing things.
That is it's different from other people that other people
could benefit from learning. So that was the first thing that
happened. And and of course, you know, my spidey senses go up,
and I'm like, wait, wait a minute, this is something that
would be super helpful. And, and so I said, of course, have you
thought about packaging that so that other people who are doing
similar jobs to you could, you know, learn your approach and
how it is helping your customers to be able to help their
customers? And and he said, Oh, no, people won't pay for that.
Right? Like, why? Why would they pay for that? There's so many
other people out there who have more experience than I do.
There's so many people out there who are probably doing the same
thing. Why? Why would I bother doing that? Number one, the
second thing he said was I have no desire to create a course or
program, a book or anything he's like, I don't want to sit down
and do that. And so those are two kind of, you know, common
things that I hear, right, like, well, one, somebody could go out
to Google and find this or like, doesn't everyone do this? Come
on? That is an indication that it's your superpower, and
something that doesn't come easy for everyone. It isn't something
that everyone is either considering or thinking about.
And then there's probably an audience of people out there who
are struggling to get their point across to do the thing
that he is doing so well. Right. That's his superpower.
What is your superpower? What is the thing that like is super
easy for you? That seems like oh, why, you know, why would
somebody pay for this? So simple. Right? Or, well, they
can just get this by doing whatever. Right? And that that
is another great indication that you probably have something that
not everyone has. Because here's the reality is that when you
have an expertise, when you have a superpower, it seems so simple
to you. So basic to you. But to other people, it's very
difficult. And so when you're hearing those messages, like,
wow, that was really cool or cash, nobody's ever explained it
to me this way, or I've never heard it, you know, never heard
it this way, or this is really easy. You know, this is really
simple. Now that you explain it, those are great indications that
that truly you should lean into, because it means that they're
not out there getting that information in a different way,
they haven't been able to go out and figure it out, right. And so
embrace that.
The second thing is is like, No way, Jose am I interested in
sitting down and writing something or being on video or
whatever else. And the beauty of it is, and this is what I told
him as I was like elicit the next time that you find yourself
in a situation where you are, you know, explaining this in the
way that people are talking about or you're doing whatever
it is that you're doing. Record yourself, either during or
after, right? When you get out of that interaction, go and just
throw your phone up, hit the recording button and say, here's
the conversation I just had. And these are the questions. This is
how I led them to an answer. This is the problem. This is how
I solved it. This is what I said, here's the scenario or the
case study or whatever it is, record yourself with those. And
then what happens is you get enough of those, that that
become kind of the pieces of the puzzle of how you show up
uniquely versus someone else that becomes your proprietary
methodology, all of those recordings can be turned into a
transcript, and then the transcript could be turned into
something else that you can sell, write a book have a
workbook, course a program, a membership, whatever it is, you
could sell that. Because, again, this is most likely something
that you're doing that could help other people. So in his
case, he is the way that he explains medical jargon to his
patients is something that is unique, right? Students who come
out of medical school have all of the medical terms, but they
have a hard time actually explaining the medical terms to
the patient, because the patient doesn't understand medical
terms, the patient needs to understand how to do different
things, or how to anticipate various problems that are coming
up. Or any of the things around a procedure or treatment or or
whatever else. Right? And so whether whether it's a new
physician, a new practitioner, whoever it is, there is a sense
of like, how do you translate the medical to a patient? How do
you communicate to them in a way that they can hear that
alleviates their stress, and helps to make it an excellent
experience for everyone involved. And that's his
superpower. That is what he's really good at doing. And so,
and so, you know, there's, of course, for me, right, we're in
a conversation. And again, this is what I do. So I'm like, Well,
you could tell it this way, this way, this way, this way, this
way, this way. And, and so it's it was a fun conversation for me
eye opening, I think for him for a lot of different reasons.
And so, I published this today, because first of all, if you are
in business, and you have a proprietary methodology, it is
fun when it comes out in the wild in a way that you're not
expecting. And so look for those because it does give you some
insights and nuggets in terms of like, how are you communicating
what you do, how you're communicating what you offer,
simple enough that your spouse could understand. But also I
think that it shows that everyone has some type of
expertise. The difference was between people who want to
package their expertise into something that helps other
people and and the people who know that they have an expertise
but don't package it to help other people. You know, who who
is the difference, right? Like who who does one versus the
other. And, you know, my my biggest response to him was, you
know, there are people out there who need As desperately they're
struggling to help their patients, they're struggling to
communicate effectively, they are probably really good at what
they do, but they don't know how to explain it in a way that
brings more patients to them, right. So it's a disservice to
all of those people, for him to keep it to himself. And what
And, and so again, hopefully this serves you what what my
what a phenomenal legacy that he could leave to the fields of
goal is, is for you to recognize when it is that you have some
sort of superpower, and then really consider how can you
medicine by providing this guide, this book, this courses,
package it to help the people who need what you have to offer?
program, this membership, whatever it is, so he can help
And then third, and and, you know, kind of the icing on the
cake. If if you are an expert, like my husband, is how can you
other people do this, right, like he could go and, and teach
make some money doing that, right? Because all that is is
exchange of value, the money is just the opportunity to be
at one of the medical programs, that that is out there and help
rewarded for all of the work that you have done to become an
new medical professionals learn this skill, he could offer it as
expert up until this point. And and so if this is you,
congratulations, you have definitely got something that
a supplemental program, or course, or certification or
you could monetize, and get out into the world in a broader way.
And so stay tuned, we'll see what happens. We'll see if I can
something else, he could partner with the medical, some medical
get him to record some things so we can turn them into some
association, right and get that out, he could become a speaker,
assets that will not only help him today, help serve other
people tomorrow, but also become the legacy that he leaves in his
he could be he could do all sorts of things, sharing his
All right, there you go. Have a great day. If you are also in
this place, give me a shout. We'd love to talk to you. You
knowledge, sharing his information that he has acquired
may be a perfect candidate for one of our programs, where we
over time, that has become his unique way of helping people
help experts package and create a business around their
expertise and their intellectual property. All right, there you
that he serves.
go. Have a great day.