June 18, 2024

Two Time-Saving Engagement Strategies For Your Online Business

Two Time-Saving Engagement Strategies For Your Online Business

In this episode, Tara discusses the challenge of managing expectations with a growing customer base. She shares strategies to address the issues such as delegating basic customer support and using group interactions like weekly Q&A calls or a community platform like Slack to facilitate 24/7 interaction for your customers. Tara emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and providing regular updates to maintain member satisfaction.

About Me:

My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into an online business. It's my passion to help you find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.

This podcast is 100% focused on support, tips and example sharing, and building a community of online business owners who are passionate about building awesome learning experiences.

We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and learner-centered online experiences. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our learners can thrive and succeed using our packaged products.

To learn more:

Find us at https://www.taralbryan.com

Here are two ways we can help you grow and scale your online course-powered business:

1. Want to package or pivot your business online? Download our free Step-by-Step guide to get the exact steps you need to create an online business.

Step-By-Step Guide


Download our free 50 Ways to Engage Your Customers guide or Schedule a 15 minute call with Tara to talk about our offers that will help you master the game.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Strategy Call

Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the Course Building Secrets® Podcast. Whether you're

Tara Bryan:

a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

Tara Bryan:

on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

Tara Bryan:

them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

Tara Bryan:

you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

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your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

Tara Bryan:

Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

Tara Bryan:

looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

Tara Bryan:

use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.

Tara Bryan:

Welcome to this week's episode of the Course Building Secrets®

Tara Bryan:

Podcast. Welcome, welcome. Hey, in this episode, I want to

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address a common problem that a lot of people have. And, again,

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like we do a lot of teaching in Learn Academy about creating

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your first launch, creating your initial beta launch, where

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you're testing with a group of your ideal avatars, your entire

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proprietary methodology, so that you know that you can get people

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results, so that you can make sure that everything is working

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how you want it before you lock and load it into a more

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formalized program. But we got this question the other day. And

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it's, you know, one of my favorites, because it's such a

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common problem. And it is the very exact problem that we

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address here with our clients. And so I wanted to go ahead and

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just I'm going to just read to you a little bit of the post

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that was put out there, because if you're struggling with this,

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you're not alone, number one, and number two, there are

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definitely some very simple strategies that will help you

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sort of dig out of the this particular problem.

Tara Bryan:

Alright, so I had this post come up the other day, and it was

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just like, I just finished my first launch. I'm so excited. It

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was amazing. And 42 members. And now this person has 108 members.

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And and so, you know, 66 people joined there was incredible,

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right? And so she was super excited, she went to her beta

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launch, she went through the whole process. But now here's

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the problem is she's got 108 People who are expecting to be

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immersed in whatever she has to offer. And unfortunately, what

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started to happen to the beta, which is very common, because

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you don't have everything built up yet. And so a lot of times

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you're doing one on one, or you're answering questions

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individually that people have, just because you're trying to

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sort of solidify what you have. And so this happened to her, she

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had a really great community, right, she had a way for people

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to contact the group and to contact her individually. But

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now there's a it's over. And she's like, Okay, what do I do

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with these 108 people? Because they've started to all, you

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know, Vox her or message her individually, that she sees how

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much of a lift that's going to be as she moves forward and adds

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the additional attorney people or you just tries to keep up

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with what's going on with all of the questions and comments and

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all of the things. And so her post goes on and on about how

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she does that, right. So she's got somebody who's sort of

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taking care of basic customer support, billing, and all of

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those types of things. But, but she sort of created a monster

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now with these 108 people that they think that they have one on

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one access to her 24/7. And and so she was like, how, what do I

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do? So one of that. So first of all, if you have this challenge,

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it's normal, right? This is sort of part of the building process.

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But as you can now see, you cannot possibly help 108 people,

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500 people 1000 People in exactly that same way because

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your calendar will be maxed out. And even if you keep hiring team

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is not going to, it's not going to help right, you're eventually

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just going to keep getting maxed out. And so there are a couple

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of strategies that we recommend doing right away to counter act

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this particular challenge, regardless of what system you're

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using, or platform or whatever else.

Tara Bryan:

So the very first thing is start thinking about putting all of

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those people into some sort of group situation where they can

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come on and ask their questions. So one engagement strategy that

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we love to use is a weekly Q&A Call or weekly office hours,

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however you want to think about it. But it's a scheduled time,

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usually an hour, where you are on a zoom call, or whatever

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other platform you want to be on. And people can jump on, they

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can either pre register with our questions, so you can research

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ahead of time depending upon what your topic is. Or they just

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jump on ask their question, or listen to what other questions

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other people have. And, and, and then they're getting their

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questions answered in that environment. That is the very

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first thing that we do to help shift people over, you don't

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need anything complicated. You just need, you know, Zoom, or

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Google Meet, or whatever else you use to do live virtual

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training, is to say, you know, Thursdays at one o'clock, we are

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having office hours, and anyone can come on and ask her

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questions, that eliminates a lot of sort of the one on one

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conversation or banter that's going back and forth in terms of

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what people need.

Tara Bryan:

The second thing you can do is set up something like Slack or

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Voxer, or something that's not like a text message, right?

Tara Bryan:

Because let's be honest, if you have a get a text, and it's on

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your phone, you're going to check it automatically. Because

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a lot of times it's the same phone you're using for your

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family and for other things. And so because you need to set those

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boundaries and see this is when I'm checking it between this

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time and this time, putting it onto a platform like Slack, or,

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you know, if you have a membership site, you can you

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know, kind of put it into a group membership area, or you

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know, something else from a community standpoint, where your

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audience can answer your team can answer and you can answer,

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because that's the challenge is is that, you know, there are

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other people who could probably answer the question that that

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person has, but if they're just interacting with you, and no

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one, no one else can see it. So a lot of times we'll move our

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clients to slack so that the entire team can see that message

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when it comes in, and then whoever is available can answer

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it. So that is one approach in terms of just moving everything

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off of your own personal device or personal messaging system, so

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you're the only one who is seeing it. And then better yet,

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like, you know, the next step in that strategy is creating a

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community where you're having people put their questions in

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the community that then again, lives outside of one on one

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transaction, and is available 24/7. So anyone can jump in and

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answer it or contribute to the conversation at any point in

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time? Because the reality is, is that if somebody has a question,

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most likely one of those other 100. And some people also have

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the question, or somebody has the answer. And so the more you

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can do that the actually, the better off it is, because number

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one, it obviously takes away the you the burden of you and your

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time. But it also starts to build a community of people who

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are helping each other, which adds an entirely new dimension

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to your membership.

Tara Bryan:

And, and so those are just two quick strategies that you can

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use to start shifting, that sort of challenge that you have with

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the one on one to go into one to many. And in honestly, a lot of

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times they're the the opposition that people have is like, well,

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but people want to have access to me. And and that's great,

Tara Bryan:

right? Like you can still have people have access to you

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without having access to you 24/7 Right. And so there's a

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difference between having people ask you a million questions, and

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having focused interaction interactions with people that

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help them move forward. And hopefully, you know, you kind of

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can can gauge the difference there in terms of what that

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looks like. So hopefully this serves you those are just two

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strategies out of lots of other ones. But these are the two that

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start to shift you in a different direction, where you

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get out of that just sort of constant one on one churn of of

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your time as you are adding more members or customers into your

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