CBD Benefits for Workouts and Athletics with guest Patricio Sallas

In this episode, Rick and Rob bring on award-winning mixologist, Patricio Sallas, to discuss the advantages of taking CBD before workouts instead of highly caffeinated pre-workout supplements.
About our Guest:
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Patricio Sallas grew up playing sports and naturally looked for ways to make recovery quicker. With the effects that THC had on people, he was skeptical about THC, but interested in the health properties of CBD. He experimented with CBD and found a major improvement in recovery time. CBD has helped him recover and feel better enough to go from work, straight to the gym.
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About Rob Floyd
There isn’t a moment of the day when Rob Floyd doesn’t have a cocktail program pouring drinks. He currently trains over 2,000 mixologists and bartenders across the globe. His trademark training program gives bars, lounges, and hotels the opportunity to increase revenue, employee retention, and guest satisfaction. When he isn’t in the field conceptualizing new programs or training staff, you can find him on a myriad of hit TV shows including Bar Rescue, read him in magazines like Maxim and Esquire, or find him live on stage performing his signature production, Cocktail Theatre.
He hopes that by inspiring a belief in the all-around experience of drinking to change the way people approach alcohol, empowering them to appreciate the whole moment, to engage in a process and a passion, and to relish the adventure. Sip Boldly.
About Rick Anson
Rick Anson is an International speaker, Cannabis expert, and thought leader. Owner of Wellness Labs, cbdbrainiq, cbdwellnessiq, co-owner of Rob Floyd CBD, podcaster, YouTube producer, and host.
Wellness Labs specializes in advanced absorption CBD products, helping people and pets live a healthier life through CBD and Cannabis. Rick Anson and his team have produced over $10 million in revenue through wholesale CBD and are now launching DTC sales, educational platforms, and mobile stores.
Rick has been sharing his passion, mentoring MLM companies and consumers on CBD, and cannabis since 2012! Rick is a Professional educator and loves hiking, playing soccer, and spending time with his two kids and wife of twenty-three years.
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I have a good one for you today. Are you ready for a little guest in house?
Rick Anson:Yeah, I love your surprises rock. So this give me another one place.
Rob Floyd:Oh well, all right. So everybody's looking forward to doing a little more. You know, health and wellness and hitting the gym. I have a dear friend of mine Patricio and Patricio trains people at the gym. He has trained me he's very mean. In other words, there's never too many reps for him. Patricia, welcome.
Patricio Sallas:Thank you. Thank you guys so much for having me on the show.
Rob Floyd:Well, we're very excited to have you here. We appreciate it.
Rick Anson:Rob chi is column Pat make it easier for me you can call
Rob Floyd:fat Patricio or pat for those of you out there. I'm really excited because I know you have many questions on CBD and many thoughts on it. So I'm gonna let you just rip with one of those first questions that you had when you're coming into studio today.
Patricio Sallas:So I actually have used this product before it's funny that I'm so glad you guys brought me in because I this stuff actually excites me quite a bit. And like you were saying the gym is one big thing that I love. And I actually prior to CBD products, I was taking pre workout, which for those you do not know what that is. It's a pretty much a highly concentrated caffeine drink usually that you take and it kind of gives you the energy a little bit more focused in the gym. But I kind of swapped that out with CBD because I was getting a lot of headaches and the CBD gives you the same effect without the headache and almost a little bit more concentration. To be honest.
Rob Floyd:That's crazy. Rick, why would that happen?
Rick Anson:So CBD is wonderful for pre workout even during and even post workouts right? Because the ability to calm your body down and to have that focus how CBD works in your body on the endocannabinoid system and the CB one CB two receptors. It helps with that focus helps with the pre workouts and during and after. Because it prolongs that soreness, it helps with eliminating or prolonging the soreness and the recovery is much quicker. So I absolutely understand I use CBD as well. And I also have been used and I have a 17 year old son who I've mentioned in previous podcasts, he is a workout fiend and he takes you know, all the pre workouts as well and they're loaded. As you know with niacin. That's what gives you that tingly feeling. And it gives you that flushed Ness in your body. And it's it's it's not good for you. It's not for
Rob Floyd:you. So those pre workouts are really can be tough on your heart I hear as well. Is that right?
Rick Anson:Absolutely. They toughen your heart. They're tough on your body. The reason why people take him is because it's a vasodilator. So it opens up the blood flow in your body in through in it increases the blood flow. So you get bigger pump, but only only last, you know, hour and a half, two hours.
Rob Floyd:Almost deflate. Don't you find that? Yeah,
Patricio Sallas:you just play it. Honestly, it's it's the after effects of the pre workout and that kind of killed me like, again, headaches was one of them. Headaches was a big one. I'd actually kind of hold a migraine for quite a while, like several hours, I had to drink a ton of water to make up for it. And you just feel queasy, I guess it'd be the best way to describe the last feeling is probably queasy. But yeah, with CBD, I go into the gym. And typically a workout that I take an hour an hour and a half to finish I can do in 45 minutes. And the next morning I'm feeling a lot better using CBD just because I feel like I have a little bit more focus on each muscle group that I will work.
Rob Floyd:Rick, let me ask you a question. If you have CBD, and you have a pre workout, right? What is the difference? And what should you expect the upside to be? There's got to be a downside for for I mean, obviously if one's bad, not so good for your heart. What do you think the upside would be for those of us? We're now starting to work CBD at the gym?
Rick Anson:Well, I think it's a great question. And there's just lots of variables to that. But the difference between an like a no explode or an no right and nitric oxide type a nice and product
Rob Floyd:it sorry, what is nitric oxide?
Rick Anson:Well, it's a not nisin is a chemical that's that's used to create that blood flow for workouts right? So that you get this pump, it's addictive. You you go in the gym, you see big muscles, and you you know and you want more of it, right? More than your body, but it's a chemical and it's for a specific natural organic. No, no, it's a chemical for specific somebody
Rob Floyd:in a lab is making this and your body's then trying to figure it out.
Rick Anson:Okay, absolutely full of chemicals, sugar, very high sugar levels, a lot of them extremely high caffeine levels. I mean, a normal cup of coffee is about seven The 580 milligrams of caffeine, one scoop of these pre workouts can have up to 300 milligrams of caffeine. Whoa yeah, absolutely you're kidding no and it's been my son takes I see the stuff he buys and I you know, I tried it once and oh my god, I thought it was gonna have a heart attack. It wasn't you know, it's just not worth it. And in that game of working out, right, it's just what's the next thing I can put what's the higher dose but the high it's addictive and it's absolutely not healthy in some cases dangerous for your Bice, particularly younger people, Pat, you're you're young, much younger. And I am. I mean, putting chemicals like that in your body every single day to have a desired effect. versus putting again, I love to say that CBD is a plant vitamin, right? Because it's a plant compound. As this is this is this is truly God's gift from nature for us. Look, pat you take a you take protein powders, you can take a whey protein, which comes from cheese, right, or a dairy product, which a lot of people can't consume dairy products. Or you can take a plant based organic whey protein whey protein, right so yeah,
Patricio Sallas:I've actually switched over to plant base because I've started to get dairy intolerance from the whey protein. Oh, really? Yeah,
Rick Anson:yeah. So with great weather great parallels right to taking an I take a plant based whey protein powder as well right? Because anything that's organic and plant based you got put in your body, it's
Patricio Sallas:way better for you guys honestly feel a lot better after usually a
Rick Anson:month. Absolutely. Pat, Rob, listeners, when amazing you you take a plant based everything in your life that you possibly can in for workouts, you people who work out, take a plant based powder, protein powder, right? You're taking CBDs a Plant, plant vitamin, you're just complimenting that daily regimen with something that's natural and healthy for you. That is that has long term, immediate daily, weekly, monthly lifetime benefits from the CBD in your workout in your you know, not just a gym workout, right riding bikes, hiking, Pat, all those things that you do.
Patricio Sallas:Yeah, it just honestly, you just feel. Again, I think it has to do with the mind and just feeling a little bit more centered and focused. I do suffer with ADHD. I think we all do. Yeah, I was gonna say I feel like all of us have just a little welcome to America.
Rob Floyd:So have you noticed the difference with CBT and ADHD?
Patricio Sallas:Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. You just you for me, it's, it's so hard to describe in terms of words, but when you feel it, you just feel centered a lot more focused. I shake a lot with my legs. I look left and right quite a bit for no reason. If something catches my eye, I just feel a little bit more honed into whatever I'm supposed to be doing, whether it's work, or I'm watching a movie, even watching the movie honestly, makes it a lot easier. Just focus.
Rob Floyd:Do you think that there's a correlation when you're taking a CBD to focus or mental clarity?
Rick Anson:There has been a lot I do. Rob? Absolutely. There's been a lot of studies again, we are what's amazing is we're we are in our infancy of understanding all the enormous health and wellness benefits of CBD and other plant compounds or vitamins. But there been well over 5000 published studies of CBD and a lot of them around focus and mental capacity. And because of again, how it naturally works in your body and creates homeostasis, right? That's optimal health and wellness. Right? And and it absolutely helps with focus and with energy and stamina and everything else because it's working synergistically with everything else in your body. It's just, you know, it's just an amazing plant vitamin.
Rob Floyd:So, Patricio for going back and thinking of the gym, where do you think CBD best plays for you or your clients? When you're at the gym training and working out?
Patricio Sallas:For me personally, I know Rick was talking about post workout note helping post workout. I honestly I use it pre workout again for the kind of mental clarity. And again, I just when I work a specific muscle group, I tend to focus a little bit more on the pump and the actual motion of the muscle. When I take a little bit of CBD before
Rob Floyd:how do you how do you take it? So Patricio is training me and I'm going to the gym with him. How is he instructing Rob to go ahead and take the CBD beforehand and then you've had entity you know? Yeah,
Patricio Sallas:so I've actually I usually take the gummies and this is typically the way I will get. I did have a follow up call rushing after this but typically I take it like maybe an hour before before workout but my question for Rick actually is what is the most efficient way to take CBD in terms of pre workout?
Rick Anson:Yeah that's a great question again everybody there's so many different form factors meaning delivery methods
Patricio Sallas:yeah
Rick Anson:right break it down two simple ways how you take CBD right comm four factors delivery methods simply how do I take CBD and why should I take them different ways? The I love what you're doing with the gummies about an hour before you go work out that because that is the time for your body to digest it and put it into you know the your bloodstream yeah and feel the effects. I also take CBD for I work out and during workout and post workout. I like the oil tinctures. Just because there's sublingual and the oil tinctures will be seen sublingual, so sublingual absorption. So topic, our topical creams are absorption through the skin. Right, right. So lingual absorption is anything you put underneath your tongue that zorbs through the mucous membrane into your bloodstream much quicker than something that's absorbed through the skin, then you have an edible Of course, like a gummy bear or you know gummies for our case, some chocolates out there etc. that go into your stomach and then are digested into the upper intestine nine and then they're delivered into the body through your stomach then episode The absorption is much longer and slower than the sublingual and of course the fastest way for absorption is through the blood brain barrier. Okay, so but you can take it any way you want. So
Rob Floyd:if you were thinking of that, what would be the best way you would first of all how much is absorbed from when you're talking between a gummy and drops? And then how would you recommend Patris so it's two parts Yeah, I'm thinking about it. How would you how what is the percentage that is normally absorbed or through entity absorbed? And then how would you recommend Patricia or his clients to train Jim with taking CBD? Yeah,
Rick Anson:so within a DEA it is very special right? So it's extremely special CBD product line with your name ma ra because of the ability because it safe and the advanced absorption technology we mentioned in previous podcasts which you have to go listen to. Yeah, absolutely. So I would recommend as a regimen for working out I would recommend extreme you know, obviously proper hydration right and then take a full dropper which is in our case, full dropper in our in the deep oil is 33 milligrams per dropper. Take one of those about 15 minutes before you work out and I would supplement it with your gut with the gummy bears, again about an hour before so you're getting both absorption both ways to absorb into your body and you're optimizing or maximizing that workout with two different ways different forms of CBD going into your body. And then actually honestly at the very end, I would use the advanced absorption topical creams like the role of pain relief for Alon to stop any of that inflammation from that workout. Sore muscles so
Rob Floyd:after your workout, you know let's say you did a big chest day or something or you know worked out as you could then put on the cream as well to let your body heal or recover quicker,
Rick Anson:recover quicker and again, when you have a sore pain, that pain or that soreness can manifest into into inflammation which ultimately goes into long term chronic pain right so you guys stop at a source and that's the best way to do it is with a pain relief for inflammation Relief Cream. So I would use a regimen of of exactly what you're doing post and even during and using oral tinctures and gummy bears. And then at the end, put that cream on to help recover quicker and stop the inflammation before it occurs into something worse.
Patricio Sallas:Yeah, I've actually telling you guys this a lot earlier but my dad actually uses the roller that you guys that enter the roller and he's obviously a little bit older. I don't I think I don't take him postworkout just because I think I am you're young. Exactly yeah, that's what I was about to say I'm still I'm still young, youthful. Exactly. You know I can keep going right after he's in his old age and has a lot of problems with his tendons and stuff but he was telling me after you use that he loves it. He doesn't feel pain the next
Rob Floyd:old age I want to hear with
Rick Anson:old age just just more mature. Yes, more mature and every guy Wisdom. Yeah, there you go.
Rob Floyd:But you know, what was his notice? Sorry.
Patricio Sallas:He just he noticed that he wasn't feeling the pain that he typically feels the next morning, he walks a lot for work and stuff. So yeah, he'd roll it on the night before and next morning, he was he was able to go, he's not feeling as much pain as he was. It's not that it subsides completely, but he feels a lot less pain than when he doesn't use it.
Rick Anson:And you know, I mean, you know, this, this is everyday life, right? We all we try to get to the gym if we can, everyday people love to, but every people work out every single day, whether it's the gym or going for hikes or bicycle rides. It's important understand that every professional sports league, the five big United States, right, from football, to baseball, to hockey to soccer. All legalized pure CBD, it's completely legal in all five major sports leagues. And in 2018. The world anti doping, which is Water Association, world anti doping Association WA, DEA legalized pure CBD for all Olympic and professional athletes in the world. So, you know, certain forms, pure forms, including ours, had been legalized, and not just legalized but endorsed and accepted by Wada, which is the world governing agency for athletes, as well as all five major sports franchise, leagues in the United
Rob Floyd:States. I think that's one of the things within a dt is being able to see how it is measured, that it's a third party lab, so you're not going to get you know, any shenanigans or something or that's going to make you test positive for something if you are an athlete, that it's very safe. And I think that's the biggest thing. It's organic, it's safe. So, for me, that's a big thing. One of the things I noticed you were talking about me about is some of the hockey teams now are using it. And one was was it San Jose?
Rick Anson:Yeah, there are a lot of hockey players are using CBD. I know, some of the San Jose Sharks in San Jose, California, are using it. There's certain racing companies race, race car teams that are using it, not just for the racers, but for the whole pit crew. I mean, some of these professional race teams have 100 member pit crews right out there running around these these are they themselves are athletes, you know, jumping over removing tires and timing. And it mean it is it's not just for the aches and pains and stress and it's for for performance, right? It's to it's amazing that we have I'm so happy and proud to have this product line with you, Rob, that we have a natural, safe plant vitamin that can help you with your life, help you with your stress levels help you through pain, that help you perform better in your daily, you know, daily life and your daily activities. And it's just everyday try the product once our promise right. Yeah, our promise is to try the product once you will love it, you will feel the difference.
Rob Floyd:Yeah, I think it's you know, as we talked about feeling better tomorrow than today. Not that today's bad today's wonderful, but I mean, that you can feel better that you can work out hard at the gym and all that and, and really take care of yourself and next day wake up and you're not all sore, or achy or something's thrown or your neck or back or at all, but you feel more healthy and alive. And that's, that's such an important part of of going to the gym of wellness in general.
Rick Anson:Absolutely. I mean, it's been an amazing ride we've had we've had, you know, pat on talking about working out and we've had angel on talking to southern Yup, pretty Southern Belle, woman you know, talking about products not understanding the CBD. What Why CBD? What's it for, you know, in my son who's 17 and, and Pat's father, you know who's a little bit older,
Patricio Sallas:more mature, more mature, a little more mature,
Rick Anson:who's taking it I mean, that's the beauty of a natural plant based vitamin and the overarching health insurance benefits that can be used and apply to you know, people of all ages for a number of things.
Rob Floyd:Yeah, absolutely. Do you have any any other questions before we throw you out of here? Um
Rick Anson:hit me thank you got about equal that's
Patricio Sallas:what that's what the daily Oh, no, I know. It works. Don't worry. What's what's like the Daily Dose recommendation?
Rick Anson:Yeah, that's fantastic. As an overall general rule of thumb, I again because this is for general health and wellness, right? We again I mentioned earlier we had this ECS endocannabinoid system and CBD and other comp plant vitamins. These cannabinoids are the only thing known in the world to nourish our endocannabinoid system, so people literally every single day should be taking CBD to nourish that system. And that system regulates stress and pain and anxiety, etc. So an average person should take about 100 milligrams of CBD a day in a variety of ways. Again, topically or sublingually through an oil tincture, or like the gourmet gummies and edible form, which are amazing by the other very
Rob Floyd:Yeah, I was gonna say. And real quick about the gummies is I have friends that now swear by sleeping with them, they have such deeper sleep. So it's interesting to hear the true CEOs wins at the gym. And then my friend Barry who sleeps with him is like, oh my gosh, I have the deepest sleeps in these crazy dreams that are really so it's fascinating how it works across both spectrums.
Rick Anson:Yeah, it really is. And it's because it's because instead of making a drug for one ailment, right or for a specific thing that big pharma does, again, every human being and every animal, you know, we talked about our dogs a lot have an endocannabinoid system. So the CBD and other compounds will work on every one of us. Absolutely work on and can work on in different ways. But we all have it's just like a respiratory system. We all need air. You absolutely need pure CBD to nourish your endocannabinoid system. And that's why this is such an amazing future of our health and wellness. And yeah, Rob, I mean, it's it's, you know, across across the board. Yeah, absolutely.
Rob Floyd:Patricio. Thank you so much for coming in. And thank you guys
Patricio Sallas:so much for having me here.