Understanding Success: The Process and Productivity with Jonathan Dunn

Dr. Cliff Fisher and Jonathan Dunn take on the process of achieving success and productivity. They discuss the importance of defining your success and being willing to sacrifice to achieve it. Also emphasizing the significance of focusing on bringing your best to each moment and aligning your actions with productive behaviors. Join them as they provide practical insights and actionable steps to help you awaken greatness and accomplish your goals. So, get ready to unlock your potential and elevate your consciousness as we explore the keys to success and productivity.
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About Dr. Cliff Fisher:
Dr. Cliff Fisher, a distinguished figure in the chiropractic field and an avid promoter of holistic wellness, currently resides in North Carolina. With a rich history in the discipline, Dr. Fisher's journey in chiropractic care began in Reno and later flourished at Palmer College, where he obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1998. His dedication to mastering upper cervical techniques has placed him among a select group of less than 150 doctors worldwide skilled in this specialized area.
In 2000, Dr. Fisher established Fisher Family Chiropractic, which later evolved into Family First Chiropractic. His commitment to the profession led him to manage his practices remotely from North Carolina for four years, demonstrating remarkable adaptability and leadership.
His career took a significant turn in 2020 when he joined AlignLife as the Corporate Clinic Director. His expertise and passion for training were soon recognized, leading to his appointment as the Director of Training in 2021. Dr. Fisher's entrepreneurial spirit thrived through partnerships in several ventures, including Exclusive Nerve and Disc Centers, AlignLife clinics in Southpoint Crossing and Fishers, and Hoosiers Properties.
His involvement in 5th Avenue and Associates, a foundation supporting women and children, showcases his commitment to community welfare. Personal life has been equally dynamic for Dr. Fisher. After his divorce in 2014, he found love again and remarried in 2017 to Jory Froggatt, a partnership that brought together a blended family of four children: Alex, Nate, Jayla, and Britten. Dr. Fisher cherishes his time with Jory, who he describes as his best friend and the love of his life.
Dr. Fisher's philosophy extends beyond chiropractic care. He believes in helping people uncover their greatness, asserting that organizational success is rooted in the potential of its people. His aim for "Awaken Greatness" is ambitious yet heartfelt – to reach a billion people and inspire self-belief and love.
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Dr. Cliff Fisher: We all settle because we don't think we deserve something different. And part of it's because we don't know what we really want.
All right tribe Welcome to Awaken Greatness with Dr. Cliff Fisher. And Jonathan Dunn, brought to you by Dream leader Institute where we awaken greatness, and we give you the tools to find and create your greatest self and raise the consciousness of the planet. So Jonathan, I know we've been talking in the last couple of weeks about success sacrifice. And I'm super excited to jump into, you know, what's the process of that? Because just like, when I do my health care classes, I asked everybody, do you want to be healthy? Everybody? I've never had one person say, No, we've never had one person say they didn't want to be successful. But the hard part is when I asked the follow up question and like, well, what is healthy mean to you? They don't know the answer. And I think that's really what we're trying to drive into. And so today, we're gonna dive into the process and productivity.
Jonathan Dunn:
That's right, let's awaken some greatness. So just a quick recap of where we're at. So far, the first thing that we asked you to do was build out what does a successful 2024 look like for you? And one of the key things that we mentioned once you got your own definition out was, how many people in your life? Do you know their definition? And would it be a much more fun world, if we got together and talked about helping each other be successful, versus getting together and talking about things that are rather pointless, and you will learn what those pointless things are in this episode, and then we got to the second sheet, and it's a big word, sacrifice. We talked about how it really connects back to your self esteem. And once again, the reality is, if you do not set success metrics, which really challenge who you believe you are, that's really the main reason we do it actually, achieving this stuff can be quite anticlimactic. The reality is, as I keep telling, you know, when you listen there, your beliefs got you exactly where you are today. We're not saying it's good. We're not saying it's bad. We're not saying we're indifferent. We're just saying that if you want to go someplace else, you have to challenge your current belief system. Because once again, your beliefs got you exactly where you are. So we have to be constantly challenging that. And the real beauty of that is this. When you challenge who you believe you are, paradoxically, you find out exactly who you are. And you're able to learn to embrace change, and not be fazed when things come unexpectedly. But on that sacrifice sheet as well, if you study people historically, and you go out this year, and you dedicate yourself to reading biography after biography after biography, Elon Musk classic example. Man's always had a fascination with space. He gets a great payout. I believe it was Pay Pal, if I butcher that, my apologies. But he sacrificed his great payout, so that he could scratch his edge of exploring space. Sucks successful people are willing to sacrifice End of story. So we kind of had to in that second shape. What am I going to have to sacrifice to achieve what it is I wrote down? And then the bigger question is, am I willing to sacrifice? Am I willing to sacrifice and kind of the cool part year after year when I was you know, rereading my success checklist from last year. I learned I'm not ashamed to admit any of this. I still have a little bit of pride I need to sacrifice away. With that said it was trending in the right direction. On my business goal, you know, there are some limiting beliefs that still need to be sacrificed. And on the physical goal, there is some desires for dopamine hits from food to be sacrificed with that said, it was all going in the right direction. So what are you going to have to sacrifice and are you willing to sacrifice but then we go to the third sheet. We call this the process. It's named after one of our favorite Football Coaches, Nick Saban. So what is the process? So let me give you a little story here. Before Nick Saban became a great coach, he was a not so great coach, which is kind of a journey for a lot of us. He was coaching at the University of Toledo, a Schedule A school that would commonly be scheduled as a guaranteed victory for some of the powerhouse teams. And Mr. Saban felt like kind of a fraud. That he felt his role was to motivate his team to win. And he kind of realized some to some games. They're not designed to win. So as fate would have it one day, he travels down to the Psychology Department. And he made someone I believe the man's name was Dr. Sol, who would forever change his life and really be the inventor of the process. And save and says to Dr. Sal, I feel like a fraud. I'm supposed to get my team motivated for a game that they can't win. And like many great doctors, do. They get to the root of things by asking questions. And he said to Nick, is it really about winning the day? To which Nick Saban replied, You have intrigued me? Tell me more. At which point Dr. Sol said, isn't a game really about winning? Each play, Saban said tell me more. Well, there's a kickoff. And that's the first play, isn't it about you win that one play. And then you have a complete reset, and the next play, it has a history all of its own. And then when that play is over the next play, it has a history all of its own. And that's when the process was poor. Save and then goes back to his team and says gentlemen, you know what all the pundits are saying, We have no chance to win this game. I want you to not look at the scoreboard, I don't want you to care about the scoreboard, I want you to bring your best to each play of the game, focus in on winning one play. And when that play is over, focus in on winning the next play. Nick Saban becomes one of the greatest coaches of all time, if not the greatest coach of all time, by giving his team this advice. Don't focus on the scoreboard. Just bring your best each and every play of the game. And that way the team is on a mode of always improving and not watching the scoreboard. So I asked our listening audience and specifically, Dr. Cliff Fisher, our host. Is there a better habit in the world? Then learning to bring your best each play of the game of life?
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: Nope. We've been talking about this for a while and the last like four or five months, it's been really critical, like really showing up and being present with whoever you're with. And wherever you're at.
Jonathan Dunn:
Right? So then people ask us Well, on that first sheet of success, you kind of really asked us to have a scoreboard. So are you guys a bunch of hypocrites? And the answer is no, we're not. So a couple of points here. As I mentioned earlier, the scoreboard we asked you to write is simply to get you to challenge who you believe you are. That's it. Now, how does it connect back to this next sheet? The process? Now this blows a lot of people away when they hear it. But one of my favorite quotes is by Marianne Williams, and some people attribute this quote to Nelson Mandela. And as fate would have it, I know somebody who knew Nelson Mandela, and Nelson Mandela didn't say the quote, but again The credit to Marianne Williams. And that is, our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It's that we're powerful beyond measure. So what does that mean? Exactly? What it means for us is this. Nobody knows what they're best isn't anymore. Nobody knows what their vast is anymore. If people truly knew what their best was, there would be an army of people out there every day, working to change this crazy world that we live in. As many of you know, the goal of DOI, raise the consciousness and awareness of the planet, change the world. So the process sheet that Dr. Eclipse is going to pull up on the old screen here represents one day of you at your best. On the sheet, it says write down three things in each area you need to be elite in and the times you will commit to them. And always make sure to put important dates in the calendar. So let me read out to you, my daily bringing my best. So you have an idea of what this looks like. 5am do a 5k 5:30am four days a week, do 30 minutes on the weights daily, get eight hours of rest six days per week, fuel my body like a million dollar racehorse get enough water, get enough fiber. Now then, so how would I know if that was me at my best. Because we have a scoreboard, the scoreboard is my body fat at 15%. And when I go to the doctor, and they profile my blood, that they say your sugar's are where they need to be your cholesterol is where it needs to be. And your triglycerides are where they need to be. Success for me in the physical department is being healthy so I can be around for my family until my time is called to go out to be in heaven with Jesus. So that's physically me at my best for a day. Emotional emotionally. Very important one. For 40 5am. I do something called when the day I do a check in of my consciousness. And I pray the Our Father, three to five times, until I'm connected with Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. Every morning, I commit to loving everyone who comes my way out of 10 out of 10. I also commit to something called neutral thinking and remembering to use non judgmental thinking as well. Emotionally, that's me at my best. How do I know if that is me at my best? That one's very easy. I led my emotions throughout the day. And I didn't let my emotions lead me. And I was 960 minutes of love each day, professionally. One day, what's me at my best committed to bringing everyone a 10 out of 10. spending an hour in creation and doing my professional development work. How do I know if I'm at my best professional? Well, we have a scoreboard and that's the earnings goal for the company. Financial process and you'll notice all of these categories are necessary for whole life success. Well, this is a funny one that says my process on that is delegated to my wife and simply don't buy what I don't need. I always ask myself is what I'm about to buy worthy of delaying my financial independence. And usually you realize it pretty much isn't. And once the scoreboard to know financially, we're at our best. That is our savings goal that we determined and then mindset process, which is very connected to emotional process. Every day at 730. I leave this on my desk and I review it. You might notice my voice is a little off today. I've been under the weather. When I looked at this This morning. And I said, is that an excuse? Are you still gonna bring your best and easy to termination still bring the best. Also read 10 pages of a good book daily. Don't put sugar in my brain. And we're talking about the sugar of the news media or social media, and to do my gratitude list daily, how do I know my mindset processes working? That's easy. 960 minutes of love. And I have no visceral reactions each day because those are Pasquet. My god process Jesus calling every morning, I read an app called latte every morning. I have a prayer group every morning. I have coffee with God for an hour each morning and a weekly mass. How do I know if I'm at my best with God? Now this one's kind of neat. This could be your big takeaway for the whole meeting. I once again, I judge it back to was able to be loving for 960 minutes today. And I think to myself, what more would God want from me? Besides that? That's really my main scoreboard goal. That lets me know, everything is locked and loaded. And then relationship process. I'm a giant relationship person. I think they're everything. What's my daily process? You know, and I'm just sharing with issue in hopes that it will help you, my wife and I have an intimacy goal in life changing. show each other our love language is three to five times a day. If it's date night, it's date night, if it stayed breakfast, it stayed breakfast, be a hero to my children. And once again, that same thing, committing to loving 10 out of 10. How do I know I'm at my best, zero visceral reactions. So once a week, I go to a local restaurant. And I tweak this and how do I tweak it, I tweak it based on my wife and I's scoreboard of success for the year. It shows me if I need to love her up a little bit, or believe it or not, in some cases, actually lever down. This also allows me to collect a lot of data once again, to realize what my best is, what my best isn't, and what my best could look like. So Dr. Cliff, anything you want to add to that one?
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: Yeah, I think the biggest thing on that is for you guys, like the time and the intentionality. It's not something that will necessarily change overnight. It's the process, it's truly is like, continuing to set the standards like I love the quote at the bottom, where it says I'm not tough on people, we create a standard for how we want to do things. And we do them with excellence. So this is you creating the standard not letting the outside world create that standard for you. Not letting the world create that because our world super sick, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. And so this is an opportunity for you to sit down and define it and define your life. And then you know, really to call bullshit or not like I think, you know, when we open up our meetings, John DS, like, are you living? Are you living the process? Are you full of shit,
Jonathan Dunn:
and you know, it's true people. And so the shit stands for sadness, or insecure and traumatized, because it's the shit of our lives that stops us from achieving that success. So that's all it is. We're not a bunch of cursors a DOI. It's actually a great acronym that my lovely bride Jennifer invented. Now then the other big takeaway on this, okay, this is the biggest takeaway. If you don't like stress, and you don't like anxiety, do the process. Because why do people get stressed out? And why do people get anxious? Well, sometimes definitely, it's relational things. But more often than not, it's because they believe they're a failure and won't be successful in life. And they'll end up homeless and not have Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs safety. So doing this sheet allows you to understand that nobody in the world understands except now you do from listening to our podcast. Success is simply one day at a time. All it ever was and it's all it will ever be. And when you understand success is one day at a time you become present with the people you're with, and you become completely unlocked as a human being And when I read my process, you're probably like, that doesn't sound like what I thought success was. And that's the problem. Success is never what people think it really is, when you get down to the day to day aspect of it. And when you hear the definition you go, that actually sounds kind of fun. And when you understand successes, fun, and it's one day at a time, once again, you get unlocked, and you understand success is no more complicated than breathing is.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: When you brought up breathing, and the space that I think of it is breathing is easy. We don't think about it in the process is easy. You know, it's not a hard thing, but you have to be intentional around because if we stopped breathing, we stopped living. And I think so often we just settle in our lives. I feel like we all settle because we don't think we deserve something different. And part of it's because we don't know what we really
Jonathan Dunn:
want. That's right. So and when you understand it's one day at a time, and you've heard the people go embrace the journey, embrace the journey, and you're like, how the hell do I do that? Well, it's when you realize success is one day at a time. And one moment at a time. When you're focused in on winning moment by moment, which by the way, our definition of winning, is when everybody wins. Yeah, when there's a loser, that you can embrace the journey. And when you're surrounded around people who are bringing their best to each moment, and you're bringing your best to each moment, man, oh, man, nothing is more fun than fat. And it cuts your drama down by 99%.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: I love it, then. So you know, I just really encourage you guys like, I know we're giving you a lot of sheets, and it's taken us some time to go through it. But man, the limit, the juice is worth the squeeze. And so don't you know put the time in because you'll have a different life. Jon D and I, I've been doing this for a couple years, Jon D has been doing it for a couple of years longer than that. And every year, it's just gets more and more dialed in. And you you start to have a different life. Because you're you're having different expectations for yourself, and different expectations for the people around you.
Jonathan Dunn:
And now we get to the final shape. If you are a successful person, you will also be known as a productive person. And I'm asking Dr. Cliff, and I'm asking the viewing audience. Do you think most people are productive? Or do you think most people are busy? And what's the answer? Dr. Cliff, most people are busy. That is correct. In fact, I made the realization a while back. Don't assume people even know what productive means. Because most people confuse busyness for productivity. In fact, most people are involved in a bazillion things that never have a chance to even be on the success list. So at this point, I'm going to ask our host, Dr. Cliff Fisher to please read the beautiful definition on the top by Le Goldratt.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: Alright, so productivity is the act of bringing a company or individual towards their goal. Every action that brings a company or individual to a goal is productive, and every action that doesn't isn't a simple and often overlooked truth. Okay,
Jonathan Dunn:
any flaw in that definition? Nope. There's not. So if you're moving towards, like, all productive, if the behavior moves you away from the goal, it's not productive. So the first category on the sheet is now that you've you've established what it is you really want. You've given yourself a great gift because now you know either a on being productive or be on not being productive. So the first question is what five actions of your life fit the definition of on productive so you take a couple of minutes. You write it out you just have an honest assessment with yourself. Because if you don't learn to be honest with yourself and stop swimming in the river of denial, you will die unsuccessful and a slave. So then the second question is, what five actions of your life fit the definition of productive? It take a couple of minutes to write it down. So then my big question here to people is, be honest with me. What's more fun, what brings more joy is that the productive behaviors or the unproductive behaviors, they usually get a little sick to their stomach, and they go, Wow, man, they're productive behaviors really do feel much better. And I also say, and it's also proof, you've got it within you. So we recommend, every Saturday, Friday, do a little weekly planning session, and you fill out, you know, these sheets, and you kind of monitor up. But then on the bottom. It says, What do you need to subtract to really achieve your success? Or what do you really need to lock in with to achieve success? And then the final question, is there anything you're afraid to let go of? That's an unproductive behavior. And people go oh, ah, what do you mean, and I had this one guy. And he goes on to finally admit, playing in five fantasy football leagues is unproductive. And he did admit, he was afraid to let it go. Now why was he afraid to let it go? Because he thought if he didn't play in these unproductive fantasy leagues, that he wouldn't have happiness in his life. And he. Now it sounds silly. But that really is where most people are at. If I don't have all these unproductive behaviors, I won't be happy anymore. And I'm telling you, that's a person right there, who has forgotten the meaning of what it really means to be happy. Because I always say, to close this sheet out, what would be more fun? At the end of the year? You hold up your success sheet. And you go, Wow, I did it. And I did it with a bunch of people I love we did it together, and we sacrifice together. And we grew closer together? Or would it be more fun? At the end of the year to not achieve success? And to keep being mired in Mile after mile of unproductive behavior? And people go well, that's a dumb question. Of course, the success one on I say I know. But over 90% of the world ain't doing it. And it's why they're miserable. It's why they're wrought with anxiety, and why they're wrought with stress. And if they don't change, nothing is going to change. And as Leo Baca says at the bottom, simplicity in life boils down to two steps. Identify the essential, that's your process, by the way, and eliminate the rest. That is the best four step plan to achieving success in your life. You will I ever say? And yes, it's a lot of info. But that's why we say on our marketing video, we're here to walk side by side with you and cross that finish line at the end of the year. You a fully transformed person who knows for the rest of their life. They're capable of all things success, and we changed the world. That's it. That's our process. Dr. Cliff. Any questions, comments? Add ons? Yeah,
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: and I love it. The one thing as we go through this, the one thing that came up for me is what are we willing not to do to get to where we want to go? And so I think that's the biggest takeaway for me out of these last several episodes, recognize it as a process. And I do agree with Jon D. Like if you need like, these things aren't hard to do. It's just the accountability. And also, that's always the question behind the question. Sometimes we get stuck at that first step. And we don't take the next step because we don't know where to go. And that's really what DLA is here to do for you guys. And what we want to do and why we do this podcast, why we have dream Leadership Institute, and why we're committed to that space.
Jonathan Dunn:
Yeah, we want to live in a more successful world and really, as we always say, as well. We want the young children of these days to grow up knowing they're enough and they have everything it takes to achieve success in their life and to leave their unique mark on the world.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: Jon D I don't know if I've ever shared this stat with you, but our kids generation is the first generation where their lifespan is shorter than their parents. Yeah, I have heard that. And so and I think this is one of those spaces like, health is part of that, but you know, that mental health and part of that reason is is you know, just being lost, like not really having that purpose. And so, you know, find your purpose and we can help you we want to thank you guys for listening. Jon D. Thanks for your insights and inspiration. And you tribe have an awesome week and we will see you guys next week.
Jonathan Dunn:
Thank you very much.