Sacrifice as the Foundation for Success with Jonathan Dunn

Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve success?
Dr. Cliff Fisher and Jonathan Dunn, delve into the concept of sacrifice. They discuss the importance of sacrifice in achieving success and how it plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. They reflect on the teachings of successful leaders like Nick Saban and the impact of sacrifice on self-esteem. Providing insights on different learning styles and sharing personal experiences related to sacrifice and success. Listen as they set the stage for understanding the process of achieving success one day at a time.
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About Dr. Cliff Fisher:
Dr. Cliff Fisher, a distinguished figure in the chiropractic field and an avid promoter of holistic wellness, currently resides in North Carolina. With a rich history in the discipline, Dr. Fisher's journey in chiropractic care began in Reno and later flourished at Palmer College, where he obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1998. His dedication to mastering upper cervical techniques has placed him among a select group of less than 150 doctors worldwide skilled in this specialized area.
In 2000, Dr. Fisher established Fisher Family Chiropractic, which later evolved into Family First Chiropractic. His commitment to the profession led him to manage his practices remotely from North Carolina for four years, demonstrating remarkable adaptability and leadership.
His career took a significant turn in 2020 when he joined AlignLife as the Corporate Clinic Director. His expertise and passion for training were soon recognized, leading to his appointment as the Director of Training in 2021. Dr. Fisher's entrepreneurial spirit thrived through partnerships in several ventures, including Exclusive Nerve and Disc Centers, AlignLife clinics in Southpoint Crossing and Fishers, and Hoosiers Properties.
His involvement in 5th Avenue and Associates, a foundation supporting women and children, showcases his commitment to community welfare. Personal life has been equally dynamic for Dr. Fisher. After his divorce in 2014, he found love again and remarried in 2017 to Jory Froggatt, a partnership that brought together a blended family of four children: Alex, Nate, Jayla, and Britten. Dr. Fisher cherishes his time with Jory, who he describes as his best friend and the love of his life.
Dr. Fisher's philosophy extends beyond chiropractic care. He believes in helping people uncover their greatness, asserting that organizational success is rooted in the potential of its people. His aim for "Awaken Greatness" is ambitious yet heartfelt – to reach a billion people and inspire self-belief and love.
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My question to people is is this you know what to sacrifice? But are you willing to sacrifice it? Alright
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: tribe. Welcome to awakened greatness with Dr. Cliff Fisher and Jonathan Dunn, brought to you by Dream leader Institute where we awaken greatness and give you the tools to find and create your greatest self, and raise the consciousness of the planet. Today, I'm super excited to be talking about sacrifice. Last time, we talked about success and, you know, getting to that place of success. There's always some sort of sacrifice. And so when I think about all this stuff, Jon D, I always think of like, the people, Nick Saban, it's like a lot of times he talks about what not to do, not what you can do, but what you don't do, if you want success. And I think that's really like the, the key point for today. So John D, I know, You've sacrificed a lot over the like your lifetime, honestly. And so and I know a lot in this last year, I know we're coming up on a new year. And so I'd love to dive into this with you.
Jonathan Dunn:
And I'm really excited everyone to dive into this topic. And I was I was telling Dr. Cliff ahead of time, like, I'm really happy that we cut off last episode right before sacrifice. And the goal today is to get through three sheets, but I have a feeling sacrifice might be the only one we do get through. But a quick recap from last time. So yes, 100 people do you want to be successful? 100 people answer well, of course, I want to be successful. And then I presented the question to the room, though. How many people in your life? Do you really know who are successful? And what we mean by that? You know, what everybody has their own unique definition. Like in all areas of life, they're successful with God. They're successful in their relationships, they're successful in their health are successful financially in business in all areas of life. And we go well, the the numbers not not, it's not enough. Because the reality is, most people really don't believe they can be successful. So last episode, we really asked, you know, what does a year of success look like in your life? And then what we do is we break it down into what does one successful month look like? And then kind of what does one successful week look like? And we're really whittling it down to what the big message is. And it's you know, life is about being successful, one day at a time, that that's the narrative that that has to get shifted in your head. If you want to be successful for life, all you have to do is learn to be successful for one day. But moving forward to where we're at now. You've got written down, hopefully, what does one successful week look like for me. And then we go to the second page. Now normally, when we're doing this process, live with our clients. We're always respectful of everyone's faith background. But one of the videos we like to play here, when talking about sacrifice is from a movie called The Passion of the Christ. And it's the last supper scene where Jesus is telling the apostles, there is no greater love than laying down your life for your friends. So the question I always like to ask here and I'm really asking this of Dr. Cliff right now, what did God sacrifice for us? Dr. cliffs, so we can even be here having this podcast for people to
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: sacrifice his son and really everything in that face? Right.
Jonathan Dunn:
So and Dr. Cliff really spontaneously answered that right there that was not prescriptive. He said the word out he sacrificed everything. And this is what I keep telling people. Year after year after year, you're either you know hitting your successes or you're not. And it all boils down to this second shape. What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve that one week of success? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve that one week of success now, by the way, this is mankind as a whole right here. God sacrificed everything sacrificed his son, Dr. Cliff, what do you spend elate most people are willing to sacrifice out there on the world to achieve the success that's floating around in their head.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: They say one thing, and they mean a different thing. So I think everybody's, you know, they'll sacrifice whatever. But then after that day goes by just like worth the you know, most people's New Year's resolutions on day two are already missed. So, I don't think much I think they want to,
Jonathan Dunn:
once again, fully spontaneous here, just asking him and he gave me an example, not much. You think about in your own life, as we're talking this out whether or not you've hit your success or not? What have you been willing to sacrifice? And for the vast majority of the population, and we're not calling anyone out here? The answer is nothing. You know, we constantly want to blame the politicians for the world, in the state that it's in, and you can spend a lot of time blaming them. But the reality is, man, like you're the common denominator in your life, the rest of your life, you're the common denominator. And most people are willing to sacrifice nothing. This has horrible deleterious effects on your mind as well. A very important thing in life is our internal dialogue, and our own self esteem. Because what we believe about ourselves is what's going to come true. And if you're a human being who's unwilling to sacrifice anything to achieve your success, Dr. Cliff, how do you think those people self esteem zone, super love? In this world is wracked with stress and anxiety, which isn't even real. And where does most of it come from? People who are stressed and anxious because they don't believe they can be successful. But something's got to give. And that's something that's got to give is understanding I'm going to have to sacrifice to achieve success. You mean, I remember being a little kid on a school bus, bus to for for Longwood, Florida. And like, it's probably 100 kids on the bus, and maybe one out of that 100 was obese.
Jonathan Dunn:
And now it's one out of 100 that are actually healthy. And it's really, really sad. And the reason why I bring this up, is everyone would say they want to be successful. And everyone would have metrics on what success would look like from a health standpoint. And what are they unwilling to sacrifice? bad foods? And why is that? Because the thing that's really holding people back from being successful, is instant gratification. So we play the video of the Last Supper here, where Jesus is saying, Hey, I'm gonna lay down my life for you. That's how much I love you. And we live in a world where people want even sacrifice, a bad habit. And we wonder why the world is a proverbial shit show. And we wonder why people think so lowly of themselves. So what we asked you to do right here, and Dr. Cliff will pull the sheet up on the screen. Once again, we want to get you all of the sheets. So all you got to do is go to our website, Dream leader Sign up for the old newsletter, drop us a line and say please, please send us the the success sheets, we'll know what you're talking about. But on the top of the sheet, Dr. Cliff, would you read what it says on the top of the sheet to the audience? Absolutely.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: So what would you have to sacrifice to have what you really want?
Jonathan Dunn:
So go ahead and write down to have the success you really want. What are you going to have to sacrifice like flip press pause here and write it down? So go ahead, hit pause. Right, welcome back. I bet you're amazed that you knew exactly what you'd have to sacrifice. We've all got this inner voice that knows. The problem is we don't listen to it. But I'm guessing you're amazed you knew exactly what you needed to sacrifice to achieve success in your life. But then the next question on the sheet is this. What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve success at DOI a bunch of us are fans of Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban. He's really a fast An eating guy. He's a little gruff around the edges. But hey, he's earned it. He loves to tell the players. And I'm just quoting him here. I don't give a shit what your dreams are. But what I do give a shit about is what are you willing to do to achieve your dreams? That's the sweet spot. So my question to people is, is this, you know what to sacrifice? But are you willing to sacrifice it? You know, and then what I always like to tell people here is this. Imagine I had a recruit, to join your team. And you said, Tell me about the recruit to join my team. And I said, Ah, this person is crystal clear on success. They believe they can achieve success. They know what they need to sacrifice to achieve success, and they are willing to do it. You'd say, sign me up for that person to join my team. And I would say to you, then how do you think this person's self esteem is, you'd go, they're crystal clear on success. They know what they have to sacrifice, they're willing to sacrifice to achieve it. I'm gonna guess their self esteem is rock solid. And I'd say bingo, you're correct. And how awesome is it to have a fully restored self esteem. Then conversely, if I said, Hey, I got a person, I want him to join your team. And you said, Tell me about him. And I said, well, they have no idea what success looks like, they have no idea what sacrifice looks like. And they're basically from what I can tell. They're not willing to sacrifice anything, it's pretty apparent. And you'd say, Well, hell, man, keep them away from me. And I'd say how do you think that person's self esteem is? And they, you'd say, well, when I walked my dog in the morning, every once in a while when it's early, and it's cold, somebody didn't clean up after their dog, and I come across a steaming pile of dog shit on the sidewalk. I'm gonna guess that's what their self esteem looks like. And I go, bingo, you're correct. And by the way, that is the vast majority of human beings in society. They've not defined success, and they're unwilling to sacrifice for it. And they wonder why their self esteem is so bad. If on a side note, I said, A, do you abuse your kids? You'd say, Well, hell, no, I don't abuse my kids. And I'd say, well, you're probably thinking of physical abuse. The most devastating form of abuse you can do to your own children, is be a low self esteem parent. If you want to guarantee yourself that your kid is going to end up being a follower, and most likely fall into addiction. Just make sure they have self esteem. And quite honestly, I don't care what you tell them. It's what they're watching. And people who know they can achieve success, and they know it takes sacrifice. They have healthier self esteem than people that don't do it. Because I've asked you, why don't you set success goals? Why don't you sacrifice if someone was being honest, they'd say, Well, because I don't really believe I can achieve it. And bingo, that is low self esteem, parenting 101. So, when you when you join our mailing list, and we send you these sheets, and the first group of people to do it with is your family. And once a week, you sit down as a family, and you start holding each other lovingly, accountable. It'll be the greatest gift you give your family in 2024 or whatever year you're listening to this podcast.
Jonathan Dunn:
I'm telling you, I guarantee it. You know, I have not been a perfect human being but my daughter finished up college a little bit over a year ago. And she was one of six people to interview what she called her dream job working in a hospital in Fort Myers, the OB GYN department. And she was one of six people who interviewed she was the person that got the job. And a huge reason for that is this. She had the self esteem necessary Do give a world class interview. And in that short amount of time, she's already been promoted. She's earning more than she ever dreamed about. And she's healthy, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Because your children have to grow up believing they can be successful. Otherwise, they're going to grow up becoming a follower. And by the way, one last little tidbit on this shape. If you ask people largely, do you believe you were created in the image of God? People largely would say, Yeah, you know, I guess I do believe. And, you know, that's up to you. But you are.
Jonathan Dunn:
And part of realizing that is sacrifice. And one of the things you've got to sacrifice and you're going to learn more about this on sheet four, is these things that you believe you have to have to be happy that have nothing to do. So first, getting crystal clear on sacrifice sheet number two, getting crystal clear on what you have to sacrifice, and to ask yourself, are you willing to sacrifice it, and having a command and control like NASA, of people that you do this with? That you hold each other accountable? Accountability is critical. Champions, love, accountability, axtone, Dr. Cliff, anything you want to add? Up until this point, like the biggest
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: thing, like you talked a lot about families, but also, the other thing that popped up for me was being a leader. Like I think that low self esteem leader creates the same thing, same dynamic, and I'm, I love what you said to as far as they don't do what you say they do, they see. And so as a leader really being in that space, holding that space for them. Honoring that space, as you were speaking about that I was thinking to my wife Jory, just how she's held that space for our family, and how she bring like, she has high self esteem, since she brings up our whole family self esteem by setting the bar or the setpoint at a higher level.
Jonathan Dunn:
No, and I love that, and that'd be a whole nother podcast for another day is, you know, learning styles. And we'll go ahead and we'll tap on that real quick. You know, so many people are so concerned with what's coming out of their mouth. And I always love what Zig Ziglar said, your actions speak so loud, I can't hear what you're saying. Because the fact of the matter is, most human beings learn through observation of others. And the style that's up there with observation is most people learn by getting their hands dirty. It's actually a far smaller percentage of people that learn through getting lectured at. Or by the way, I'm a huge book reader. But there are actual proper ways to take a book and turn it into a tactile learning experience than then having to read chapters. Because if you're not applying it, what does it really mean anyway? So I always say, No, I'm not saying what comes out of your mouth isn't important. But your kids are watching you. Like I never met a parent who goes, I want my kids to live the life of their dreams. And I go well, good. I'm glad we agree. But are you and they're like, Damn, man that hits kind of low. And I know, look, man, every parent has to wrestle with the fact that one of the things they're mainly teaching their kids is how to be a hypocrite. So if you're talking to your kids about living the dreams, be honest about the mistakes you've made, the honest that maybe you're there, or you're not there, but be working on that together. Because it's never too late. Ever. You know, people spend the first half of their life saying it's, I'm too young, the second half, saying I'm too old, and like right now. All right, good. I see you've got this go ahead, clip. I love it.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: So when we talked about learning styles, because from a leader standpoint and a parenting style, just really understanding your child and who they are your team member and who they are. There's a group that's visual, and they're going to be charts, graphs and organizers in that space, then you're gonna have your auditory so they learn by hearing so that's where like audiobooks have been a game changer for me because I really struggled reading and then the next one is kinesthetic learn by doing and then what happens is, we don't just have one of these, we have all of these so read and write. So learn by reading and writing. That's why journaling is so important spatial learning that's where you're like doing it and seeing it and you know, whether it's drawing video games or something like that, and then music I think that's one of those spaces that we probably don't get enough of I watch our youngest girl she's amazing Britain at playing the piano. And it forces a discipline for to get better at it. So as you go through these the kinesthetic and visual learners a spatial learner, the auditory and visual learner is going to be more that read and write that Auditory and Kinesthetic is going to be that musical. And so it just shows that overlap of all the different ways that we do and can learn.
Jonathan Dunn:
That's a beautiful shape. And, you know, very, you know, we go in and do the leadership stuff all the time. And really, the number one, you know, responsibility of a leader is to be a teacher. Yep. You know, like the greatest leader of all time, you know, Jesus was was a teacher, and people will I agree, teaching is part of great leadership. And I Okay, great. I agree again, do you know, a single team members learning style, and I don't even know my own, you start to understand why the world is the way that it is. But now we go. So Dr. Cliff, do we do we want to? Do we want to cut off this podcast here? Or do we want to move into the next sheet? Which, by the way, it is my favorite one?
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: So I think we should save it, I think, if you want to preview because it's the process, right? Yes,
Jonathan Dunn:
yes. Yeah. So yeah, we'll give a little bit of a preview and maybe a little, a little fun thing, because we like using a lot of video and multisensory in our coaching. If you go to YouTube, and type in Nick Saban, the process he was on 60 minutes, I'm guessing it was over a decade ago. But it is a beautiful video of something called the process. And it's not privy to just Nick Saban. But it's a philosophy he believes in. And the philosophy is, and this always blows people away, and he is does a cool job of explaining it in the video. Nick Saban tells his team, I don't care about the scoreboard, stop watching the scoreboard. And instead, learn to focus in on bringing your best every moment of the game. If everyone is committed to bringing their best, every moment of the game, the scoreboard in the end is going to be most cases exactly where we needed it to be. Another big proponent of the process, was also the most winning coach in NBA history. Phil Jackson, although his mantra was focus on the spirit, and not the scoreboard. If we're always focused in on the spirit, the scoreboard is usually going to end up right where we needed it to be. Phil Jackson, won 11 NBA titles. Nick, I'm not sure where he's at on national titles. But he's up there. So the process sheet. It's the big lightbulb moment about what does one day of success look like? For me to achieve that one week of success? So in our next episode, we're going to go over kind of scripting out. What does one day of success look like in your life? Because if you can take someone and show them, all you got to do is be successful one day. They'll go wow, that's it, huh? I go. Yeah, that's it. Oh, and there'll be a few people that go well, I was just lucky that day, and I go, that's fine. Let's do it again. Tomorrow. They Oh, I was lucky again, they go do it again, are it after three or four days of showing yourself. All it is is about bringing your best every moment and being successful for one day. Even the most broken human being with the lowest self esteem will go Wow. Who knew? Success wasn't even what I thought it was going to be. It's the best habit I've ever learned. And now I'm present around the people. And I'm not looking at my stupid cell phone and scrolling through Facebook. So that's where we're going to pick up next time. But if you can go to YouTube type in Nick Saban, the process, there'll be a few videos that pop up. They're all really great, but one of them will will show 60 minutes on it. That's the one you want to watch. Although you'll probably be hooked on Nick and you'll want to watch everything he's got.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: That's it. I started watching a couple of them. And then five, four hours later, I was like, holy cow. I'll make sure the links there to for that 60 minute one. So if you guys go to our show notes, it'll be right in there as well. So Nick Saban, 60 minutes, and the process is incredible. We do it in this order. Because I think it's important that we one start with the end in mind. So we know what success looks like, then we look at success. And then now like, what's the process? So we want to walk you through this just like we do with our clients. And, you know, and honestly, our families like we do similar spaces with our family. So this transcends both work and family. It's really like how to live a life.
Jonathan Dunn:
Yeah. Now it's about unlearning what you thought success was and relearning what it really is, and all the steps necessary. And like, you know, people all they get to the end, like I had a lady a couple of weeks ago, she goes, Well, every everything we set out to do, like, I'm starting to think you're a prophet Jon, everything came through and I said, Oh, Diana, thank you. That's funny. And I go, but at the end of the day, you just learned it's really not that complicated. It's just about sacrifice and learning success. It's just one day at a time and you know, and what's more fun, like achieving success are all the unproductive, you know, um, sacrifice behaviors that people find them themselves involved in. And once we get through that, it's just a formula. That's it. Awesome.
Jonathan Dunn:
Dr. Cliff Fisher: All right, you guys, thank you so much. Hope you enjoyed this episode. And look forward to seeing you guys next week. Jon D, thank you for your inspiration, wisdom, and have a great week you guys. Bye bye.