Behind The Mic With Speakers Live From Dallas Part 5

Join us for an inspiring episode as we bring together a powerhouse panel of experts dedicated to helping caregivers and women leaders. Deborah Greenhut, best-selling author of "The Rational Caregiver," shares her journey and insights into preventing caregiver burnout. Amy Spring, founder of Wise Transitions, discusses balancing a professional career while caring for aging parents. Wanda La Russa, a women's positivity coach, and Mary Gooden, a business mentor and publisher, provide valuable strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome and embracing your unique gifts. Listen in as these remarkable women share their stories and practical advice for achieving calm, balance, and empowerment in both personal and professional lives. Whether you're a caregiver, a professional balancing multiple roles, or someone looking to share your message with the world, this episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement to help you thrive.
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About the Host:
Michelle Abraham - Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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Amplifyou : This is Amplifyou the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified
Michelle Abraham:
Hello, hello Amplifyou family. Michelle Abraham here with another speakers Playhouse Live episode for you. I have four amazing speakers here with me. Let me introduce them to you dip out into DC that will rate you.
Deborah Greenhut:
Hi, good morning. I'm Deborah Greenhut and I'm the author of the best selling book The rational caregiver and I offer boot camps for budding caregivers and people who found themselves already in the condition of burnout. Fabulous it looks like rehab aid. Hi Amy, how are you? Good. How are you doing? Wow.
Michelle Abraham:
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Amy
Amy Spring:
Okay, I'm Amy spring and I'm the owner founder of wise transitions. And I hope Executive Women balance and achieve more overall calmness when they're caring their aging parents
Michelle Abraham:
So nice to me you're eating such or being here.
Michelle Abraham:
Wanda La Russa: Good morning. My name is Wanda La Russa. I'm a woman's a positivity speaker and coach and I help women to improve, enhance and enrich their mindsets in their everyday lives. And I do that with my positivity workshops, often.
Michelle Abraham:
Great to have you here. Maybe Hi everyone.
Mary Gooden:
I'm Mary Gooden. I am a business mentor and publisher. I support purpose driven entrepreneurs, and advancing and elevating their visibility, their impact and their incomes through publishing, promoting and prospering on purpose through my 12 week bundle. And I'm delighted to be here. Michelle, thank you so much.
Michelle Abraham:
You're so welcome seminary, let's dive back into you for a second here. Obviously, in your, in your business, you've seen a lot of people want to get bigger and get more visibility. And then there's some things that stopped. But what are a couple things that you've seen it that you've had to help cleanse over comments and sure, stimulation,
Mary Gooden:
The power of breakthrough, really the to where it's hand in hand, you know, we deal with a lot of impostor syndrome. But we've been born, things have been assigned and defined to us since birth. And I think one of the biggest elevation points that we find ourselves in or the highest visibility piece is once we get through that idea that we are imposters we all have a unique gift to share. And when we come into collaboration with that when we come into small groups or intimate groups with others who are also here to create loving and lasting change, it's a lot easier to break through these ideas. You know, because we've all heard it, you know, you don't know how to do that, or the parents saying we're just you should do this, I was good at it. You're good at it. We've all kind of been guided in this way. What we find the most now is we want to be who we are. So breaking through imposter syndrome. Breaking through to the very core of people I think is one of the biggest struggles. And I love to create a space for that because like I said, every, every single one of us came here to create a small ripple or a large wave by being who we are, and clearing that idea that we're not something. So thanks, Michelle, during the question
Michelle Abraham:
For so many people over the years that feel like they need to be an expert, or they have to have a certification in order to be able to share their message to be validated that it's something that they can make a living, sharing. And obviously that's that's part of impostor syndrome, too. And it's great to see that we've helped people try to break through that. And it's such a great reminder. Well, I'm sure with empowered women, I have learned and you see that as well. What are some things that you've done to for yourself to be able to speak about this topic? Was there some sort of story in your background that was like, I have to share this this happened me Now this needs to be part of my story, my message and they didn't felt like you gave me permission to like, start speaking about it. Absolutely.
Michelle Abraham:
Wanda La Russa: So just remembering my purpose, my passion and my Y. I know that I was blessed with the gift of gab, you know, I was one of those students that the teacher would move my my seat around and such and she was sitting my seat right next to her and I still would talk to her because I had a man I have something to say I had a message to convey. And my great grandmother, she was 104 years old when she passed away in 2014. And she was the most powerful, most positive person that I know she would allow me to blame or complain. You know if they couldn't My left leg off, she would say baby, you still have a right leg to stand on. She found a silver, a silver lining in every cloud. And so I was just raised with the attitude of positivity. And that's the message that I spread and I know that I'm empowering women to embrace it give themselves permission to embrace and implement those positive thoughts because positive mind positive vibes and a positive life
Michelle Abraham:
Whoo I love that diversity. It's a grind I vibe leader grande I love it are those things that I think we need to remember that it's our message that said inspire people and it's our right in our in our duty to get up and shared on message with the world? Right? We have our voice they have a message in us. What was your message that what was what were a few things that made you say, Okay, this is enough. I was just working in this space Elvis are sharing his message more blood leaks in a bigger way.
Amy Spring:
I think what changed for me was not only caring for aging family members, and trying to juggle my career, but it was also leading the organizations and recognizing that professional women are balancing, balancing their careers, their families and caregiving. And our family dynamic has changed so significantly over the years, where people are not in that central nucleus of within a 10 mile radius, or where they're not living within the home. And so I recognize that only from a personal perspective as a caregiver. But I also recognize that as an Executive leader, myself, of how do we support our team, how do we support other caregivers, other executive, women, other professionals in that role? And how do they balance other they how do they achieve that balance, save time and still feel empowered to have a career and feel good about supporting and loving their family, but also, you know, take care of themselves
Michelle Abraham:
At what's really sharp about your message as you're taking something that you've personally experienced yourself. And now, you know, we want to share it out others so they don't have to go through that hard times, not alone and knowing that, that you don't have to be a certified expert to share this enough. They just have to have had experience and in sharing that from your own personal experience is so much more valuable than being an expert standing and chunk of what she can speak. And not thought to just credit any like the expertise that everyone does. But just to show our audience, then they're listening. That means you don't have to have that stamp of approval done in past to gain permission to do you just need to find that if the scene himself and share your experience share from your experience, if that's what's more palatable right now.
Amy Spring:
Yeah, a lot of the women that I work with, they find so much joy in assistance and help a community from others who have gone through that journey. Right. It's that experience that Bond's us
Michelle Abraham:
That we trigger, what was it for you that made you want to get started featuring one stage in our cow, Kenneth lustige? Well,
Deborah Greenhut:
I've always been a teacher or a trainer. But after three, very different but very challenging family caregiver. stints, I actually after the first one, I received a health wake up call, that made me start to look at things and think maybe we shouldn't be doing this quite the way we're doing it. It's not meant to be a job that's all absorbing and doesn't give us a chance to live. And I found out that by the time you're in your senior years, you have a 63% chance of dying before the person you're caring for if you allow all this stress to build up. And don't give yourself some kind of recovery. So the focus I have is on doing rational caregiving, because most of the time it comes from an emotional place. And that only encourages us to do more instead of do it more effectively. So my bootcamp and the book that I just published, are focused on a framework for making sure that caregivers can reframe their jobs as caregivers, so that they still have time for quality of life. Because that's what's going to save here and you're in your 60s and 70s. And I survived after I was 49, I got the wake up call and send out I had diabetes and hypertension, and I had to do something where I would still be here. So that's my why and I'm enjoying it. Awesome.
Michelle Abraham:
New Library, Deborah, just on what is it that you want to leave with our audience today? If they're still thinking about sharing their message with the world? And then also tell us where to find out more information about it yet?
Deborah Greenhut:
Sure. The thing I most want to share is something my partner's condition was Alzheimer's. The last time I was caring for someone, and I was so grateful when his psychiatrist said to me, you can't do this alone. And I think that's the most profound message any caregiver can receive. So I'd love it if you would give me a call if you just have something you want to talk about, about this issue. You can find me on my website, which is Deborah green I'm also on LinkedIn. And I help you step by Amazon and see what the rational caregiver has to offer you.
Michelle Abraham:
Thank you. They stare out at me bouncing, you know, but it's something that I do want to share with our audience on today, that they're still thinking about sharing their message with the world, and they haven't got the courage to do so. Yeah.
Amy Spring:
I think the important thing I'd like to share with everyone is that everyone, we all again, our community, no matter if we're around the world, right, we all have that lived experience, and we're all loving your leads, and there's somebody out there who's dying, and maybe literally dying, waiting to hear your message. And you can make an impact and to make an impact with one person. And like, what Mary was saying, really making an impact is, makes that ripple effect. And that person then would be helping somebody else. So I encourage everyone to do what you find passionate. And for me, I always encourage anyone who's going through this journey. Just like Deborah said, don't do it alone. It takes a village. And I do have a formula for caregivers. And I'd be happy to talk about that to help everyone who's going through this journey. And you can contact me at wise transitions, it's wise dash And to set up a common caregiver session, and I'd be happy to talk to him.
Michelle Abraham:
While he serves me for sharing. That's all that's all. I wonder how I eat?
Michelle Abraham:
Wanda La Russa: What do you think about, it's what you bring about? Well, if you believe that you have a message to share with other people, then go for it and absolutely go for it. If you believe that you can achieve it, my favorite quote is from Gandhi. And he said, The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. So if you have that message, then convey it to the world, get a good support system, be authentic, and really share that message. And if you would like some tools have some practical skill inside that you can to implement. Sometimes we get stuck with those stands. I call those automatic negative thoughts when those thoughts come marching, and you need to get rid of them. And I have some practical tools that I can help you to achieve those paths, those positive affirming thoughts. So you can contact me on my website. My website is my first and last name. It's one done low And I would love to work with you to get you those tools to help you convey your message.
Michelle Abraham:
I love us washing those in the head and again, knowing what's in the first sector before we move. But the very first second one I want to ask you, I saw the need to shoplet two years
Michelle Abraham:
Wanda La Russa: I do about nine months. So I am a food tour guy here in the Dallas Fort Worth area. The name of the company is Dallas by chocolate Dallas bites and sites. And there are they are anywhere between three to four hour chores. We are on our motorcoach. And as we're traveling through the DFW, I tell you about some of the history of Dallas some of the landmarks, I tell you that right places that we're going to go eat. Our food tours include chocolate tours, taco Margarita tours, walking tours to that bishop arts, Deep Ellum, Black History tours, and so much more. So if you I am available by request, I'm a super duper fun tour guide who will have an amazing time we will be eating, drinking and being married through the Dallas Fort Worth area.
Michelle Abraham:
You know, Amplifyou family , it just goes to show you that I do not have something that he likes to do or you like chocolate, you can make a video out of it. All it takes, well, that occurs at a little bit of like, no inspiration. And there you go, you've got this amazing like dew or chocolate margaritas. That's yeah. What's your advice for our listeners today on how to get started, if they're still thinking about it at home?
Mary Gooden:
Well, to follow the positivity queen, and just doing what you said, Michelle, prioritize your comfort. This is the first and singlehanded thing that I did when I became an entrepreneur or I started leaning into my own inner visibility to expand and elevate because once I saw myself by prioritizing my comfort, if I can see me, then my message, my audience, the people that need that, that nugget of wisdom, they can see me and that's it about sharing your message and sharing your story and, and moving those things out of the way when you prioritize your comfort. When you see yourself. The world has an opportunity to see you. And that is what I share with all my clients from singing bowls, to yoga, to business mentoring to publishing. Go inside, see yourself. Once you can see who you are you give the world an opportunity to also see you and that's how we elevate and you can learn more about these I have three non negotiable practices that I use in business in life to keep it extraordinary right to keep it high vibe and you can Grab that at buzzing with, where I share those keys of being intentional with yourself, taking inspired action towards your dream, and illuminating, shining your light and sharing your message with the world. So thank you, Michelle.
Michelle Abraham:
I love it. So as you can see up the fight family, another for me the speakers that are out there sharing their message with the world, they have got the courage and the confidence. And even if they had didn't at the beginning, they did it anyways, because they found that light inside of them and they're sharing it with the world. And because if like we like to say and amplify you if you know embarrassed by your first few episodes or messages up to too damn long to get them out there. So we just encourage you to just start speaking and we call podcasting evolving out loud because as the more you share your message, the more you get comfortable with it, the more clarity you get, and then that's becomes your guiding light. So thanks for joining us again today at FIU. We will see you again next week. Have a great day.
Michelle Abraham:
Amplifyou : Thank you, family for joining us on this adventure. If you're ready to be heard, head over to my podcast where you'll find out all the tools and tips you'll need to launch your podcast today. If you haven't done so already and you need some help managing it. Please head over to manage my and the amplify your team will be happy to help you manage your podcasts. Please also head over to iTunes like subscribe or review our show so we can spread this message. And until next time be your own unique genius