Behind The Mic: Accessibility Solutions with Linda Hunt

Are you ready to meet a woman who's reshaping the world, one conversation at a time? This episode features the inspiring podcaster, Linda Hunt, host of the Accessibility Solutions podcast. Listen as they dive into Linda's podcasting journey, exploring how she used her show to establish authority on the critical topic of accessibility. Linda narrates the evolution of her audience through her first season and how her podcast has been pivotal in growing her business. She shares how she reimagined her podcast in her second season, for a broader audience. Listen in as Linda shares valuable insights, experiences, and tips from her podcasting journey.
Don't miss:
> The reason and the why behind Linda starting her podcast
> Why Linda re-envisioned the podcast for season two
> The impact of sharing personal narratives and lived experiences
> Changes in season 2
> Finding guests for the show
> The importance of having a mission-based podcast
> Getting over the fear of podcasting.
> Reimagining season two of the podcast
About Linda Hunt
Linda Hunt Is an Award-Winning Accessibility Consultant, Speaker and Author. She is the CEO of Accessibility Solutions and an Advocate for all things related to accessibility. Linda is the Treasurer of Citizens with Disabilities – Ontario a member of the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Professional Network and a Certified Community Champion on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol. Linda first became a person with a disability in 2004 since then she has been an active and engaging speaker to groups on a variety of accessibility topics.
In addition, Linda is a business owner. Along with her husband Greg they have operated Grelin Apparel Graphics for over 30 years.
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About the Host:
Michelle Abraham - Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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Michelle Abraham:Hello, hello Amplify You family. Michelle Abraham, your host here today. And I've got an amazing podcaster with me today, I've got Linda Hunt from Accessibility Solutions podcast. She is the host going into season two, we had the pleasure of helping Linda get her podcast up and running last year. And we're so excited to see how how far it's come. And so Linda is coming to us all the way from Ontario, Canada today. And I'm excited to dive in a little bit more about your podcasts journey in this behind the mic interview. So welcome, Linda, how you doing?
Linda Hunt:I'm great. Michelle, thank you so much for having me. So welcome. Yes.
Michelle Abraham:So I wanted to talk today a little bit about your podcast idea. So your podcast is being a really a tool to help grow your business, and just help spread some awareness around things that you're passionate about, and also things that your business is involved in. So I would love for you to just take us back to what was the reason and the why behind starting your podcast.
Linda Hunt:Yeah, so when I started thinking about my podcast, which was probably maybe almost two years ago, now, it was a way to kind of build credibility and authority around the subject matter which is, which is accessibility. And most of the work I do is with businesses in terms of accessibility. So when we launched the podcast, it was it was with a target audience of businesses. But as the podcast went through season one, we realized that we had guests on that either had stories to tell around you perhaps their own disability or challenges that they had. Or we had people with innovative solutions to accessibility issues. And so when we wrapped up season one, we really took a look at our audience and the messaging that we were getting out there. And kind of revamped our audience and the format for season two. So our our motto is making the world accessible. And so it it opened up our audience to anybody that's interested in making the world accessible or more accessible.
Michelle Abraham:I love that. And it's neat, because you've had a wide variety of different guests on your show over the course of the year, which I think is still really valuable. You know, although they may not have been targeted directly at business owners, I think their stories and inspiration has been really valuable for business owners to listen in and hear hear their stories from from the podcast guests that you've had on this year. What are your thoughts on that?
Linda Hunt:Yeah, and that's, that's probably one of the reasons that we took a step back and re envisioned the podcast for season two, was that quite a few of the guests that we had had, you know, really powerful stories of their lived experience with with having a disability. And those lived experience stories really added to the messaging that we were delivering. So I have a disability and I can give a lived experience story which I did in in season one. But hearing the stories of other people with lived experience around their disability and challenges that they've had as a result of their disability just made us realize that there was a broader audience to share that those messages with and that's why we kind of re envisioned Season Two into really focusing on making the world accessible and what that means from a whole number of different whether it be guests or information that we're that we're going to be having on on season two of the podcast. So yeah, so it was it was a good experience to run season one thinking of what we wanted to really get the message out that the business case for excessive ability and that accessibility is good for business. But season two is, is still delivering that same message in different ways.
Michelle Abraham:I remember you sharing with me that one of actually, I remember looking at your statistics for this story, the episode that you share your personal story is one of the most like highest performing episodes that you have, which is great. And I remember you sharing like how you, you were elected to City Councilor this year, and how sharing some of those personal stories really helped, you can get some more votes when you were out canvassing for votes. So any thoughts on you know, just sharing your personal stories and how it relates to like helping people like really have a better understanding of accessibility solutions?
Linda Hunt:Well, and it's funny because we, you know, I've done some, some masterminding brainstorming around my business and the the work that Accessibility Solutions does. I mean, we don't put that out there that Linda is a person with a disability. But some of the brainstorming masterminding that, that I've done with various people around the topic is either a, I didn't know you have disability, or the fact that I have a disability somehow, UPS my credibility in terms of working with us from an accessibility perspective. So and that personal story, whether it be mine or anyone elses, that we, if it's a guest on our podcast is I think it's bringing the personal message to why accessibility is so important. Because when you listen to someone's lived experience, whether they're facing barriers to employment, or they're facing barriers to travel, or whatever it is that then you it's almost like the aha moment at that point, then you realize how important accessibility really is in the world?
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, absolutely. I know, just being in your world, this here has made me realize a lot of different things that, you know, we could be doing differently in business or, like, for example, the conversation we were having the other day about choosing a retreat center, that wasn't that wasn't accessible for an event. So just so many things that, you know, I've learned just being a part of your world this year has been really helpful to me. And I know like just from a podcast, listening or speaking to other podcasters that might be listening to this today. Knowing that your personal story, I think a lot of us come on as the host and we put on this like face of the host of the show, you know, we want to be able to have the credibility and the authority in which a podcasting does give us all those things, the more we can share our personal stories, I think it opens up a whole other world of loyal listeners, and helps us with moving the needle from the listener to like maybe even working with us a little bit and a little bit deeper, they can get an understanding of our experiences too.
Linda Hunt:Yeah, outside. So that's, that's one thing that season one did really open up for us was not just persons with disabilities sharing their lived experience, but companies or businesses that have maybe innovative solutions to accessibility and how that's, you know, that's opened up our business, to then being able to work with them, perhaps on you know, whatever it is that they they've got, that's their product or service that is innovative to making the world accessible and being able to work with them with our clients or you know, whether it's referring our clients to them or incorporating their products into some of the services that we provide.
Michelle Abraham:So one of the challenges I think podcasters have is finding guests for their show. I think you've had a no problem finding guests for your show.
Linda Hunt:No, no, I haven't done it. And I think that was part of the reason when I started out I I envisioned more of a solo episode and Linda talking about all of the different concepts of accessibility and then being involved, whether it be with PATA Palooza, or, you know, just in some of the groups that I belong to on social media. Yeah, certainly no, no shortage of people that realize accessibility is an important topic and are willing to come on the show and be a guest and share whatever story they've got or takeaway they've got up from our goal of making the world accessible.
Michelle Abraham:I love that tagline mean you really make an effort of putting that out there and all in your episodes and in your intros and outros and like making that known that that's your that's your guys goal. With this as podcasts and what you do is making the world accessible, accessible for everyone. I think that's something that's a really great lesson for podcasters to like, if you have like a podcast that's admission based, like make that mission, a really big part of everything in what you're saying on the show, and it'll revolve on the show. And that's, you know, you're creating a movement of people that are on board with that same mission that you are sitting, that's a really good, important lesson for podcasters that are, I believe heavily in something and that their podcast is kind of around that mission, the more you use it, and you can say it, and you can get your listeners saying it, it'll get your listeners to hashtagging it, you know, that's really great to really helpful.
Linda Hunt:Yeah, and for me, it it, it brings together the, the more people talking about accessibility and how important it is. And so I'm pleased to have a podcast that does have that mission and that message because it allows other people that are working in that space, a voice to share their, their story or their experience around how important accessibility is,
Michelle Abraham:Have you had a chance to get on other podcasts or any other podcasts as a guest?
Linda Hunt:Yes, I have been I've been it's, it's primarily around as a speaker, have, you know, kind of two main topics that I speak on one is the business case for accessibility and how accessibility is good for business. And the other one is more around my lived experience, and we call it adapt, adapt, adapt. So I used to, you know, be able to jog and high heels and how, over the course of 25 years of living with a chronic disease, how important the power of a positive attitude is. So it's, uh, you know, that's, you know, we've got the the business side of things, and then what I like to call the inspirational side of things for persons with disabilities, that find that story inspirational. And that's, that's important to get that message out as well.
Michelle Abraham:That adapt, adapt, adapt episode is one of the top rated episodes on your show, too. So make sure you guys go have a listen to it, you get to hear Linda's story in that episode. It's great. So Linda toe, now take us back to now your season. And you're about to start season two, for all those podcasters that are listening today that are really thinking about silt fence thinking about doing a podcast, Should I do it? And then I do it. It's a worth is a lot of work. What would you say to them?
Linda Hunt:I think you're I think my biggest obstacle was Will I have enough to talk about and the technology so I, you know, I'll give, I'll give a big shout out to amplify you. Because you and your team really made getting the show launched easy. It was just a matter of, and I can't remember if it's you or Braden, but anyway, somebody said like basically, like, turn on the mic and, and start talking is the way to get started. And so yeah, I got the mic from Amazon and I set it up on my desk, and I just started talking and I can talk about accessibility and disability topics, you know, all day. So it it. Yeah, I think I think the biggest message for somebody that's thinking about a podcast, depending on what you're what you're planning to use it for, it's really just like, getting over that fear and just getting started is probably the biggest message. So yeah, buy the mic and turn on Zoom and just start talking, going.
Michelle Abraham:And it's funny, I also thought that, oh gosh, I'm going to run out of content, I'm not going to have anything to say or I'm not going to you know know what to say and and that's a that's a fear I hear a lot of our podcasts are say to you, but I think like once you start the practice of opening up and expressing yourself and in sharing your message, it gets more clear and it gets more even more confident with it and more messages start coming to you or you don't actually ever run out of things to say and I think the reason the reason that you've also been able to do this in a great way is you're taking people on an on a journey with you of discovery, and you're not here saying do this, don't do this, don't do this as like an expert, kind of like, you know, demanding people to follow things and do things this way. You're taking people on a on a journey. And I think that's a real big difference between a successful show. And a show that's, you know, not not doing well or that they've totally run out of things to say is because that you only got a few things that you can gain. You know, share is that expertise before you run out but bringing people on that journey with you as you're exploring and learning and also meeting new people along the way. I think it's really fantastic.
Linda Hunt:Yeah, I agree. Like, as I said, when I started out, I thought it was going to be me talking about accessibility topics on every episode. And, you know, then connecting with other people that were interested in the podcast and having them as guests on the show, as I said, and we ended up changing for season two, a little bit of direction, because we realized that it wasn't just what I had to say about accessibility, it was all of the other stories and and guests and their messaging around accessibility, that that was making it important as well. So
Michelle Abraham:You'll be doing more of your own solo shows. In season two,
Linda Hunt:I will be so we just launched season two, actually, it just launched yesterday, which is an interview style with me around reimagining season two, and then we've got guest episodes that are like that. But also sharing the message around, accessibility is good for business and those types of things would be solo episodes that that we would do. So I've got, I didn't have any concern about having enough content to talk about myself. So I think this this season, we're going to be mixing it up with basically what we ended up doing last year was having guest episodes interspersed with solo episodes, and just around, you know, messaging and, you know, depending on kind of what's going on in, in, in the world, and addressing, you know, some of those current events that that are happening as well. So
Michelle Abraham:I love your, you know, your season two, just getting a little bit more narrow focus on what you're talking about, and then also do and one of the things I thought when I first started podcasting is that I couldn't change anything had to stay the same once you want to show that you can't change anything. But there's a few things that you change for season two. So I know you change your intro your outro was there anything else that you changed?
Linda Hunt:Yeah, we changed. So we changed the intro outro, we changed to a bi weekly, instead of a weekly. And the reason that we did that is because personally, I have a goal to be on to be a guest on more podcasts, that so what we've we've actually got a number of shows that we've that I've been a guest on so that every other week, we're going to be able to. So it'll be the accessibility solutions podcast. And then every other week, we'll be promoting a guest appearance on another show, which is also kind of a travel podcasting perspective. It's not just our show and getting guests on our show, but it's also getting booked on other shows so that we can share the message. So that was the other thing that we that we changed that was just in terms of the format was was that and yeah, I think just opening up. So the new intro and outro really opened up the broader audience instead of I think season one that said, you know, if you're a business looking to improve your bottom line, it was all around who that audience was. Whereas our intro and outro are a lot more broader in terms of the audience that we're that we're serving with the podcast in season two.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's great. I love it. One thing I wanted to ask you was, what was the one thing that's been surprisingly pleasant about podcasting that maybe you were free or fearful of before? Not sure about before but trying to do something good.
Linda Hunt:I think, I think my fear of of, you know, the technology really ended up being something not to be worried about. And I think the other thing for me is being being able to connect with other people that are working in the accessibility and the disability space that I may not have met have it not been for either our podcast or perhaps their show, where you know, we've been invited to be I've been invited to be a guest on their show. So that's been that's been a real like you said a pleasure. A benefit is kind of expanding, you know, expanding my network, I guess you could say through through podcasting,
Michelle Abraham:Definitely. Awesome. One of my favorite pieces of the podcasting as well been networking in the expanding your network and meeting new people through podcasts. I think that's one of the reasons I will never give up podcasting. It is the best networking tool ever. And it's so much more fun than having a coffee date with someone. You actually get to learn a lot more in that 30 minute interview than you would over coffee, I think several times.
Linda Hunt:Yeah. Yeah. And then you're, you're sharing and then that message is being shared out to any any of your listeners as well. So it's it's interesting. It's it's been a, it's been a journey, but I've liked it. Well, hey, I liked it enough to say let's do season two. So yeah,
Michelle Abraham:Exactly. I love it. Now, are your seasons gonna be based on time? Like, is it a year, the season or six months the season or how you how you pacing the seasons? Well, we
Linda Hunt:Wrapped up season one at the right, actually, December 3 was International Day of Persons with Disabilities. So Episode 14, which was the last one in season one was, was a solo show. But it was interesting because I happen to be in the port of IATA airport. And I was very, very impressed by the fact that they were celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities, by giving travelers, free massages, and all of the massage therapists were blind. And to me, that was really kind of accessibility around the world. And so we wrapped up season two, with that episode. And so starting season one, and the fact that we launched it in July, I think that we probably will run it same thing through to through to the end of the year and take, you know, take a little bit of a break in between seasons, you know, in that first quarter, yeah, in that first quarter, and then relaunch again,
Michelle Abraham:I love seasons don't have to be any specific amount of time, they don't have to be any certain number of episodes, it's just kind of you feel like it's the right time for a new season. And that makes a lot of sense. Linda, this has been fun to checking in with you about your podcast. Any last words of advice for our listeners out there today, before we let you go?
Linda Hunt:Well, if you haven't, you haven't started and you're thinking about it, then I can tell you it is worth the effort. So that's, that's probably my my one message. And I think, for me, and I'm fairly busy, if I can, you know, sit down? Yeah, I can sit down and spend half an hour just on Zoom talking to somebody and wrap that into a podcast episode. And then I think anybody can, can spare time to, to make those things happen. And then really, the other thing is, is utilizing it as part of your as part of your your business model in terms of what it is that you're doing, but the podcasts. So those are probably the three main things that I would get across to people. So whether you're just started or you're starting, or you're not sure what you're doing with your podcast, think, think around, think around those, those kinds of themes. Yeah, those are great. I
Michelle Abraham:love that. Well, awesome. Thank you so much, Linda, for joining us today since a great chatting with you. And for those of you that are listening in and they're like, I want to do something I'm ready for my podcast. You are in luck because podcast summer school is starting next week. So head over to amplify forward slash, podcast dash summer dash school dash 2023. And we'd be happy to help you get started with your podcast. Linda, I'm excited for you for season two. I hope you have a fabulous time interviewing all sorts of amazing people and sharing your message with the world. And I look forward to having you back on amplify you again soon.
Linda Hunt:All right, thanks so much, Michelle. You
Michelle Abraham:take care everyone, go out there and have a fabulous day amplify your family. We'll See you again next week.