The Turning Pro Playbook: A Path to Unwavering Momentum | EP002

Envision a life of abundance, where your dreams manifest into tangible realities. This is the transformative power that Dave reveals through his three-phase "Turning Pro Playbook" that has propelled clients – from entrepreneurs to professional athletes – to shatter self-imposed limitations and achieve remarkable success.
Prepare to be inspired as Dave recounts pivotal moments, like guiding a client to a staggering $3.1 million breakthrough in just 36 hours through a single guided visualization. Or how he empowered a family-run mobile pizza business to explode from $38,000 to over $1 million in annual revenue. With contagious enthusiasm, he shares the secret sauce: cultivating a millionaire mindset, harnessing your energy for maximum impact, and executing with precision – breaking through resistance at every turn.
But Dave's mission extends far beyond personal triumphs. During the pandemic, he felt a calling to share his transformative methods with the world, sparking a movement that has impacted thousands globally. His authenticity shines through, whether recounting the pivotal moment that birthed his famous "Get Your Sh*t Together" challenge or the profound realization that fueled his Ironman journey as a beacon for all humanity.
Here's what you'll gain from this illuminating episode:
- The three-phase "Turning Pro Playbook" to manifest your vision into reality
- Powerful mindset shifts to cultivate an abundance mentality
- Energy management techniques for laser-focused execution
- Strategies to identify and overcome internal resistance patterns
- Real-life case studies of clients achieving extraordinary breakthroughs
Sign up now for Dave's Free Brand New On Demand Masterclass that reveals How to Build a Bulletproof Mindset That Propels You Towards Success -
About Dave:
Dave Scatchard had a fourteen-year career as a hockey player in the NHL, but after his fifth concussion left him with slurred speech, headaches, and traumatic brain injuries, he embarked on a journey around the world to restore his health and reinvent his life.
With the guidance of top coaches, healers, and energy workers, Dave transformed himself and developed a systematic coaching approach for businesses and individuals to redesign, optimize, and transform their future into one that is filled with abundance, health, and incredible amounts of energy.
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Hey, welcome back to another episode of All-Stars Success Codes; Inside the Minds of Champions. I'm Dave Scatchard. And today we're going to talk a little bit about how I built this champion, coaching business, how I took this business that was an idea after my career, and turn it into a multimillion dollar brand. And, you know, I didn't really know anything about the coaching world other than the work that I've done with Tony Robbins. Tony was the one that told me that I need to get into the coaching business. And he kind of told me to go get certified under his group, robins, Madonna's and began coaching. And the funny thing was, there was a simple route where I could have gone and taken a bunch of Tony's clients and leads and began coaching them and had guaranteed income and easy leads and things like that. But that was never, I don't know, that just didn't feel right. That was somebody else's business. And it would have been great practice and things like that. But I truly felt like I could help people right away that were already at the top of their game. So I began coaching, after my certification, and first few people that I was helping were like pro athletes and guys trying to get to the NHL and couple pros. And it was wonderful. It was it was amazing. We had good results, our guys made it. But the thing that was sort of weird to me was it was just strictly mindset, right? Like they had their financial advisor, they had their health trainer, they had all of these people that were sort of in place from their agent, and in all those types of things, right? They're getting a lot of people in their ear already. So the only thing they were really coming to me for was mindset, which is great. It's one of my strongest things. And I can help manifest and really create an abundant mindset and a mindset that's focused on achieving their goal. So that was fun. That was exciting. And I met, you know, doing stuff with with hockey guys again, and a couple other sports.
Dave Scatchard:
And then the crazy thing was, I had a friend that was going through a brutal divorce. And his wife had left them with a bunch of kids. And now he's sitting there saying, Well, I don't I don't have a wife anymore. She just left. I've been bankrupt before in my past, I have assets, but I'm pretty scared on what's going to happen with that. I could go bankrupt again. And I don't know, I just heard you're doing some cool stuff with some people. And I'm wondering if you could work with me. And because he was a friend, I didn't even know what to charge. And it was kind of comical how it all began. But what happened was, instead of this gentleman going bankrupt, we did some really cool moves. As far as like tax savings, we did a 1031 exchange on some properties and, and I know real estate as well, I'm a licensed real estate agent. So I was able to use some of my skills there. And long story short, instead of going bankrupt, this gentleman ended up making $1.3 million when he was bringing in all of his assets and things like that. So he was super impressed. We worked on calming his nervous system we worked on, you know, taking him through some meditations and things like that, and just really getting his fight or flight response mechanism down because he taken some big shots and it didn't work out. And, you know, he was kind of leery and it's almost like, you know, if you've had a bad breakup or something, it's like, you can't get that off of your back. It's like coming around with you. So that was one good thing we did is we removed all those blocks and removed any anchors that were holding them back. And we reinforce the positive anchors. So he was super impressed. He told all the other entrepreneurs around town what I did, and then people aren't banging on my door for forever. I've never marketed for the first five years. And I believe at that time I was making in the mid six, the mid six figures a year and I had you know, I don't know 15 clients or something like that 15 to 20 clients. And I was happy and I was just helping those people. And we're getting results we're gonna win after win after win. And it was pretty magical house happening and I truly was good at what I was doing. And I was really getting results for my clients.
Dave Scatchard:
If that during COVID Something strange happened and I was walking around my backyard and I was kind of thinking about some things. And this message came through to me I believe from God saying that's great that you're helping out all these celebrity clients and entrepreneurs and people in the entertainment industry and things like that the athletes and but what are you doing for everybody out? us. And I was like, What do you mean? And message back was we got millions and millions of people who are struggling right now and have no idea what to do about COVID. And they feel alone and they've lost their jobs. And they're like panicking and all that stuff. I literally say like, I don't know what to do. And the message back was yes, you do, just do what you do for your one on one clients for the rest of the world. So, at the time, I was involved in the $25,000 mastermind, and one of the challenges in the mastermind was to launch something, it would be a YouTube channel, a new Instagram channel webinar, you know, anything that could bring you business, you tried to launch it in the first 30 days of being in this mastermind? Well, because I had so much content and so many life experiences, and I'd already been building some online programs. I thought, why don't I do a challenge. And one of the leaders of the group, one of the coaches is like, okay, like a five day challenge. I'm like, No, I think I got to do like a seven day challenge. And he's like, seven day challenge you crazy. That's like, so much work. And so like, I just feel like that's what I'm supposed to do. So long story short, I've never run an ad. I've never run a funnel. I've never coached complete strangers before. I've never made my stuff public before. But I felt like that's what I was supposed to do. And a friend helped run a couple of Facebook ads. For me, I think we spent $2,000 on Facebook ads. And we ran that up to I believe, $23,000 of profit by the end of that challenge. And the funniest thing was, guys, I did it for free. I did it for fun. It's called the Get Your Shit Together challenge. And I had people have been asking me how they could join my program. And I wasn't trying to sell anything, I literally did it just to be a nice guy, and give him seven days of training. And about day five or six, they started saying hey, how do I sign up with you? I'm like, I don't I don't work with just anybody. And I created these lower level programs, like 1000 $2,000 programs, and people came into my world. And that one challenge, we ran that five or six times during COVID. And then a few times after, that actually made me a million bucks. So there's two comma club awards, you can see right here, that's from selling over a million dollars in a funnel online. And that was my first million dollar online, funnel or product ever. And we ran 25 or 26,000 people through those challenges. And they would eventually buy the $1,000 program. And then they'd get on a call with me. And then they uplevel into my higher level program. So that was like, wow, not only am I broadcasting to 10s of 1000s of people, which is incredible. But even the people that didn't buy from me, right? Just imagine, like, you know, let's just say 20, some 1000 never bought anything from me. Well, they didn't buy anything from me. But they took my information and went and started off redoing their lives and rebuilding their lives. I get hundreds and hundreds of text messages and emails from people saying thank you, thank you, thank you for your challenges. I can't wait for the next one. It's totally helped my life. I can't afford your stuff right now. But I will one day and it just I can't thank you enough. And that to me was so rewarding, because yes, they didn't buy any programs for me.
Dave Scatchard:
But that wasn't what I set out to do in the first place and just want to help people. And I knew I was helping people and they were grateful for it. And what's funny is, years later, some of those people that I helped are coming back in now as clients or one on one clients with these amazing stories about how my stuff helped reset their life and help them get back on track, which is absolutely incredible. So that's, that's in a nutshell, sort of how we started to really explode. So that's kind of how everything got going for us. And you know, some funny success stories. Were and I helped a client make $3.1 million after doing a meditation, a guided visualization with him after his business was just tanking. And he ran away. He wasn't afraid he's gonna make payroll. He was looking at boring hard money and said, Let's try this abundance meditation. And let's see if we can connect the dots in the energy field and bring your buyers right into you and line up the right buyers with the right programs and products. And man, he started calling me after we got off the phone and it'd be like a $200,000 sale came in $150,000 sale came in Oh my god 300 grand. Oh my god, this guy that is working on all year long never wanted to buy. He bought a million dollars. Oh my goodness, this just happened and by the end of the day, I think it was like two point 2.1 Or something like that one of those things and before he went to He called me said I can't thank you enough, man. I don't know that was pure magic. I can't even believe what you helped me do in such a short amount of time. And I said, Hey, listen to the meditation over again. You're gonna listen to it all night long. Because I believe there's more money in there for you. He's like, wow, okay. He listened to the meditation again, call me back at the end of the second day, we're about 36 hours later. And he said, bro, we sold 3.1 million total over the last 36 hours. Because he he's like, thank you so much. And I said, Yeah, that's amazing. You know, share it, share it with everybody that you have. And he truly, he ended up hiring me for his wife and for his kid. And I worked with them for a couple of years. And that was very, very special. One of my favorite groups was his husband and wife who just had a baby, and they had a mobile pizza company. And they never really made more than I think it was 36 or $38,000 in a year. And I saw the potential that her business and we just got really focused, and she had this little baby, she'd be making pizza dough to take out on the road on their mobile brick oven pizza trailer. And the funny thing was, is, we'd be on a zoom call, she'd be making dough, the husband would be getting ready to go out on the trucks. And we weren't together for I think it was two or three years, and they're gonna break over a million dollars this year with their sales.
Dave Scatchard:
So you know, that's why I do what I do. That's why I love what I do. One of my last favorite clients was this Realtor in Canada, and he came to and he's making under a million dollars, he's making $650,000, he was trying to get over a million, I think we went 2 million to the first year 2.1 or 2.2, the second year 4.5, the third year, and I think he's over 6 million, or six and a half million right now. And we set really specific targets and goals, about price per square foot, how many homes he'd have to sell how big his team would have to be, what all these things would have to do. And he would execute it like a pro. And we would come within like point 1% Or point 5%, like some ridiculous number that seems impossible when you set out at the start of the year with a goal. And then you just crushed it to almost like the exact, exact exact numbers. And he's gone on. He's teaching his whole team and everybody that works around him. And for him exactly the same things that I taught them. You know, I'll kind of show you a little bit of a framework for that. But, you know, those are the things that make people win. So I'll go over the three phases really quickly. And if you guys want this PDF, all included after this episode, and you can download it. But phase one is million dollar mindset and vision. And we start with vision expansion, we go to millionaire mindset, and we go to energy awareness. Okay. And then phase two is total transformation shift where we build this champion identity, we've got champions map, we've got time expansion secrets, okay, the last phase is elite execution, meaning we get it done, get more done quickly, the right way without trading your time for dollars are giving up your freedom, we build this execution model where you actually get stuff done, it doesn't get procrastinate or whatever you don't like to do. We call it a to do list we get other people to do, and you just do what you do best when we let everybody else handle the rest. And the dream catcher is, you know, number eight out of our nine step program, and then massive momentum.
Dave Scatchard:
So you know, if you guys want more information on this, I can break down each one of these for you. But without the right vision and crystal clarity, you're not going to get the job done because you don't know quite what you're wanting to do. It's like playing golf, without a flag in the ground. You don't know, you know, if you're hitting a driver or pitching wedge, right? We're trying to get accuracy and specificity. Okay? millionaire mindset, if you don't have the right mindset, you got the best plan in the world, the best map in the world. But if your mindset is crap, it won't work. If you don't have the right energy to get something done in your life, it won't work. So write this one down. If it's not working your life, you don't have the right type or the right quality of energy working for you. So if you're fat and out of shape, there's a good chance that you haven't focused the right amount of energy on your health system, or the energy that you have focused on it. It's just not the right quality. Maybe it's it all in your diet. Maybe you've got an allergy or something, maybe you've got something in your system that's setting you off, but we're looking for awareness. That's why we call it energy awareness, but we're going to focus big amounts of energy, all kinds of things. Champion identity. We want to figure out when you're at your best what that look like. We're gonna bottle that recipe and then we're gonna take that into every single goal moving forward. Okay. Champions Have we uncovered the three biggest blocks that are going to try to stop you from getting up the champions ladder into champion, awaken the big life Pro, all those things all star, there's, there's a journey that you're going to take as you're trying to do big things. And we can specifically pinpoint what's gonna happen, we call them resistance matrix and the last stand. So when you could call those things out by name, it absolutely, you know, helps you be able to understand what's going on and how to get through it. Time expansion secrets, time is one of the only limited resources that we all have. And we figure out ways to bend time to create more time and to give more time to you for you to do the things that you do best. And then we let everybody else do the rest.
Dave Scatchard:
Once again, you lead execution, we're trying to get things done quickly the right way without trading your time for dollars or giving up your freedom Dreamcatcher reach your ultimate big live vision without confusion, stress or doubt, actually expanding your container, your capacity and your bandwidth to be able to do more things based off of your needs, using the right quality of energy, and then massive momentum reached new levels without anything stopping. So that's, that's the turning pro playbook. That's our framework. And ultimately, you know, that's, that's what we run, whether it's a one on one group through or, or a group coaching program through, or even our free stuff we saw sort of take people through different phases of this. And obviously, the more one on one work you get, the deeper we go, and the more that I'm personally helping you move through through these phases and get to success. When I was building this framework, I really started to understand why people are successful and why people aren't, it was very clear to me, and these were steps that can't be denied. Let's just say for example, you buy an online course right? In the past, we've all done it, and it hasn't worked. Well. It hasn't worked. Maybe you didn't do the whole course. But maybe you got stuck on some steps, because your vision wasn't clear. And your mindset wasn't right. So if you don't have those two pieces in place, or you don't have the right energy, even those first three phases, if you don't have all three of those dialed in, you're not going to win because you need massive amounts of energy to move the needle. If the mindsets not right, it won't work. And if you don't have clear enough vision on what you're trying to do, it won't work. But most people skip all those, they want to give you the flash and the sizzle. That might give you a little tiny result right away and get you excited. But then over time you run out of juice, okay, we don't do that we build up the whole system, the whole energy system, all parts of your life. And when those are all those plates are spinning nicely. Then we execute the plan. It's it's really quite magical. I got to my level of success, because I had this hunger and this crystal clear vision on where I was going. A crystal clear vision when I was going to make the NHL, even though the odds were millions and millions and millions to one that I make it. Right 8 billion people 700 jobs. Those are good odds. Okay, but somehow I figured it out. Winning my two comma Club Award, I knew how many sales I needed. I knew what I needed to do. And I served from a place of authenticity, and honesty and love. And the money came and we got the million, the Ironman. I never done an Ironman in my life before. But for example, my goal was crystal clear. And when we expanded the gap and created the dream catcher for me. My goal was to create a new pathway for humanity blazing a trail for others to follow. Okay, so as I was running this race, I was thinking, Man, this world's messed up it's after COVID What if me completing this race would blaze new pathway for humanity, all of humanity could see how hard I worked, how hard I focused, and it'd be able to ride that wave and follow me on that path. That's different than Dave scatchard needs a little bit of energy to see if he can do a race. You know what I mean? So it's a reframe the best selling book, I knew what I wanted my book to be the comeback my journey from heaven and hell. But I wanted to be a best seller. I knew what I needed to do to hit my numbers to be a best seller. I knew the story. I wanted to tell it. I knew the messages that I needed to be in here.
You know, that's crystal clarity. I knew the team that I wanted to bring in My life to help make 45 years of stories into something that, you know, would be good for kids to read, but good for adults read and be inspiring, but educational, and take me on this roller coaster ride, that's been my life. So, I believe that my focus, my clarity, my hunger, and my dedication are the reasons why I've been successful, because nobody will outwork me. And if they do commend them on at all, I'll be, wow, that person's amazing. But I might not get it right away, but I'm gonna get it. And I believe that when you're focused on a big goal like that, um, if you dedicate your life to making something like that happen, it can happen. For any the lessons I learned along the way of building this coaching business, winning those awards, running the race, becoming a best seller. They're invaluable. And they're also points that I teach on over and over and over again, they're real life examples of somebody who never done anything like this before. And all of a sudden, I'm just getting to the top of each of these categories. Like, there's a pattern to that. That's the all star success codes. That's why I'm excited to share with you in the podcast, what we're doing, and what other people are doing to get there. That's the whole message about this podcast. And that's why you're gonna win. Let's just pretend that you want to be a client, okay, you want to get closer to me, you want to meet some of my famous friends, he wants to meet some of my favorite clients, you want to be in my mastermind, you want to be doing some of these technologies and hacks that I do to help me be successful? Well, you can do it a number of ways. Okay, you can download the PDF, the turning pro playbook right now. And I believe in there, we've got a booking link for a one on one call. Okay. And this call, you're going to talk about all your options for what we have going on for coaching. And why would I do that? First of all, I'd like to know my get to know my listeners and things like that. But also, I want to help as many people as possible. So yes, I have $100,000 program, yes, I have an $80,000 program, yes, I have a $50,000 program. But I also have other programs below that that are reasonable, that can get people results that aren't going to cost me an arm and a leg that everyone can afford. Okay? If you're not serious about coaching, please don't take up a coaching call. This is for serious people only this is there's that little application, you got to put in your information and why you believe that coaching would be a good fit for you and why I'd be a good fit for you. And if you pass that application in, if it makes it makes the cut, then we'll be talking and if you're not talking to me, you'll be talking to my right hand man or woman or my son, my team. But, you know, at least for the first, you know, few 100, I'm going to be taking as many calls as I possibly can because I want to get to know you guys.
Dave Scatchard:
So you know, that's the way you build relationships in this business and getting to know who your listeners are and who's watching your videos. And I'm always fascinated by the people that come into my world because there's, there's amazing, amazing people, I've had a world champion boxer come on and work on my challenges that a gold medal swimmer, I had a professional golfer, I had professional hockey player. I have had some of the most unique individuals come into my world just from the free stuff that I give away. And I always believe God lines me up with the right people. So really, all you got to do is click the link below, you're gonna get a free download of this whole map this Turning Pro Playbook. And then from that, you can click on the link attached to that. And that can book you your free strategy session application. So you fill out the application, it'll book your time, and as long as you you know, your your application gets through, then we'll keep your time. And if for some reason. You know, your application doesn't get accepted. That's okay. Just keep listening to the show. Keep doing all the free stuff. And when you do qualify and things are in a better place for you, either financially or you know, any of those things, then reapply and we'll see if we can get you in for a call. Okay, I want to help as many people as possible. That's one of my missions in this life and just grateful. I'm just grateful I get a chance to do that with you. So have an amazing day. Click the link below. Download your PDF and hopefully we get to speak on the phone soon. Have an awesome day.