Awaken Your Potential: Strategies for Fearless Living | EP003

Fear - that insidious force that whispers insecurities, plants seeds of doubt, and erects barriers to our growth. Yet, what if we could harness its energy, reframe its narrative, and unleash the champion that yearns to emerge? In this riveting episode, Dave confronts fear head-on, dismantling the false narratives that shackle our true potential.
Through candid anecdotes and impassioned discourse, Dave unveils the transformative power of embracing vulnerability, cultivating resilience, and igniting the unwavering self-belief that lies dormant within each of us. His extraordinary journey, marked by triumphs over adversity, serves as a testament to the pivotal role of mentorship and guidance in transcending perceived limitations.
Brace yourself for a profound exploration of self, where you'll be challenged to confront the fears that have hindered your growth and awakened to the champion that yearns to thrive.
Here are the key outcomes you can expect:
- Reframe fear as a catalyst for growth, harnessing its energy to propel you towards your aspirations.
- Uncover the art of embracing uncertainty, a critical skill for thriving in an ever-changing world.
- Discover the power of investing in yourself through mentorship and coaching, unlocking exponential growth.
- Cultivate an unshakable belief in your inherent greatness, fueling your journey with unwavering determination.
- Gain actionable steps to anchor moments of triumph, creating a bedrock of confidence to overcome future challenges.
Sign up now for Dave's Free Brand New On Demand Masterclass that reveals How to Build a Bulletproof Mindset That Propels You Towards Success -
About Dave:
Dave Scatchard had a fourteen-year career as a hockey player in the NHL, but after his fifth concussion left him with slurred speech, headaches, and traumatic brain injuries, he embarked on a journey around the world to restore his health and reinvent his life.
With the guidance of top coaches, healers, and energy workers, Dave transformed himself and developed a systematic coaching approach for businesses and individuals to redesign, optimize, and transform their future into one that is filled with abundance, health, and incredible amounts of energy.
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Hey guys, what is going on? Dave Scatchard here for another episode of All-Star Success Codes. And today I want to talk a little bit about fear and fear, I believe is false evidence appearing real. It is not a true thing. Most of the time, it is something that we make up in our minds and 99.9% of the time when you say, Whoa, what if this happens, or what if that happens, we almost always think that it's going to be worse than it really is. And then sometimes you'll do the hard thing and be like, Whoa, that wasn't that bad. That wasn't that terrible. And, you know, I can think back to so many times in my life, where when I overcame my fear, that I wasn't good enough, or I wasn't smart enough, or wasn't able to do something or wasn't able to afford something. Every single one of those times I've been wrong. But my initial thought was, I'm not. And then I started to change it as I sort of worked towards the NHL. And I said, Well, I am I am good enough, I am smart enough, I will figure this out. I can't find the money. If I have to, I will do these things. Because that's what I'm built to do. I'm not built to stay stagnant. I'm not built to sit around, I'm not built to just be a inexistence. I'm a champion I'm built to go to awaken and to go to pro and to become an all star. I'm built to create big things in this world that have an impact. And if I'm living in fear, there's no way that I can do it. So, you know, for those of you who are like sitting there and saying, Well, that's that's great, Dave, you know, you can do this, you can do that. But it won't work for me. I'm telling you, you're wrong. I wasn't the smartest I wasn't the fastest. I wasn't the best athlete. I wasn't the the the most handsome, I was an ugly, skinny kid with buck teeth, that was weak, and had no idea how to do stuff. Other than trying it.
Dave Scatchard:
That's why like, I think I have really good success, creating content and to get things out the door and to hit deadlines because I'm not afraid. Like I just try. And if it doesn't work, then I try again. And I do it differently. I look at my failure, which is not a failure. It's just an indicator, I look at my indicator and say, Wow, that wasn't quite what I was hoping for thought would happen. So I'm going to adjust that and turn my compass and head a little bit this way. I thought this was North. North is probably over here. And I go, I'll see a little bit of results. And like, man, it made me it's over here more. And I'll go this way, and boom, I hit it and I find the slipstream I get in a zone and I take off. So I'm here to tell you that it will work for you. It will, those things, those goals, those programs you want to buy the coaching you want to do, it will work for you, but you have to work for it. Okay, this isn't a sitting around on your ass, sort of program or or podcast. This is one of those things where we're big boys, we're big girls, we take responsibility. We take Extreme Ownership for actions, and I built this life. Nobody else. Like I can't, I can't blame everybody else for my life all the time. And a certain point I have to take responsibility, right? Let's look for example, at a failed relationship. Well, the common denominator in every single one of your failed relationships is only one thing. And that's you. That's me, every failed relationship I ever had. I was in the middle of it. So I must have had some responsibility in the failure. It's not always the other person. Yeah, I know. It's hard to admit, okay. Is it it's hard to admit that maybe there's something I could do better. Maybe there's something I'm supposed to learn here. But there is otherwise we would have, you know, made a beautiful life with that person.
Dave Scatchard:
Okay, maybe I need to learn compassion, maybe what needs to learn understanding, maybe it's not all about me, maybe I need to learn their love languages. I'm just using relationship as an example. Because I know, it's one of the biggest things that people come to me with other than business is probably relationship and health. And usually, the common denominators are quite similar amongst all of those things. I'm responsible, I'm building this life, I'm creating this thing. So I could probably tell you 20 stories about when I'm scared and I did it anyways, but let's just use something that you can relate to, okay? You're scared because you want to try this new program or go do this new course. And you don't know if you're gonna be smart enough or disciplined enough to complete it. So you don't purchase it. Okay. It could be mine. It could be anybody. It's okay. What I'm saying thing is, is that there's something that happens when you chickened out, or when you take the safe road. And that door was open, and then the door just closes. If I'm God on the universe, and I'm saying, Hey, I'm giving you a lifeline here, let's see if they take it. And they look at it, they get excited. They're like, Yeah, I'm gonna do it. And then they bail for like, a small reason, okay? I don't think I'm smart enough. I don't think I'm pretty enough. I don't think I'm worth it. I don't know if this is a good idea, my guts telling me not to listen. I believe your gut was probably telling you to do it. But your brain that wants to keep you safe, and keep you in survival and not flourish or fly or shine, your light would say, hey, let's just play it safe, we can play it safe and stay neutral. That way. We don't do anything risky, we don't do anything. We don't put ourselves at jeopardy. So we stay neutral. Well, neutrality doesn't create anything great. We need some sort of polarity, we need some sort of uncertainty.
Dave Scatchard:
And I know most of us don't love uncertainty, but the best of the best thrive and uncertainty. And watching the Stanley Cup playoffs right now, it's incredible. These guys, they don't know what's going to happen. They're literally going 1000 miles an hour, they're hitting guys, or blocking shots with their face or doing whatever they can to help their team win. They don't know if they're going to make a mistake. But the outcome of performing for your teammate and to help your team win and do the right thing is more compelling than Hey, you might make mistake in front of 20,000 people and a million people on TV. So you do it because you're doing it for more than yourself. Some of you need coaching. You need it, you need it to be a better mom, you need to be better dad, you need to be a better business person, you need to be a better lover better support system, you need to get healthy, you need to get your shit straight. Right one of my first jobs was a call to get your shit together. And the only reason why I call that challenge that was because when I went around to my one on one client, I said Hey, guys, what, why did you hire me? You could have hired anybody, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm not cheap. But they also didn't worth it. And they said, the thing is they, I believe you can help me get my shit together better than anybody else out there. And five people said that in a row. And I said, oh my goodness, like, out of all the things I do I help people get their shit together. Listen, I'll take it. When you like to get your shit together, what do you like to have your life together? When you like to be optimized and hit becoming a pro in every category of your life? Because if that's the case, there is no time for fear because there's a higher version of you that's calling to you saying, oh my god, are you going to do this? Or are you going to be a chicken? Are you going to do this? Or are you going to like use another excuse like you do every other time? Okay, part of the reason why I win at coaching is because I tell people the truth. I don't sugarcoat it.
Dave Scatchard:
Some of you are like, Oh, this guy is not for me, because he's gonna call me out. Listen, I don't make it my intention to call somebody out. But if I have to speak to the energy around that person, because it's it's not in reality, it's some made up, excuse or story or whatever. I'll speak to the energy. And I'll say, Listen, let's be honest here. Is this true? Do you need coaching? Do you need help? Do you know how to do all this by yourself? No, I don't. I could use some help. Okay, great. So let's start to believe in yourself. And let's see yourself in the future six months from now, a year from now. And you're having a bigger impact in your family, you're a better person, you're healthier, you're stronger, you have better attitude, you're helping your community, you have so much energy all of a sudden that you're able to do all these things you were never able to do before. Finish your book, start your program, start do your thing. Right, do your own business. But if we just fail, then you don't get any chance to do anything great. You guys see, uh, speaking to the energy around any negativity or anything that's trying to hold you back or keep you neutral. I don't believe in neutral, neutral is exhausting. And we'll eventually go down to negative energy because it runs out of there's no juice. I want some juice. I want some, some excitement, some passion, some joy, some ecstasy, some bliss, but it doesn't happen in neutrality. So we gotta go find it. As if your life isn't working. Maybe it's time to change something different. You've got parts of your life, maybe your business is kicking ass and your relationship sucks. Maybe relationship is great, but you can't make any money. Maybe your health is great, but your relationship and business aren't. And we all have our things. So I'm not judging. I'm just simply saying we all need help. So there were times when I was like, let's I need help. Actually, let me just think about how many times I have hired a coach and every time in minor hockey Baseball. I had coaches. When I started to learn how to skate. I had a skating instructor, actually a figure skating coach. When I wrote my book, I had a book writing coach. When I did my Ironman, I had an Ironman coach. When I train in the summer, I had a strength coach. When I invested my money and made my first millions. I had a financial advisor, which is somewhat of a coach. Like we Michael Jordan has defensive coaches, he's got shooting coaches, and he's the best in the world. Tom Brady had training coaches and strength coaches. So if those guys are good enough to go and get help, because they want to be the best, then give yourself permission to do it. Because you have greatness inside you, even if you don't know.
Dave Scatchard:
So, one of my biggest scariest things was when I ran into I'd been at the Mayo Clinic for three years and struggling to get healthy, I could not get healthy. My brain wasn't working. I was on Alzheimer's medicine, it's really depressing story, I really want to talk about it about my fifth concussion and brain damage. And I was a mess. Three years at the Mayo Clinic, I'm there and they say sorry, Dave, you're just gonna be permanently disabled. No, like, what? You guys are supposed to fix me, the smartest doctors in the world, you can't fix me. So I got in my car, about my Range Rover in the parking lot crying traits tell my wife what they just told me because she was hoping that they'd have some miracle fix me. And I make a pact with myself that I will go to the ends of the earth to find somebody that could help me. Anything I know if the medical, Western medicine couldn't fix me, there's got to be somebody out there that can help me get better. And I made a pact to myself that I would go to the ends of the earth to find people that could help me. My first person was Tony Robbins group. And I went to this leadership academy in San Diego, I had a couple breakthroughs there. I end up signing up for his $100,000 Platinum Partnership Program. So I think it's $65,000 plus $10,000 per private trip with Tony and his wife. And there's a small group of us around 100 people. So that's 95,000 not including, like hotels and like there's something every single month. So I make this investment. And I'm a pretty big mess. When I first started, I can't even be in the room. The whole time is too loud. It's too bright. It's making me sick. But I started to have these little wins little breakthroughs. Within the first or second event. Tony or one of his people grabs me and says, hey, you need to come meet this guy. And he introduced me to one of Tony's healers, this guy does some work on me how it was me. I had to pay them like whatever a lot of money to come work on me privately in my home later. Helps me a little bit more. Then we go to India, and I meet these monks and they're doing work and until Super in tune with them and they get me and they know where I'm at. And they start working on some stuff with me. And then I try to find out how I can work more with them. Then they introduced me to a shaman in Brazil. And then I go and do this crazy journey with a shaman and all that stuff. And I took some healing out of that. Then I come back and I find these energy workers and they're working on energy. Then I find these business mentors and I pay them guys listen. Over the course of my lifetime since I've been retired from NHL. I've spent over a million dollars on coaches and mentors and advisors to help me optimize my life and become pro comm a best seller become an Ironman 140 mile race, I could have never done it on my own. I would have ate wrong and had my nutrition wrong. But a friend told me about this coach, she was an awesome coach and she gave me nutritional advice. It wasn't even so much the physical that yes, it was great physical.
Dave Scatchard:
But if I had my nutrition wrong, I would have been cramping up I would have ran out of energy. And I flew man I had an amazing, beautiful race, but I could not have done it without my coach. I have people all the time that are scared to hire me one of my clients. They had never made more than $39,000. I'd mentioned them before. They bought a $36,000 coaching package from me for a year. That first year I believe we took them up over $300,000 in sales and profit. And then I believe the next year was somewhere in the fives or sixes and I I believe they're on pace to break a million this year. So how could they write a check for $36,000 they borrowed the money from a parent I believe that they knew that there was something in this program for them to win. Okay, I can talk about another real estate client that I shared on one other podcasts that when he hired me, this is back in the day, I think he paid 15 or 25,000 for one of my programs, and he made 600 to 1.2 or something like that. And then 1.2 To 2.4 2.4 to 4.5. And then 4.5 to 6 million now. Do you think that was a good investment for him? And now he teaches all his team the same things he learned from me, he doesn't even pay me anymore. He's, he's, he doesn't need to. He's off to the races, man, he's learned all the stuff that's going to help well, when, you know, I have other clients who have tweaked their business and with one simple tweak the other guy more time back in their life, or made significant amount more money. So do you think that they're going to look at this and say, Man, that was the best investment I've ever made. For example, I spent 100,000, to Tony. And then I did it again. The second is $200,000. Going around the world the first year when I was just trying to like get my legs under me. The second year, I was studying, I was listening to every word. He said, I was listening to every person that he introduced me to, I would study them I would, I would learn every single thing I could from them and bring it into my own world and make it my own. And that's how I'm able to get the results as I've traveled to everywhere, friggin on planet Earth with these knuckleheads to try to learn what I can learn. And then you don't have to do that. When you join my coaching program. It's literally like, hey, this works. This works. Don't do this. Don't do this. Yes, do this. And it works. And there's nothing. There's another word like there's another worry about, it shouldn't be fear. There should be excitement. There should be passion, there should be commitment. If anything, is, when people hear me speak, they assume that I just work with like hockey players, or hire like Rockstar business people, okay, and those, those are true. But I have everything from little grandmas who are looking to live the last 30 years their life in an incredible way and have fun and be adventurous and have you know, have something a purpose. I have young kids that are trying to make the Olympics or get a college scholarship. I have people in the music industry, I have people in the entertainment industry. I have regular stay at home moms who just want to be better moms. And I've got single moms. It's funny, like one of my videos had all these women, and it was probably like 90% women. And one of my coaches said, Do you only do you only coach women? I said no, not at all. I said, But certain things that I teach about accessing this vulnerability piece. Women are just really attracted to and they they like that.
Dave Scatchard:
And then somebody will see a video where it's all dudes, and it's all men, and it's all masculine. And they'll be like, Hey, do you only coach men? And I'm like, No, but part of me has this masculine nature where I went out and I did these hard things in the NHL, and I fought and I hit and I'm a physical force. And, you know, I can kick some ass and take some names if I need to. But what have you got a boat? Or have you got a soft, beautiful nurturing piece that can feel love and compassion and, and is slightly feminine, and you can have this other badass masculine, that you can use and pull your pocket anytime you need it. And just be like, finesse with it and just work like in life and just have both sides of it. You're not uni dimensional, you're not one dimensional, you have the ability to flex and flow as a parent, as a business owner, as a leader in your community, as a friend, as a mentor to people in you know, that's my goal is to build this beautiful, round, fully formed potential Pro that has the capacity and bandwidth to handle anything. Okay, I know that's a mouthful. But I don't have anything scripted. Here. I'm speaking from my heart because I want you to know that, you know, there's a champion inside of you, whether you're a man or a woman, a young person or an old person, it doesn't matter to me. I'm going to help you optimize and maximize everything in your life and go from amateur to pro in all the categories. That's what I'm a specialist in. Okay. So a couple of you might be saying, Dave, I'm in I just want to get like, give me a couple of tips on How to not be afraid how to get a cert to believe in myself? Well, here's the deal. I believe you're built for more, I believe you found this podcast or this video for a reason, I believe that you need help. So you can try to put the pieces together and figure it out and do all of those things. But my guess is you've already tried that. So the reason why people invest with me is because they buy speed, they buy a system, they buy a process where they can go fast, and get it figured out. And I can't tell you how many times somebody finds their voice, or finds their confidence after they start working with me.
Dave Scatchard:
Okay, and one of the reasons is, is we have this process called You are Reawaking your Champion, we take you through this process where you go through these certain moments in your life, we bottle it, we've got a system to build it and anchor it into your body, where it's not this little beat up scared, jaded person that's in front of me, it's this person that has been in a in a special spot where they'd been successful at a point in their life, they've had these little glimpses or moments of greatness. But then they dip back down and they go into this, like neutrality. My job is to pull those big moments out, because I believe that those are the special moments that we're actually supposed to have all the time, we're born with that as a champion and awaken and we slowly get programmed down into those lower vibration, my job is programming you back up into a higher vibration, and understand and believe your greatness. And one of the ways we do that is to build in these little wins these little micro wins, and all these little tiny way and start to add up and give you competence. And then you start to see progress, and you start to see results. Right? There's that old saying, how do you eat a whale one bite at a time. That's how you do it. You don't try to eat the whale with one bite, because it's impossible, but you do these little tiny bites. And eventually, you could eat a well, okay, it's a silly metaphor. But I believe that we can all gain confidence and self esteem by doing certain things and creating wins and understanding the operating system and the energetics that go behind our actions. That's how you do it. But you won't know if you don't try. So make sure you get yourself signed up. So here's what I'm going to do for you. Okay, I am going to leave a link below that will allow you to fill out an application or watch a video and either get more free training from me, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, you're here to get more chain free chain from me. Or you'll get an application to jump on the phone and have a call with one of my team. Okay, so if it's, if it's about coaching, and you fill out your application, your perfect candidate, they'll probably give it to me and say, Dave, let's see what you can do with this individual. And I'll jump on the phone with you. And I'll give you some free coaching. And if you like how that goes, you can continue on and join our group, they have all different price points. And you know, the bottom line is, you get results. That would be what I would do. So don't waste any more time, stop being afraid, you can do this. I've had people that are not as strong as you come through my program and have incredible results. Maybe we'll post some testimonials, one of these days and just load up all the testimonials of all our people. But it's pretty, it's pretty overwhelming. And it's pretty compelling. And if they can do it, you can do it. So don't be afraid you can do it. And this is an easy to follow program step by step formula that we use for everybody. And I love to jump on the phone and have a conversation with you. So fill out that application before or watch a free training, whichever one we decided to do. And you know, I can't wait to can't wait to chat with you and invite you into our family. So have an amazing day. I'll talk to you guys later. And thanks for listening to all star success codes, where you get inside the minds of champions