Core Values need to be uncovered not found. We live our lives with our core values; most people do it unconsciously, so this episode is all about uncovering your personal core values and starting with the end in mind. Do you feel like you have struggles or challenges in these areas, this episode will help you understand and fill in the gaps to create the life and practice of your dreams.
Key Points:
· How to uncover your Core Values and why this it critical
· Do you know your Personal Core Values
· Uncover your Core Values
Have you been wondering how to move forward in the chiropractic profession and both grow your business and your practices? Dr. Cliff is here to show you how to find your path in this profession.
Get into a conversation with two leaders in the chiropractic profession with eyes on dozens of clinics and become the best doctor, best leader and best human. Join host, Dr. Cliff and co-host, Dr. Joseph Esposito as Align Your Practice helps you understand how to uncover your core values. This is the second episode of four on core values. We take a look at your personal core values what do they mean and why are they important. Learn how to maximize your life’s work by getting clarity on your core values, your core values for yourself and your important relationships.
About the Host:
Dr. Clifford J Fisher
Dr. Cliff Fisher – Owns several offices all over the US and has a coaching business Dream Leadership Institute to help people find the greatest version of themselves. He will help you get to a foundational understanding to create the business and life that align with your being.
Dr. Joseph Esposito, CEO
Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.C.N. C.N.S., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.N., F.A.A.I.M. C.T.N., is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AlignLife. As such, he is responsible for the direction of AlignLife as it expands further across a dynamic and rapidly changing healthcare landscape. Dr. Esposito has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of businesses, including chiropractic, nutrition, technology, and internet marketing.
Dr. Esposito has extensive post-graduate academic accomplishments, as well as 15 years of experience managing successful chiropractic clinics in multiple states. He also is the founder and CEO of Aceva LLC, a service-based nutritional company providing products and services to the AlignLife clinics. As the former CFO of an internet publishing company, Dr. Esposito understands the power of leveraging the internet to impact the lives of millions of Americans.
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Align Your Practice podcast with Dr. Cliff Fisher where your best practice and life awaits you. Are you tired of running a practice on your own? We want to come alongside you with experts to help you create your dream practice in your dream life. Here is your host
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Alright, tribe Welcome back to align your practice with Dr. Cliff Fisher and Dr. Joseph Esposito, is brought to you by align life. It's just been awesome. I know last time, Joe, we talked about the question, right? So do you want to be happy?
Dr. Joseph Esposito:What are the core values, which is there's probably my favorite episode we've done yet because it hits a chord inside of me of the journey that I went through with core values. So I really enjoyed the last one. So let's kick this off with the question that you ended the last podcast with.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Alright, so core values. So today, we're gonna be talking about life core values, like our personal life. So when I ask people do you want to be happy? I've asked hundreds of people, maybe 1000s. And I've still to this day, never heard somebody say no. Second question to that, though, is if what? So if my job's good if the patient comes in, if my wife loves me that day, if my kids love me that day, if I get a raise if, like everybody has an F, so what we want to create in this is, how do you just be happy because and the only way to do it is to really recognize that core value comes from inside, not outside we need to decrease in shrink, are what our view is of other people of ourselves.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, like that. It can't be an external influence to create happiness, it has to be an inward journey, that you're independent of outside influence, in regards to the generation of the ultimate currency in life, which has happened, yeah.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:And my wife taught me this, and I didn't think it existed. But she has taught me unconditional love. And that's really, you know, you can't give unconditional love if your happiness is dependent on the external. So, so yeah, so one of the other things. So, you know, really, when we're talking about personnel, so with the first thing I'd like to do is just, I would like to define what core values are. So core values are traits or qualities that are not just worthwhile, but they represent an individual organization's highest priority, their deeply held beliefs, and core and their fundamental driving force. And so like, Joe, I know you and I talked about this, but and you alluded to it in the beginning, but like, this is how I make my daily decisions. Like, am I aligned with that? Because if we don't have our core values, right now, we're just we go along with the river, like, right up, I'm going this way, oh, I'm gonna come back this way. Instead of like, No, I'm focused this way. And so for me, it's like that intrinsic. That's how you form the vision of your life. And so since we're talking about personal, that's where this one is, for me. And I know for me, like, my four core values are my three core values. I have my core for and then my three core values. My number one is caring. My number two is integrity. And my number three is connectedness. And so am I lined up with that? And so, and every morning, I read those, I'm like, yep, am I there? Am I not there. And, you know, it just changed how you approach the day.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, it's one thing to have them, it's another thing to integrate them in your life. So you look at it every morning, I review them on the weekend, and just kind of bring them back. I told you, I have a backdrop. Now when I'm doing AI talks and the core value, I see them in my own video, that helps me reflect on our we honored value. So it's going to be fun, because we're gonna also next episode, go over the core values of the company align life, and dive in deep because your own personal journey through life are your core values. But your business may have a little bit refined in a slightly different context of those values that we need, you need your team to resonate around behind, lift them up, honor them, protect them be convicted around them. And that's going to take the friction away from the engine that grows your practice. So this is not just that sounds very personal. But you know, how many businesses do you know especially in the profession in chiropractic, where the doctor is? Off course personally, and the business is off course. So the doctor is on track personally, he's on track and then or she's on track and the business. That's just what I seen is right when there's congruence see this congruence, see when you're off, you're off, not on one side of the game, its life is off your business as right. So I think this kind of takes helps these doctors be on course,
Dr. Cliff Fisher:and one of my struggles so and where we'll go in that. So in the business, the core values, they don't have to be my core values, but they do have to align with my core values. That's why I love the name align, like like, there's so many great things with align life. Yeah, the name is like it's the first thing that you hear, but it's like it's the tip of the iceberg. But so they don't have to be the same. I think that's what I was always looking for. It's like, are these the same? Where I started to see it was the first time my wife and I did core values together was that Dr. Francis place when we did them that way? Okay, yeah, I've done mine independently, I don't know that my wife had ever done him, honestly. But so then what we did was then we broke apart when we got home, and we did on our own, and then came together. And so that was a, that's a really powerful exercise. So one of the things I would recommend, if you're doing your personal core values, one of the things you'll get from us is you'll get a PDF that will show you exactly how to create your three to five top core values. But once you have those, then you come together, and my wife and I have two, we have three sets of core values together. So we have our own personal, then we have our family core values, like what do we believe for our family, and then we have our relationship, core values. And so those are the things that we agree to, and and create agreements around. And then we need to start to exercise and live by that I'm still in my infancy on the relationship and that parenting core value part. But like, are my personal core values is where I spent most of my time. And then now it's like, I just see the power of forwarding everything. And her and I quote, her jewelry and eyes, core values are not the same my wife and eyes, but they have a great lineup. And so that's the thing, like just don't get stuck in that like, oh, this needs to be the same, your couples ones don't do need to be the same. That's an agreement just like our company wants. That's our agreement.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:You know, that's a good to pause there for a minute on a personal side. And looking at congruency of core values like this is a good moment to just discuss this for a second, if you and your partner have totally different core values, were yours are here and, and there's a there and they don't overlap, then you're not really you're not compatible. If your values and your spouse's value is 100%, the same, exactly the same in the same order the same values, then one of you is not needed. When your values and your partner's values overlap, that there's an overlap of those values, there's synergy there's connection and as growth of consciousness, because you're not the same, but there's an overlap of values. And then you nurture those together. And you begin to appreciate the other side of values, I wrote, I was my kind of fourth chapter of a book that I began writing, believe it or not on relationships. And one chapter, the first chapter is about the chore, the your partner's values as a chore. So when, when the issue when supporting your partner's values is a chore, then you move from the opportunity to be in a third dimensional relationship, which is unconditional connection and love to two dimensional relationship, which is transactional, which is when you do a chore for each other's values, like one value is I want to go, I like social. So it's a chore for me to go to a concert with you. And I put it as a list and I do it because I have to, that becomes transactional. So when you're inspired by the values, and I in the in the chapter that I wrote, was a man and a woman and the woman wanted the man to be more, provide more security financially. So he just forced a little bit in the savings account. And that was it. The second story was where the man was inspired, and read about budgets, watched webinars, got inspired, learned about finance, learned, read profit, first implemented systems, explains his wife, how inspired he was what he learned and how great it is. And he created the security she wanted totally different experience or intimately. Someone is more wanting more intimate experience, and the other one does it. You can do it as a chore or you can be inspired and become vulnerable and open yourself up and learn and grow your consciousness and be inspired to honor our core values to totally different and that's the move that you make in a relationship is when you make that honoring of a value at shore, you immediately degrade the relationship to tier two, a transactional relationship. A one dimensional relationship is where like a baby, you just go one way they cry, you feed them a cry, you change the diaper. They tell you what to do, and you serve them. They're not they're not serving you. You're serving them although they give love and you feel they're not serving your value they are it's a one way one dimensional relationship. So one, two and three dimensional. I think I learned a lot through that understanding about values and relationships. I know that was a bit of a tangent, but I don't know what your thoughts are on that.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:I don't think it was at all. I got three feet, I had a couple things that notes on that. I think one of the biggest things, for me is like to be able to understand and support you have to know Him. And if they don't know Him, How would you know him? And so getting your core values is like that is the first step. The other thing you talked about in that relationship, one of the things I found in relationships was, there's a difference between acceptance and celebration of who you are, like, oh, I accept everything about you. That's a different comment than your partner saying, I celebrate everything about you. Even if she doesn't like all the things about me, she's like, I still celebrate that because I know that makes you up that all those pieces make who you are. And so, and I love the one that really,
Dr. Joseph Esposito:yeah, like we all, not, we're all we all a lot of us don't know the different types of relationships, and you got to quantify it, if you want to create it, right, you've got to know where you're going. We talked about on the last call, the trade off the concept, the trade off, there's only so many so much time, energy, focus and money that we have. And we have to allocate those resources to things that are important core values. So we start with the core values of you as a person. And then whether you do a Clifton and create core values as a couple or you just look at you and your partner's values together. And you look at the synergies, and I choose to learn how to be inspired by a partner's core values and seeing how does that influence my life? How does that raise my consciousness? How do I how do I become a better person better man better being, by honoring those are learning about those values? And the next stage is how do you bring your core values into the business? And how do those aligned with the business core values, then you teach those two years, team members, and the energy of that flow is so congruent, there's no friction or resistance, it will drive an energy and an experience in your clinic that will create scale faster, easier, cheaper, and more sustainable. If you understand this. This is not as a little esoteric, it's not you can't hold it, you can't touch it. So this is a little off the wall for some people this experience, but watch those that have ultra success. I can name a clinic right now in a line life that just catapulted in. And I studied the value of this young doctor, his family, his business, and it was such congruency. That it there was nothing in the way. So it's not just although we're a systems, company alumni, we have 450 Page operations value, we audit systems, we have analytics through the roof, although we have all that class. It's it's all about energy. It's
Dr. Cliff Fisher:yeah, I haven't seen anybody who could really define that well. But I've had also nobody argue that either nobody can say no, that doesn't work. I've no I've zero with that.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:So we spent most of our day daily life clip teaching systems and right, that's what we do. Systems flows, communication cycles, that's what we do. Boom, boom, boom, boom. So when you know the system, you can live in the vision, you can live the mission, when you're struggling with the system, you don't live in the mission. So although cliff and I most of our day is refining system, it's because we live in the mission. And that's what we want for you too. And this theory is is getting you to at least start knowing your core values, then your partners, then your business and then bring congruency there. So the energy is through the roof. And you can live in the mission not stuck in the procedure
Dr. Cliff Fisher:of running it off. One of the things that came up for me when you were talking was like what you say is not nearly as important as where you say it from.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:So we train on all these systems, but I always tell doctors, I'm like it has to come from the heart and it has to be authentic. I mean, if it's not true, it's not true. You know what I mean?
Dr. Joseph Esposito:That's, we could break that down for a while because going through the journey, if you know i How many doctors have I trained Oh my God, through the years, and using the same dialogue, like how to communicate to a new patient. Consultation, make it simple, like 11 different steps and a consultation. Here's the dialogue. Here's the concepts that you should gain from that human that suffering, confused, looking for answers, maybe an apathy, there is a cycle a communication in a sense technology to get someone to the point that they feel heard, get an empathetic connection, understand their problem, their goals, right? There's a process for that. You could take two doctors and put them through the same exact training. One, the patient has no connection, even saying the exact same words. It's like to a tee on the communication cycle and a different experience and that goes back to exactly what you said. And I I can I think I can extrapolate this to the point of what we're talking about which I said, we said energy, but deeper than the energy is being congruent to your values that lets energy flow through you and your business and your staff. Right. So think about that. That is, that's pretty, pretty clear for me now, that why do some of these doctors when they the energy doesn't flow? Right? It's probably if we dissect that, if we look at their calendar, we look at their the way they spend their money, we look at their time, they're probably off on honoring their innate values. And that contradiction is breaking their ability to gain the success by that we know it's not the system. Because we've seen the system 20 years that it works, right. Isn't that interesting? That energy cycle a little bit?
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, and you're sharing that what's coming up for me is like, I'll have doctors who will say, Oh, yeah, I want to be the best, you know, this consultation, like, great. What do you need to do? They're like, I need to do this, this. And this next week. They're like, I'm like krill, you want to be the best of this? Did you do this, this and this. So they're saying, one thing is important, but they're not the actions, what they're doing the habits that they're grading, is that so that's what like the doctor you're talking or I think the doctor you're talking about, like his habits are very congruent with what he's saying and what he's doing. When you have that incongruency. Like, the one where my wife like, she's like, You say health is important to you, but you don't eat like you eat too much. You eat late, you don't like you're not making it a priority. And I'm like, dammit. So there's just having that partner who can step in and like call you out on that. And you'd immediately be able to hear that say, such a great point. How can I get back on track if she's really disciplined, and very congruent, and that's what they talk about, like focus and discipline.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:And I gotta, I gotta give you a compliment right here on the podcast, but honestly, your face, your tone, your skin color, tone, your complexion, you just look in the last month healthier period, just say, you know, that's a compliment you. And I know you're on that journey. So what's beautiful about this is we teach this stuff, but guess what I love? I love the phrase, where we're a coach, maybe on the podcast, but the podcast is off for a player on the field just like you, right? We're so you know, I like that.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, it's scar tissue to and it's making different decisions. Like I didn't not realize like I because I, you know, I had a but I was emotional eater. Now, I'm like, very discipline. So it's a different level of commitment. And there's a different level of accountability. And I think that's the other thing that I really have found inside of the line life is there's a different level of accountability. And you also have a whole tribe, there's like 40, other offices that are, you know, similar struggle, same struggles, you know, married family, kids trying to grow a practice, or have a huge practice. Here's the, you know, so there is a great space, but the thing and align life, that's I think next level, which is the topic of this one is like that personal like, I can, you know, Joe and I have, you know, we don't, you know, I would say probably half our conversations are personal, or there's a percentage, that's personal. And then there's professional because there's no way that we can grow as a company, if we're the humans inside of it don't grow.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yeah, I love you've helped guide Align Life with your cultural influence. in that realm of like really honoring the individual inside of the system and what you've, you've started with the corporate team, and then working outside with the doctors and longterm it affects the patient. So it's the same lesson for those that are listening on this call, you got to start with yourself. So if you're struggling in practice right now, and you're trying to learn a new system, or get a new piece of software, a new a new laser, or a new tool or a new something, trying to save the practice, if you're struggling, and you're listening to this right now, or you just started practice a year ago, I would recommend, just slow down to speed up and figure out what generates What is happiness to you? What does success look like? Like cliffs the next time, just stop completely? And take a moment and look at what what do you value in life, once we figure that out the systems, the flow, the trainings, all of that will make better sense. And I know and align life one of the things we do with marketing is we're looking at the marketing event reporting process that we have in the prosperity plan is that we're asking people to know the different marketing events they do. And there's three things you can do to improve because again, I can have two doctors go do the same thing with the same equipment, the same communication, the same location at the same time, and get two totally different outcomes. So there's three steps you can do with marketing is if you want to grow, there's three things you do in events. You can either do more of those events, more meaning more impact, because you're going to do more, you can do them better. So that means better communication, you dress better, you speak better, you present better, right? You just do events better? Or the third one is, you improve your intention. And that's what we're talking about today is you were saying, you know, we're talking in the office, like when they're when their energies, right, because the core values are right, there's no contradictions, their intention is solid. So you don't necessarily need to do more or even better, you may just need to bring intention, because the words are just words, the energies behind the words, and it comes from your innate. Right. So that comes all the way back to our conversation is how do you define happiness? How do you define success? What are your core values? How do you get the energy? Right? How do you bring that to the office and get those core values? How do you teach your staff and now you have the clinic that you can express that energy, and an energy to me helps create intention, that you get outcomes, when you're doing a workshop, a screening an event to consultation, when your intention is right. Conversion, authenticity, shines, and you live your true self, and you reach a level of prosperity that you could have only dreamed of. And as a franchise founder, I'm going to tell you, it's not all about the system. And that's a tough thing for me, after 20 years of building a system, it's not all about the system, you have to have the intention. And that's what this series is my favorite on core values cliff is because it's totally the opposite side of what we teach all day and night.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:Yeah, no, and I'm with you. And I think one of the things, you know, clarity, and uncertainty go hand in hand. And that's what will convert relationships, patience, you know, everything comes from certainty and clarity. And so we talked about, like, especially the season we're in right now, in this world, like leadership is like, it's hard to find right now. It's because everybody's looking around, versus looking inside. And so your personal core values will be the thing that honestly creates happiness in you versus with know if it'll create certainty around your team about in your office, around relationships in your family. And, you know, we talked earlier to Joe about like, one of the things is like you do this with your family, like, this isn't something you hold in and like up, this is a secret, this is something you do with your spouse, with your kids, you share this with them when they're at that right age. And you know, help them discover their core values, because they're in there, there. It's not like finding him. It's not like searching for him. It's uncovering and discovering. And so the biggest takeaway, I think, with this one is there's a PDF included in this one. If you finish the PDF, and you want to talk for 30 minutes, I'll include my calendar link in the bottom. And I'm happy to have a 30 minute conversation with you around it so that you could get answers to this because when I first did it, it was one of the hardest things I did. And then you know, now I've done it, you know, hundreds of times with different people. And it's just a different space once you can help people uncover and discover their core values. Personally,
Dr. Joseph Esposito:that's a great offer cliff to I did it with clip myself. I've been through many courses with Cliff over the last two years that inspired me on a personal level and made me I believe a better leader for the organization based on some of your guidance. So if cliffs offering that I don't know how many people can grab it. But I would take advantage of that link half an hour with Cliff to just set you on the right path. It's a life journey of you know, refining this process. But having a guidance from the front end will make it more fruitful of a journey to refine your core values. Joe, that's
Dr. Cliff Fisher:a great point, like I probably have capacity just to do about 10. Like, I don't know that I have capacity to do like a ton. So if 10 People want to do it, my counter link will be in the bottom. And then I'll pull it off once we hit that 10.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Okay, great, great. Excellent. session, I think was good follow up on the first one. So I think next one, we're going to actually break down some business concepts, right, bring it bring it home to how does this affect my business? How does it affect my, my bottom dollar? How does this affect my prosperity and my success in business, right, because this does tie directly into, I think, a journey of success in the office. So I'd like to talk next time about when your core values are not honored how that contradiction breaks a team, how it hurts cash flow, how it causes disruption and put you off course in your strategy, and then talk about ways in which we can honor it and maybe even go through a line life's core values and break those down for them. I think that would be great.
Dr. Cliff Fisher:That'd be awesome. Yep. All right. So core values, do this sheet. Stay tuned for next week, it's going to be awesome to find out how you translate those personal ones in the business because once you have clear personal it makes it way easier to create clear business ones. And then we'll do a final wrap up. Thank you guys very much. And thanks, Joe for your time and intention.
Dr. Joseph Esposito:Yes, awesome. Thanks.