This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Paul shares: when an Ascended Master appeared at his bedside his experience in India living with monks multi-part synchronicity involving his deceased ex-wife being protected on the Inter...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Minerva shares: Lucid dreaming winning her dance position Her Grandmother’s visit to her the moment of her passing Communication with both her children’s souls before they were in the phy...
Episode Summary This AIM episode’s mystical adventure VerdarLuz shares: His story of synchronicity regarding the second time he had a lung collapse What led him to become an astrologer The different types of spacecraft he’s s...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Elisabeth shares: · How she went from severely depressed and near-suicidal to healed in one visit from her deceased father · The in womb and birth regressions she experienced · ...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Adam shares: · His amazing awakening story of going into and through the eye of the universe · Highlights of his long encounter meeting ET ambassadors · How his experiences...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Katherine shares: Details about two of her near-death experiences How she ended up with two other consciousnesses with her after one of them About a few of her out of body experiences How...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Gil shares: About a supernatural gathering he found himself at A gift of an ancient wolf necklace plus a message from a mysterious woman Having playdates with Source What it means to be a...
This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Jason shares: How a dream included details of a physical gift he received two weeks later The significance of the alligator in another dream Being part of The Light System (TLS) – a group...
In this AIM episode’s mystical adventure Shivany shares three stories: Her first experience sharing her gifts around her aunt’s undiagnosed illness Being saved by “a voice” Receiving a supernatural present from an unknown bei...