Feb. 13, 2024

Soothe Your Inner Critic - Meditation #8

Soothe Your Inner Critic - Meditation #8

Soothing your inner critic is an intimate journey into self-love and compassion. Take a soft pause to immerse yourself in the present moment, where affirmations of gentleness and acceptance become the foundation of this practice. Envision a radiant light emanating from your heart, a powerful symbol of love and empathy that nurtures your uniqueness and extends understanding to others. Helping you be the source of love that transforms your inner world and contributes greater loving kindness to the collective consciousness. It all begins within, and as you embrace this truth, may you feel, see, and radiate love to release your inner critic.

Linda's Website: https://www.globalwellnesseducation.com 

Meditate with me on A Call For Love 

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

I know so many people who are kind and loving to others, and yet they are so hard on themselves. Does that sound like you? Today, I invite you to come into a meditation of loving kindness for yourself. You know that inner critic that is always talking in our head. Criticizing, judging what we do and what we think and how we feel. It can get very exhausting on so in this meditation, I'd like you to really invite a softness into your heart, self love to release and soothe your inner critic. My name is Linda Orsini. And I'm really grateful to be your guide here today. Please find a comfortable position. You can either be seated or lying down. And allow yourself to soften into this moment. There's nowhere you need to go. There's nothing you need to do. Except come here into this moment, befriending who you are. Self Care is self love. And self love is not selfish. We cannot give what we do not have. And so the inner critic that inner voice that is constantly badgering yourself. We want to notice that and ask yourself if you can just find a little softness here. Maybe placing your hand at your heart center and just allowing yourself to be present here and hold space. For that inner critic. I'd like you to take a deep breath in through your nose. And exhale, sigh that breath out through the mouth. Continue to take deep breaths in and long breaths out. Really feeling on the exhale as if there is a softening as if you are giving into gravity. Allow all the muscles in your face to soften. Release any holding or clenching. If your mind is ruminating with thoughts and judgments, just tell your mind It's okay. You're just gonna take a little break and allow yourself to really come into a sense of ease. I will offer some intentions. And as I share them with you notice if this intention really fills and softens your heart center and then invite it in. And if not just focus on your breath. Allowing yourself to be present here in this moment, with no agenda and really see if you can offer yourself Self Compassion and loving kindness

Linda Orsini:

as you breathe in, feel and notice these words may I be gentle with myself on this journey of self discovery

Linda Orsini:

may I be gentle with myself on this journey of self discovery

Linda Orsini:

may I be gentle with myself on this journey of self discovery

Linda Orsini:

Take another deep inhale through your nose and release and let go of any tightness in your heart center. Are you making space and room for loving kindness

Linda Orsini:

May I let go of self judgment and embrace self acceptance may I let go of self judgment and embrace self acceptance may I let go of self judgment and embrace self acceptance the longest relationship we will have with anyone in this material world will be with ourselves in this moment can you become friends with yourself and if not just rubbing at your heart center, knowing it's okay. In this moment we're gonna hold space for that loving kindness for yourself. Then take another deep inhale through your nose and exhale sight out through your mouth

Linda Orsini:

may I be kind to myself knowing that I am a spiritual being, living a human experience may I be kind to myself knowing that I am a spiritual being living a human experience may I be kind to myself knowing that I am a spiritual being living a human experience

Linda Orsini:

as you inhale invite in that essence of your spiritual nature and on your exhale let go of any tension or negativity that you may be holding.

Linda Orsini:

May I break free from self limiting beliefs and no I am whole and complete May I break free from self limiting beliefs and know that I am whole and complete

Linda Orsini:

me I break free from self limiting beliefs and know that I am whole and complete

Linda Orsini:

as Rumi said you are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop

Linda Orsini:

Take a deep inhale and exhale release your breath

Linda Orsini:

May I let go of comparing myself to others and know that I am enough May I let go of comparing myself to others and know that I am enough

Linda Orsini:

me I let go of comparing myself to others and know that I am enough

Linda Orsini:

breathing here and noticing that you are unique. You are special in your own right. And there is no need to compare yourself to others. It just hurts yourself. And it's unfair to others. We want to see and be in our own light and honor the light of others

Linda Orsini:

and then take a deep inhale through the nose and exhale sight out through your mouth

Linda Orsini:

may I feel and know that love is my truest nature

Linda Orsini:

may I feel and know that love is my truth nature may I feel and know that love is my true nature as you feel your breath at your heart center. Visualize a radiant light expanding from your heart, representing love and with each breath, allow this love and light to grow. offer this to the inner depths within you. As Rumi said, your task is not to seek for love. But merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against love.

Linda Orsini:

As you hold space for that energy within you of your truest nature of love. Allow that light to grow. Allow that light to spread our words

Linda Orsini:

allow yourself to speak to your inner critic with the voice of compassion. Knowing that you are not your thoughts you are the deep source of love within. And as you hold space for this loving kindness for yourself. See it as a light that spreads outward as you hold space for yourself all your uniqueness and humaneness allow that to provide you the empathy to honor and acknowledge other people's light. It all begins with us. It all begins with you. Taking another deep inhale through your nose exhale, release your breath allow your heart to be light allow your heart to fill with love. May you feel love? May you see love. May you be loved. From my heart to yours namaste

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