May 28, 2024

Energize Your Life With Colour and Numerology with Amy Bell l S2E067

Energize Your Life With Colour and Numerology with Amy Bell l S2E067

Get ready to uncover the fascinating ways in which colours and numbers shape your world and lift your spirit. Join host Linda Orsini as she sits down with Amy Bell, founder and creative mind behind 'United Colors of Design' magazine.

Amy, a colour mirrors teacher and master designer, shares insights into the transformative power of colours and numerology.

The discussion delves into how colours influence your life, the significance of numerology in colour mirrors, and the importance of aligning your energy with the right colours.

Amy explains how different colours vibrate at various frequencies and how they can impact your emotions and energies.

She also shares personal anecdotes about using colour for personal and business growth and touches on topics such as chakra balancing and the evolution of our energy fields through colour.

The episode concludes with Amy discussing her methods for shifting from low vibrations to a state of love, using the wisdom of spiritual teachers and the supportive power of colours.

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About Our Guest:

Amy Bell is the Founder and Creative Director of United Colours of Design, a magazine aimed at inspiring entrepreneurs to harness the transformative power of colour and align their businesses with their soul’s purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life filled with love and joy. Amy is a Colour mirror teacher, Master Designer, and Brand Consultant, sharing the secrets of transforming life's energy using the magical power of colour. She is deeply passionate about the psychology of colour and numerology, utilizing them to influence and elevate your vibration, enabling you to live your most colourful, joyful, and loving life.

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Welcome friends, welcome back to a call for love. And if you noticed, we missed a week because we are now on season two. So for the duration of at least till September, a call for love will come out every second week because this is season two. So with that in mind, welcome back. I'm so glad you're here. And I'm so glad we are enjoying this beautiful steamy, hot, sunny, gorgeous weather. In any case, I would like to introduce to you today such a beautiful soul, a really beautiful woman, she has become a friend, and she is going to share her magic of color and numerology. So Amy Bell, this is Amy Bell coming up. And she's the founder and creative director of United Colors of design. And this is a gorgeous magazine is set to inspire entrepreneurs and all people into the transformative power of colors and design for their business and for their souls purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy. So her skill set is through color mirrors. She's a color mirrors teacher, she is a master designer and a brand consultant, and she shares the secrets of transforming your life's energy. Using the magical power of color color is so important. And Amy is extremely passionate about the psychology of numerology as well to influence and raise our vibration to live our best most colorful, joyful and loving life. So Amy, I am so happy to welcome you to call for love. Thank

Amy Bell:

you, I'm so excited to be here. Anytime I get to talk about color with people like you and look at you and your lovely yellow talk today. If you are listening, you can't see it. But it's gorgeous. Yeah, it's I

Linda Orsini:

gravitating towards yellow and of course, it's the third chakra, the solar plexus. And so that's our personal power. And, you know, I feel like we all want to step into our personal power. So this is a great place to begin, tell us about color because I actually hired you to do colors for me. And it was fascinating experience. So tell us about color and how it really influences our life.

Amy Bell:

Well, I mean, take a look around your room, everything is color everything outside inside. It's it's how we connect with people via like what they're wearing. It's how we feel comfortable in a room with what the decorative color is going on in their color has positive and negative aspects to it, every color does. And it's kind of like, you know, when you walk into, you know, maybe you're going into a room of people you don't know, but you just get a vibe from different people. And it's it's the auric field energy. And in that auric field, there's color. And that color vibrates at different frequencies depending on what the color is yellow is vibrating at a different frequency than white wood I'm wearing and the orange behind you in the lights is vibrating at a different frequency. So our bodies and our own triple our own auric fields pick up on that energy. And then we start to do this colorful dance without our conscious mind knowing but our auric fields are doing it, our soul is doing it. And so when I was introduced to the color mirror system, which is created in South Africa by a woman named Melissa jolly, who's in second, I describe her as like the feminine divine version of Buddha. She just sits in her own personal power in down in South Africa. And she's an amazing woman. And she created this system. So I have learned so much more than I learned in my studies of color in my design courses. I thought you know, one course in a four year period is good enough to give you the information but man, was I wrong? Wrong?

Linda Orsini:

Interesting. This is so fascinating because I've been thinking about rebranding my color. My yellow is very bright and vibrant. I get a lot of positive feedback. And sometimes I think maybe it's too bright. Is there such a thing?

Amy Bell:

No, no, there's no like Yes. When you're going into a paler yellow, it's kind of heading towards maybe like a goldy color like a pale gold color. And that also has its own frequency like have you out To me, and, and that transmutation of, of our yellow ego into a more divine wisdom filled conversation. So you know, you can move into that by by adding a little bit of pink into the yellow, and that's going to give you the gold. But I mean, from my study of it, and I originally started studying it for myself just to learn like about me through the color energy. And after about three years of doing that, I realized, wow, if I my name, my birthday, tells a story through color, then so would a business name. And so would the CEO of that business, his birthday impact the energy of the business. So when you're talking about what color should I choose for my brand, that's a conversation that I have with people a lot. And we we look at the colors of the name of their business. So essentially, I'm taking the name of your business, and then I'm converting those letters into numbers. And then those numbers get converted into color. And the color is represented in different bottles, which are in the system that have multiple colors to them. And so it's kind of like a Bathabile Oracle Card Deck. So the premise is, the colors are marrying to use something. And you get to work through that now you can spend years in therapy, or you can hop in a bath and allow the color to just wash it down the drain. Now, I can't claim that, you know, because we're in Canada, we have certain regulations, but honestly, I have had many baths in these bottles. And when I'm done, it's like I just had an out of body experience. And I'm not like I don't go dream traveling, I don't you know, I don't have that really in my world. But when I go into a bath with the color, it's crazy. So the yellow that we're talking about whether it's a vibrant yellow, or a pale yellow, the energy of joy is still in there. And the energy that joy is putting out to your clients is still going to radiate before you speak. So they'll be attracted to that yellow. And then you'll attract clients that that you really want to work with. Because if you've worked through the negative aspects of yellow, which is, you know, you can get some pretty interesting traits from a yellow person who's somewhat living who's living somewhat unconsciously. It's an academic color, it's a joy ish color, it's a wisdom color. But it's also like, what's the like bipolar, because you've got that, that joy side of you. And then this sort of ability to just go off the rails and lose your mind sometimes. So it's good to have these things in balance when you're choosing the colors for your brand. Because you don't want to attract people on

Linda Orsini:

there. Well, there's, I always say, I always say that the truth holds both spheres, right, there's the positive than negative, the ying and the yang, if you pick an Oracle deck, whatever, there always has to be an opposite, and which is perfectly fine. As long as you know it. And you know, in my family, because if we get distracted, my husband always says squirrel, squirrel, sort of wheat. But I really love that, especially now, I think in a couple of days. So when this comes out, it will have passed, but the flower Moon is coming out. And flowers, right? Everyone has their favorite color flowers, or their favorite type of flowers. It is so prevalent, the colors that are exploding right now. It's like a blast for the senses in every gorgeous way is so beautiful. And so maybe that the listeners here might not know what you mean about bathing in colors, I'll just share that. So there's bottles that you have the colors, and then you can pour those in your bath. But I say you know you could wear it on your body. You can smell them you can and you know there was back in the day when they said you know you have to get up really early in the morning and you should lay your clothes out. And I could never successfully do that because I dress too hot the color I feel each day.

Amy Bell:

Yeah. Oh, you mean like laid them out the night before? See? Yeah, yeah, no, I couldn't ever do that. Oh my gosh, I get up and I'm like, What do I feel like today and then let's put that on. Yeah, yeah, so the bottles the system the color mirror system is made up of 36 Wisdom bottles that have different colors top and bottom. And they have 36 Gaia bottles. So Mother Earth bottles that are different colors top and bottom, and then their chakra bottles. So The chakras are actually kind of changing color. So the color mirror system has the original chakra colors. And then there's an evolution happening where the chakra colors are actually changing their energetic fields. And so we've got both of those sets. So when I do a chakra balancing with someone with the bottles, they're laying on a table, and I'm putting the the original set on their chakra points, like laying there with bottles of boiling water on them. And then we use the pendulum to see if they're ready to move to the next level. And sometimes your body wants to keep the OGS and you leave it there. And then sometimes your chakra points are ready to elevate to the next level. And so we would replace the original with the higher level chakra bottle. And then you would just lay in that space and allow your body to interact with this new color, and the new and the energy of those bottles. I've done. It's hard to explain. Normally when I'm doing a zoom interview or something I have in my office, all the bottles on the wall behind me. And so inevitably, when I'm talking to someone, there's some bottle that's jumping out at them, the color is jumping out at them. So they can see what's that like that wood right there. And they'll pull it off. And there's a message that that Melissa had downloaded to her for every single bottle. And so when that bottle is attracting you, and you pick it, there's a message behind it. So I read the message. And sometimes with certain color bottles that people pick, or the names of the bottles speak for themselves. So we've got like Buddhic bliss, and the wheel of fortune, and the nine, the nine planet bottles, and, you know, spiritual material conflict. So the names of the bottles when I tell people the names, they'll sometimes they're like, oh my god, like I just had that happen. Or I'm in that state of being right now. Or when I read the message in there's something about sibling rivalry every single time they've got an issue with with their sibling, and and they're just like, how do you know this information, but it's not me. It's what I know about the colors. And because I've been studying it for now, almost eight years, I just have learned the positive and negative traits and what, what somebody's going through when they're attracted to a certain color. And then we have this great conversation. And both, like in your description of this podcast, it's sort of about Well, from what I understand, it's about allowing people to release their their anxiety released their fear and live a life of joy. And that's the main goal for everyone. Isn't it like living a life of unconditional love, and all of these modalities, whether it's cards, or Reiki or color mirrors, or whatever it is, we're all trying to get to this point of love. Well,

Linda Orsini:

there's many paths to liberation, they say Right? Yeah, so you pick the one that resonates. And as a student, of course in miracles, they say there's two emotions fear or love, but fear is is a container for all the lower vibrations and then love is the highest vibration and so what you're saying is that the colors that you are attracted to are not always forever those colors you're attracted to and you can evolve as the colors evolve. Now Yeah,

Amy Bell:

minute to minute like you could pick one color and then you work it sits with you in your hand and you've worked through it and now you're like oh, I don't even want that anymore.

Linda Orsini:

Right it's so interesting. Yeah. Is there is there because I know the chakra system so we start with the root the base color is like a brownie Blackie read and then of course it goes to the highest the crown which is the white light and the amethyst color. Yeah and so is that in your study white and Amethyst the highest vibration

Amy Bell:

it's up there Yes.

Linda Orsini:

Well waves light right? Yeah, there's not

Amy Bell:

there's 19 colors that we work with. from copper to gold to white to blue violet to violet like it's the rainbow but in between the rainbow colors there's other color and then we also include black and white and copper is like an equal mix of all of them copper being like that Gaya energy right. So yes, the chakra colors play a huge part and in between the chakra colors there's other color. So you know you're adding in turquoise into there which sits between the green heart chakra and the blue throat chakra. So when you mix those two colors together, you get turquoise and turquoise is the color of heart felts communication. So you're taking your words in and filtering it through this middle color of turquoise. And so turquoise, I happen to be a turquoise person when I add up the numbers of my birthday and get the number, the single digit that equals a turquoise color. And so I have to be very mindful of what I speak, because turquoise people have that sitting in that space between their communication. It's like, I've got to filter everything through through love before I can speak and when I don't, it feels so terrible.

Linda Orsini:

That's fascinating. And it's so true, right? I had a meditation that the three gates that you know, is it kind is it necessary and is it true? But it's something to remember when you're speaking with your voice so the turquoise? Is that why you are also so fascinated with numerology because I feel like they're really hand in hand. Yeah,

Amy Bell:

well, numerology plays a huge role in the color mirror system along with color. So because the bottles are numbered one to 36. You can take any number and convert it to a bottle and then get that message. And so when I learned how like not everybody who is a color, Mears teacher or consultant works with numerology as well. I just love it so much. Because every every number converts to a color, and I'm more of a color person than I am a number person. Although, since starting to work with numerology, like numbers pop off at me all the time. And so I don't, I convert them very quickly into the color, and then I can talk the conversation. I don't know what five fives mean, but I know, five, five, the five is the green color. And that's the sort of new beginning halfway through the numerology of one to nine. And you get to start over and look at what's happened in the past and look what's going forward. And now you can readjust and pivot if you need to. So if you're in a five year, then that's kind of what you have the energy of. So yeah, numerology is a huge, huge part of it. And I don't claim to be a numerologist I study numerology through color.

Linda Orsini:

So color is the basis. Now somebody had said to me the other day, oh, Linda, you should get your colors done. Are you a spring, summer, winter fall? And I'm like, Oh, I remember that from long time ago. Is that still in your mindset? Do you use that?

Amy Bell:

I don't use it because the color mirror system is more about energy clearing than what you wear. So yes, what you wear has an effect on your energy field. But it's got really nothing to do with whether you look good in that color or not. It's about the energy that color is putting into your vortex. So yeah, so I don't look good in yellow. But if I need a boost of joy, I need to get myself around yellow, I could put on a yellow jacket. I'm not gonna look good in it, but I'm getting the energy of that color. So I can use flowers. I can use decor, I can use a bath. So

Linda Orsini:

I use a scarf I find scarfs are really good hit of color. So

Amy Bell:

my this is a good question. I'm glad you brought it up because I do that's been sitting in my to do list for a long time is to create a line of chakra underwear. So if you don't look good in yellow, but you need the yellow hit, you can wear it as underwear instead of putting it on but you still got it or like red or blue. Right? So I do have the the process started to do that. I'm still working out I'm still working on whether or not it's a good idea. I think it's a great idea. And then I got like a little saying along the but that's you know, a God something to do with that color and that chakra. And I just thought it was a fun way to be able to get your color hit without necessarily having to wear it out to the world because sometimes you know you're working on a yellow ego issue and you don't want the world to know you're working on it. You just want to quietly work on your power and stepping into your I am this without kind of telling the world that you're doing it.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, that's so interesting. I do feel that. Well. I guide meditation every week. And so I have decided I want to represent the chakras. So I am knitting this chakra scarf where we go from the base chakra and it's like a rainbow scarf. Yeah, and Uh, well, I am still working on it. I don't know how long it will take. But I think that it's great because sometimes I also make molars and you know, I use crystals, or

Amy Bell:

I've seen them. I've seen your molars. I love them. Yeah. And I say to people,

Linda Orsini:

first of all, what stone kind of resonates what color just go by the feeling, don't analyze what it's made out of what it does first go by the color. And then often more than not, especially when I'm guiding people how to make their own malas. They're so resistant to a color. And I say, well, we hold space for everything. And isn't that interesting? If you are resistant to a specific color? So what does that mean when we are resistant to a color?

Amy Bell:

Okay, the best thing is, when I do somebody's birthday, and I tell them, they are a yellow sticker, so color is yellow. And they're like, I don't like yellow at all. And or no, let's go with pink. Because I have a really good example pink, this girl was like, just please tell me it's not pink. I don't like pink, I can't deal with pink. And so I did it. And she had pink all over her reading. And so I said, Look, lady, like, you've got to work through this. So the positives of pink are like, love, money, passion, nurturing, all that kind of stuff. And she was thinking about having a baby, she didn't know if she could have a baby, she was really like floating around with that. And it's like puppy love pink is puppy love. And so when she heard that, she's like, okay, I guess I got a bath and a bottle of pink and get this out of me. Because it's one thing to have to wear the color to eat the color, you can eat pink food, you can, you know, put pink in your life. But getting into the bath, it's like an Epson salt bath, right? Like it's the epson salts get into your body and relax your muscles through the skin, which is the biggest organ. And so the color of the pink bottle is doing kind of the same thing. It's getting into your body, through your skin and getting into your cells and and like having a conversation with your DNA saying do I really need to hold on to this negative feeling about this color and the aspects that it represents. And so eventually, she had above in the bottle, and then she fell in love with pink. And so her logo was pink, multiple shades of pink, her book cover was pink, like she just went to the complete opposite side. So it's just mirroring to you the negative aspects, the healing aspects of pink. And then you get to take a look at it in a different way, you can't get mad at pink, you can not like it, but you can't get mad at the message that you attracted via the pink color. And so that's why I love it as a tool for conversations with people because they pick the color, the color spoke to them. And when I read the message good or bad, the message is for them. And so I remove myself from the situation of giving my opinion or or you know, inviting my thoughts on what's going on. I just read it and then I interpret it and then we get to have a conversation about it. So yeah, there is many times when I've done my weekly workshop. And I tell people how to calculate their soul color. And sometimes they're actually wearing their soul color. And they didn't know they were wearing it. And they'll say like, I've never even put this color on before I don't even know why I'm wearing this color. And then they find out it's their soul color.

Linda Orsini:

Does your soul color change throughout your life? No.

Amy Bell:

It's it's a numeral logical key. On your birthday is more like the code. And then when you learn how to decode it through numerology, you get the color and it stays with you all through your life. So when you're ready to learn about this information, it's right there all the time. It never changes. Unlike your auric field which kind of changes based on on what's going on in your life at the time. It's it's responsive to the environment and what's going on in you. But your birth color is always your birth color because it's determined by your birthday.

Linda Orsini:

Which doesn't change. It reminds me of that saying when your bride something board something blue and they don't want to really show the blue so they you tuck it underneath your dress. Yes, the same kind of concept. You want to invite the color, the energy, the vibration of that color, but you don't necessarily want to have it visible. Yeah,

Amy Bell:

sometimes you don't want it visible sometimes, like, you know, people have their wardrobes. My mom is a winter in that color scheme that you were mentioning earlier, she was one of those like 80s ladies who went to the party and found out she was a winter and never deviated from the fact that she was a winter. And she's got her colors that she believes look good on her. And so she's never going to wear gold ever. But gold is such an important color in the whole wheel. Because it's the color of alchemy. It's the color of Divine Wisdom. And so you need that energy. We all need that energy. But do we want to wear it? Maybe not. So how do you get that gold fix somewhere else?

Linda Orsini:

Well, that's interesting, because, you know, as a youngster, my mother would buy me gold jewelry, you know, I had gold earrings, gold rings, and then all of a sudden, I don't know, I guess it was my late 20s. I discovered silver. Yeah. And so then I switched to silver, and then white gold. And now it's like, I want to go back to gold. But I have all this white gold, and you know, my wedding rays and everything. So it's so interesting, I thought I had given up yellow gold forever. And now I want to introduce it in my life. So I don't really know what I'm going to do.

Amy Bell:

Well, it's neat that you transferred from sort of that divine wisdom to a silver which is more of a galactic kind of color. It represents the ethers like we like your soul from another planet kind of thing. It's like you're you're you're sort of getting in touch with that side of yourself wanting to go home to the mother, the mothership, kind of you know, and so a switch, like going from gold and then to silver and then to white, which is all about purity. And it's actually all colors and and so the evolution of you now going back and wanting to embody that wisdom again, is kind of cool. It's like you just traveled the galactic gateway came out of it. And now want to come back to earth again.

Linda Orsini:

Isn't that interesting? Oh, my goodness. It's so funny. Yeah, that's very cool. So for moot numerology, I love that. I know somebody who doesn't actually know when they're born. So that makes it hard for her to ever really participate in numerology, like timewise. You mean? Yes, she was adopted, and they didn't really know when she was born.

Amy Bell:

Oh, that's interesting. So my take on that would be not to stress about the fact that she doesn't know her exact birth date or time. But somebody, her soul made a contract with somebody that said, you're just not going to have a birthday. And we're going to give you this one. And so that's that's how her life was meant to be. That's the journey she decided to come here on. So the date that she celebrates on would be the date that we would go by. And then she could see by the information that comes out if she resonates with that or not, I'm going to assume that she would, because at some point in her decision to come to earth and live in this, this human body that was happening, like you're no one's going to know when you were actually born. Isn't that interesting? I've never heard of that before. So it would be cool to do something for her because I'd love to see if it actually resonates with her if she's sort of now taking on the traits of this given date of birth rather than a chosen from her own. You know, birthday.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, that reminds me also, my son's birthday is December 31. And so because it was always so close to Christmas, and he was little, you know, it's hard to wait a whole year for another celebration. So we often celebrated on St. Patrick's Day his given name is is Patrick. And so we almost celebrate him twice. I wonder if he recognizes or identifies more closely with March 17, as opposed to December 31. It just could be interesting. Yeah, yeah,

Amy Bell:

for sure. It's always good to take a look at significant dates that you have brought into your space, right, like So December 31 would definitely be his soul color. But then because like, Okay, so you've got your birthday, which is essentially December 31 for him, but he celebrates on March 17. It would be like you having your birthday on your day and then you incorporate or you create a business on a different day, which then becomes a significant date for you and and also plays into the energy of who you are. So definitely, like that would be a significant date for him. And we would include that. And then you can see like from when you add up the numbers, and then you see what's going on there and you look at the different numbers. When they're in front of you with the bottles, you can see the connections in the color, and it's a little more impactful than just talking about it. But definitely marriage dates. I mean, the Asian culture is all about using numerology, like in people from India also use heavy numerology for the most auspicious days to get married, or to have a baby or your house number, like all of these significant things in our lives that have dates or numbers attached to them are there to talk to you. Like when you look at your house number, you call that house in with that number energy so that you can learn lessons that come with that number and enter and color. Oh,

Linda Orsini:

my goodness, when you just said that is so interesting, because my house is 11, which I'm the 11th child of loving children, and five is my life number and my favorite number is three.

Amy Bell:

And what's your house number 1153 2789 10. So it adds up to a 10. But individually, yes, you can see the connections, right? So a 10 is the wheel of fortune, and it goes down. So you take the one plus zero that gives you one so this house is where you would shine. This is where everybody that that's living in your house would shine. It's probably why you're feeling so connected to this yellow color. Because it's yellow in color. The number one is yellow.

Linda Orsini:

And double one. Yeah,

Amy Bell:

yeah, and the double one. So when you're looking at it like this home for you has the ability, it's for you to get love, money and joy in balance, because that's the the words on the wheel love, money and joy.

Linda Orsini:

I love all those things, right? But

Amy Bell:

it's one of those things is that a balance, nothing works. So the wheel of model is one that says okay, if you're missing joy, the love and money isn't going to be there. Yes, SR missing money, joy and love isn't is going to be difficult. And if you're missing, love, joy and money is going to be difficult. So getting all of those things into balance is going to be this would be the home that you would work on balancing all that out in your life.

Linda Orsini:

Which is interesting, because I'm a Libra and balance is a big thing.

Amy Bell:

Yeah, well and you've got the duality the 11 which is, which is the duality bottle. And that one is, you know, good and evil.

Linda Orsini:

And Ying Ying, ying

Amy Bell:

yang, black, white, all of that stuff, right? So like it's it might be that in this home, you would have some like extremes going on like that, you would have to make a decision about walking the middle path. But it's not that big of an energy because we look at the total number and then break it down to a single digit. So you're still in a one energy. It's an academic energy. It's you know, people that have the same articles. It's a good number.

Linda Orsini:

I love the number three two, what does three mean? Because I know in and I used to teach Grade Three for many, many years and one of the components is we had to teach what about the triangle and we would learn that it was the strongest shape the three sides was the strongest shape. And so I and we have the Trinity number three is such a powerful number and when I guide movement or yoga, I always do things in three. And so what is the significance of three beyond that? Well,

Amy Bell:

I'm going to convert it to color so yes three is all of those things in business. If your business has a three in it like at the end of the of the calculations, then it would be you could have like three arms to your business. The three is a significant number in the way that it is the triangle it is it is the Holy Trinity it is a significant number. But in color, it's the coral color. And so coral like coral of the ocean, when coral loses its color in the ocean, it it tells a story of the state of the ocean. It says the ocean is not well if the color is not vibrant. If the coral itself is not vibrant, there's an issue. So coral people all have like when you're looking at that number and then converting it to that color. It's like, you're it's an inner child color. It's it's actually like, not getting good with it. It's like, a lot of people who have cancer have coral numbers showing coral color showing up in there reading, it can be very dramatic, like you might, if you're attracted to it, you might be feeling like you want to be more in the spotlight. It's like the color of artists and comedians and actors, like charismatic, very charismatic. So when you're looking at the fact that you love three, this could be like that energy coming out, you're doing a podcast, and you're the host, you're not the guest, right, and you've got all of these people coming to you wanting to talk to you and be on your show. So that's a choral thing. It's like, I want to put my creativity out to the world. It's also like the complementary to turquoise. So that turquoise energy, which is very futuristic. And the squirrel factor that you were talking about is really a lot of turquoise energy coming in. It's it's the mirroring that so coral and turquoise go together. So the when you're saying I love three, and if you want to take it a step further and talk about the color of it, that's the coral. And then you can take it a step further and talk about the complementary which is turquoise. So that coral color is actually giving you two sides to the story. And the number three, so you have three at the top of the triangle and then coral and turquoise in that triangle. That's

Linda Orsini:

so interesting, because I don't own anything coral. And I don't really have turquoise a little bit, but that's really not prevalent in my life. Although the cell lamps, I feel like are a coral ish color. Yeah,

Amy Bell:

so um, yeah, the salt lamps when they're not turned on. They're very Coralie color. Yeah. Yeah. And they kind of look like whirl.

Linda Orsini:

There they do with their texture. Yeah, yeah.

Amy Bell:

Yeah, all of the numbers, all of that when you convert it to color, it just expands the story. So in color mirrors, there's numerology, there's color, there's astrology, there's past, like connections, there's positive and negatives of each color. And so when you look at a color from all of those different angles, it expands the conversation. And then you get to know just a little bit more about yourself. And we're all here on a journey of self discovery. And what are we doing and, and everyone wants to know, well, not everyone, but when you're on that path, you want more answers. And so you can go down this crazy rabbit hole of, I'm gonna get my Astro chart done, I'm gonna get my colors done. I just want I want to, I'm a sponge for all of this information. And that's why I love it, because I do innately love getting to know people on a different level. Yeah,

Linda Orsini:

that's beautiful. Well, I would like to thank you for being on a call for love. But I in season two, I'm asking each of my guest a question. And so the question is, in a call for love is noticing where you are, are you in the place of separation, like fear, lower vibrations, or there is a call for love, it's a call to shift to love. So what do you do when you know you're out of alignment? When you're not living from your higher self? What is your call for love? How do you shift in order to really, as you were saying, from speaking from your heart and your throat? How do you make your shift? Oh,

Amy Bell:

that's a great question. And it's relevant at the moment, because, you know, our lives are filled with stuff. And I think what I enjoy doing, and what I need to do is I need to listen, I go to Abraham Hicks. I've just discovered this other man, his name is Bill, he channels a thing called Bashar. I don't know if you've ever heard of him. But I like to take myself out of my own head and fill it with what I know to be true, which is what their words are. And I feel the moment that the longest I've ever been in a bad state of mind or you know, not a great state of mind is a couple of days. But normally, I can shrink it down. Like if I go listen to something I feel the shorter the time space between being in a low vibration and getting yourself to a high vibration, the better. And so I'd listen to those kinds of people because I resonate very deeply with what they say, when they speak, it's just like, of course, that's real. Of course, that's what it is. And I just do my best to surround myself with people that also agree with that philosophy and, and then it just kind of depletes the time that I that I can go down the rabbit hole.

Linda Orsini:

So what you're saying is you kind of acknowledge where you are, you notice it. And then you go to these wisdom masters, you know, you go to these people who are really feeding your your heart and soul with the words that you need to hear at the time and the message, and it kind of brings you back home. So that then you are now in a state of love.

Amy Bell:

Yes. And while I'm listening, I'm grabbing a bottle, I'm going to my wall of color, and I'm saying what can support me in this moment. And then I grab their spritzer bottles that are kind of like a sage, not a smoky sage, but they're like essences in a bottle. And so I'll grab a color that's that's working with me and are feeling in that moment. And then I'm listening to the words are beautiful music, something to just get me to realize that even though I feel this way, my soul knows it's the complete opposite. And so I just go find her. fun together.

Linda Orsini:

Oh, Amy, you're so lovely. So how can the listeners reach out to you? I will put your links in the show notes.

Amy Bell:

Yeah. It's at I made it very easy for people now any with a why, Amy

Linda Orsini:

with the why? Well, I thank you, Amy for being on a call for love. And dear listeners, you know, you're going to have a new way of looking at color and be more mindful of color.


Yeah, for sure. Thank you so much. Thank

Linda Orsini:

you. Thank you, Amy. So everyone, from my heart to yours. Namaste. Have a beautiful, colorful and Number fields day