Investing in Spiritual Mentorship: How To Know You’re A Full Body Yes

Investing in spiritual mentorship is a transformative step for those ready to embrace their divine potential and expand their impact. Danielle highlights the importance of prioritizing spiritual growth, aligning with heart wisdom, and recognizing when it’s time to say a full-body “yes” to mentorship. She inspires spiritual leaders to see personal evolution as not only a necessity but a pathway to thriving and contributing to global consciousness.
Guided by Thoth and the Council of Light, the conversation delves into the power of mentorship to elevate energy, foster alignment, and unlock creative potential. Spiritual leaders are encouraged to trust their inner knowing and view mentorship as an essential investment in both their personal evolution and their broader mission to make a difference in the world.
Do not miss these highlights:
00:37 - The importance of prioritizing spiritual growth as a necessity for conscious leaders.
03:15 - The connection between spiritual evolution and creating both internal alignment and external outcomes.
12:45 - The balance of energy (80%) and action (20%) in creating physical and spiritual outcomes.
18:30 - Insights on how to use heart wisdom and vibrational recognition to identify aligned spiritual mentorship opportunities.
23:29 - The Council of Light discusses the concept of investing in spiritual mentorship as an essential commitment to accelerating consciousness evolution.
28:10 - The idea of investment, including not just financial resources but also time, attention, and energy as necessary components.
33:40 - The importance of spiritual mentorship in reclaiming creative capacity and stepping fully into one’s divine potential, using heart sentience to guide decisions.
Resources Mentioned
Explore these life changing masterclasses with the Guides at
Magdalene Manifestation Cards
Birthright of Love
Visionary Heart Activation
Magdalene Codes Program
Divine Light Activation
Vibe into our 2025 Heart Opening Journey to Egypt:
For your free gift, visit for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest!
About the Host:
Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.
Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.
Instagram: @danielleramahoffman
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Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to theSeven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. If you'd like to my support, pm me on Facebook at Danielle Rama Hoffman, and let's explore together, if it's an aligned match we know fulfilling your highest level mission, what you came to earth for, is non negotiable for you, and we're here to show you exactly how to achieve this, the high vibe and multi dimensional way. Now let's dive into today's episode.
Hello and welcome to this episode on investing in spiritual mentorship now to know you're a full body Yes, I am really looking forward to this episode. It's something that has been kind of alchemizing within me for the past few years, if not even longer, because as conscious leaders, those of us who are on a path of our own spiritual advancement and here to make a difference in others lives, personal growth and spiritual mentorship is a necessity. It's a requirement. It's a non negotiable. And yet we haven't always been taught to have a savings account or dedicate funds to it, or to really recognize when opportunities come our way, which ones to take action on. So as we're kicking off here, I just invite you to tune into this question, because if you're here as a part of divine transmissions community. What I know about you is that your own advancement in this lifetime is like a top priority, your personal growth, your being in a high vibe state, your ascension, dissension, ascension, dissension process you, as the guides talk about becoming more of your Divine Self, and yeah, you may not have really taken the time or the space to recognize why? Why is your enlightenment, your full realization, your self actualization, being in a high vibe? Why is that a top priority for you in this lifetime? How come that desire to awaken is is so much a part of who you who you be, and I know the question of why it can be such an interesting one, right? Like, I remember when my mentors and coaches invited me to really look at like, what, what is my why, for sharing my contribution, for what it is that I'm here for, just the whole concept of getting clear on the why. And there was an initial like, there was a part of me that was going, it's just who I am, like it was so it's so much a part of who I am in this lifetime that to even like, be able to look at the back of my hand or see the forest for the trees, it took some moments of observation. It took some moments of of diving in more more deeply, especially because it can feel like it's just, it's so it's so obvious, it's, it's evident, it's, it's a raison d'etre. It's a reason that you incarnated, and when you acknowledge that your elevation in consciousness, your enlightenment, your self actualization, actualization is a top priority, and you understand a little bit more why that is right. It's it's your part of your mission in this in this lifetime, a part of your contribution.
There's most likely a lot of past lives where you. You were growing and expanding, and that you were also assisting others to do the same and to be born during this time of massive spiritual advancement on the planet and the old paradigm completing, and the new paradigm already being here, and yet us awakening to that and and and playing by the the new game, the new roles living in the New Earth, the new paradigm there. That's not a coincidence. And so when asked this question of like, what, what's the top primary reasons? What's the top five? Whys that? You that spiritual advancement is important to you? My guess is that there'll be some deeper understanding about spiritual advancement that'll come from that exercise, like an implicitness, like for me, my why is because it's a it's a part of my, the fiber of my being. It's like a printer prints a someone who's on a path of higher consciousness is going to be evolving their consciousness. So for you, you may also notice this kind of givenness about it. And then as you dig a little bit deeper, there'll probably be some combination of what the guides and I talk about, internal and external creations. Internally you when your consciousness is at a higher stage, you're in a high vibe, you're you're vibrating more in higher consciousness and intuition, there's a sense of being connected, a greater sense of fulfillment, of of gratitude, of of inclusion, being able to see the big picture there. There's a lot of internal amplification, as well as when we're more fully realized, as we're more enlightened, then we we are tapped into greater heart wisdom, greater knowing. So there'll be some of those implicit wise like who you be and and then also, because you want to shift right. You want to shift from survival to thriving. You want to shift from the old paradigm of competition to co creation. You want to shift from the old paradigm of lack into abundance. And then there will also be some external creations that that come with that that you know as a part of of your of this lifetime, your your spiritual evolution also includes creating things on the physical that maybe is a part of your path you want to birth a legacy body of work, or scribe a book or a card deck, or start your business or bring spirituality to the workplace, or have the thing like create the physical plane, thing like have a home or meet your beloved or increase your your financial abundance. And so when it comes to personal growth and and and spiritual mentorship, there are these combination of of why we're drawn to it and why it's a necessity, and why, from my perspective, it needs to go up the list into the necessities column, like into the givens column. Over the decades I've invested hundreds of 1000s of dollars in my spiritual mentorship and tons of time and focus, and there's always been along the way, like this full body Yes. Like what we're talking about, this full body Yes, of of just knowing that it was that next natural step, and one yes led to another. Yes led to another, yes and led to another, yes and and one of my.
The reasons for kind of elevating my abundance consciousness was also because I wanted to grow and I wanted to learn, and I wanted to travel to Egypt, and I wanted to hire spiritual mentors, and I wanted to to to have the financial resources to invest in that, just like a roof over the head or food or the air that We breathe growing, it really is that essential. And so maybe for you, also investing in spiritual mentorship may be a catalyst your to your choice to continue to grow and evolve, to also elevate your abundance consciousness. And you know from my experience too, and you've probably had this as well. Like, when we're looking at investing in, in somebody who's going to build our house, for example, or somebody who's going to investing in a car, like, it's very clear that the outcome is going to be the thing, the the physical plane thing. When it comes to spiritual mentorship, sometimes we may not not prioritize it because it's not as much, or it can be at times like not attached to a specific outcome, a specific physical plane, external result, or we may think that we're investing in the spiritual mentorship for the outcome, like to write the book, or to to start our business, or to create more Income and yet, what I've come to realize, over my own investing in spiritual mentorship and also being a high level spiritual mentor, that that folks partner with the guides and I and invest In themselves by choosing to to work with us that often the thing that kind of calls us to say yes is it may not really be The deeper thing and that we really need, and that actually, what we really need is that energetic support, that energetic support. And so, you know, the the percentages may be off, because, you know, energy, All there is is energy, and everything's energy, and that being in a higher frequency means that you're in a vibrational match with other things that are in a, in a in a higher vibration. And so to to not pay attention and and put focus and resources towards our our energy up leveling is it's an oversight, because it's the energetic upgrades that support is to become the person who has it, and partnering with somebody who's done it already can can also just be such a fast track to becoming the person that has it by also choosing to surround yourself with others that have created the internal and the external choices that you feel like are very much aligned for you, like it just removes the obstacles.
So you may have heard folks talk about how you know when it comes to creating whether our our creation is a physical plane thing like to describe a book or to call on a loved one, or to create financial freedom, or to make a difference on the planet, or to have our optimal career, to be able to connect with the guides, like whatever the thing is that the creation process is like 90% energy or. And 10% action, or maybe sometimes, let's say, 75% energy, 25% action, because some of you tuning in, may swing on the other side of things, where you're focusing only on the energy and not taking the action necessary, like things do need to be in place on the physical plane for you to create the outcome on the physical plane. However, oftentimes we we spend, let's say it's 8020 right, if 80% of it's any energy, and 20% of it is our action and getting support on how to do the thing, how to create the the book, or how to successfully run a business, or be an amazing parent, or whatever. The thing is that oftentimes will will put 80% of our focus and our effort on the action to create the the outcome, where, and 20% if, if, if, on, on the energy support, the energetic upgrades evolving our own consciousness, the energy that we're coming from making sure that we've completed the lower vibrational thoughts and feelings and behaviors, embodying that higher consciousness, rather than it being wishful thinking and and really, if we were To flip that focus on 80% on the energetics. It, it naturally removes the obstacles and and the the 20% of the action, it's it's aligned action and moving moving forward, and we get the thing done, we create. We create the thing. And so, you know, part of reconditioning here or reframing. And there is so much old paradigm, collective consciousness around growth, not being a primary focus or not being seen as valuable yet, to to really reframe that and recognize that consciousness is what touches everything, every part of your life, like, from my perspective, and if you're tuning in, you're still listening here, it's got to be a top priority. It's got to be a top priority.
And so when you're considering, you know, and investing in spiritual mentorship and divine transmissions, you know, we we focus a lot on activations and codes and channeling and creating energy containers or vortexes, partnering with the Ascended Masters as a way of elevating our consciousness, applying what we know on the higher planes to the physical plane to be Creating that there sometimes there may be, like, a part of your system that goes, there's a disconnect of, like, yes, I want my spiritual evolution. I know that's going to create physical plane actions or physical plane results. And yet, can I really invest in spiritual mentorship, without it having to be focused on getting a particular outcome created and and so all that is to say is just an invitation to to reframe the that the physical plane thing is actually what we want and what or the outcome is, is actually what you really want, where, and that we have to put all our focus on the action in order to make it happen, to recognizing that our deeper desire, what's underneath it is for that spiritual advancement to be more connected to source and to upgrade our energy, so that we become the individual that has the thing. And you know, what I know to be true is that we we always get this deeper transformation. It's really kind of what I'm speaking about the deeper transformation of of spiritual mentorship, like we always get the deeper transformation we we sign up for when we invest in ourselves and and sometimes that physical plane thing is. What gives us permission to to step into the deeper thing that we we really want. You know, the guides always talk about how expansion is always happening. It it's it's a natural like expansion is always happening and our life and our work is the playground for us to to create, to to be the creator beings. And so it's really inviting you to to tune into to have even greater clarity about why spiritual advancement is a top priority for you in this lifetime, and to really recognize that one of the fastest shortest paths to Creating the physical things in your life is by evolving your own consciousness. Is by evolving your own consciousness.
So I'm going to bring in the guides here for them to transmit about kind of recognize when you have that full body, yes, and I started to share that from my experience, where I just knew there's this vibrational recognition where I some something would come into my field, like there'd be a workshop or a book or a mentor, or I'd meet somebody, or I'd see something and, and I had this clear kind of like, red light, green light, yellow light, like this vibrational recognition, and, and then I took like it was just one yes after another, after another, after another, and Those yeses stretch like those yeses were stretch at different parts along my path, whether that stretch was how much I knew it was going to change me, and then the survival consciousness that wants to keep things status quo is coming up. So that's also so natural as a part of the process when you're choosing to engage in spiritual mentorship and deep transformation that you have, that knowing, that vibrational recognition, that full body Yes, and maybe you say yes, and you step into partnering with us or another mentor, and then right behind that, it's so natural for the the doubts and the fears and the slower vibrations to come up to the surface, because the aspect of us that wants to keep us safe from the level of the subconscious wants to keep things the status quo. So, you know, I think that can be helpful to to recognize that when you have that full body Yes, and you step in that even if right after there's some doubt that comes to the surface, doesn't mean that that yes wasn't actually clear. It's just, again, the part that's trying to keep you safe, that'll go like wait. So let's bring in the guides here.
Thoth; Council of Light: Hello, dear ones. This is an expanded Council of light moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission. We wanted to go into this word investing, in spiritual mentorship.
Investing is really what Danielle was opening with in the questions of acknowledging that your spiritual advancement is a top priority for you in this lifetime, that you are invested in your growth in this lifetime. And so we're expanding that word investment. It it me investing. It means that, yes, you invest your units of financial consciousness into mentorship, into partnering with those that you have a divine appointment with, and having an investment pool that's dedicated to your spiritual growth and evolution can really be a great thing to have and to do. And we're also speaking about your investment of your. Attention and your time and your energy, and to give yourself permission for that as well, because sometimes your big, beautiful brain will try to take you out from recognizing a a very ripe and fertile opportunity to partner with a mentor because of that, oh, I don't have enough time, I don't have enough energy, I don't have enough money that there's some kind of a lack based thing that will kick in. And yet, when you remind yourself, if it's a line for you to remind yourself that you've already bought in to your choice to evolve your consciousness, it's you're already invested in it. You know it's going it's not optional. You know it's going to be a part of your daily life. It's going to be a part of how you you take a quantum leap in consciousness in a few months or a year, rather than 10 years. You are already invested in your in your elevation in consciousness. And so we wanted to kick this off by really also widening this recognition of investing in in spiritual mentorship and how to know that you are a full body. Yes, what's been shared thus far is also recognizing that part of the way that you may give yourself permission to step into something is because you want to create a physical plane thing. You want to create a physical plane outcome, however, really what is, is the driving force of stepping into expansive environments, is that deep down to the bone desire that you have to expand and that you are a part of what we call the Council of Divine expansion. And what expands the Divine is different than what used to expand the divine. So what used to expand the divine may be that if you wanted to to to become, let's say, a somebody that that does magic, we'll just say, then you or somebody who makes shoes, let's do something more physical, plain.
Then you would study with them and have learn all about how to make the shoes, making the shoes, practicing making the shoes. And there was, like, a very linear aspect of, how do you create the physical thing and and now in the in the new paradigm, there's a yes, maybe what gets me to step into this spiritual mentorship is that I I want to create the shoe. I want to know how I want to be a master cobbler and create shoes and more shoes and more shoes, and more shoes and more shoes. Yet really, what I'm drawn to is to reclaim my capacity to be a creator, to reclaim my capacity to take a vision and bring it into form. And so yes, I'll have the shoes, and the shoes are great, yet what's really underneath that is that depth of the the transformation who it is that you, who it is that you become. So just inviting you to close your eyes for a moment and tune into your heart. What we speak about in the Magdalene codes as the Magdalene Manifestation Cards as heart sentience is one of the codes heart sentience. Sentience, your capacity to sense something, to feel something, to know something, and that you have this GPS within your heart, this heart sentience, this heart sentience, this heart sentience, and within this heart sentience, there's a capacity to to recognize when it's that full body. Yes, you may notice yourself leaning in your body, leans forward. You have some kind of signature signal you you vibrationally recognize that this is a full body, yes, so dropping down into your heart and. And and making decisions from that place of vibrational recognition in in addition to all of you, all of you being on board, not not only just like vibrational recognition, yet also having the heart sentience and the vibrational recognition as a big part of how you choose to say yes to the spiritual mentorship opportunities and and then also that includes the deeper transformation. It includes the energy of who it is that you are are going to become so we just invite you to continue to tune into your heart, sentience a little bit, and to recognize that you've tuned into this podcast because of your heart sentience, because of your vibrational recognition, There's been something in you that has recognized that what Danielle and we have to share is in resonance with you. There's a there's a vibrational proximity, there's a match, there's a an expansion that's available. And so it's inviting you to include your heart sentience as you are making decisions and having that full body yes to tune into investing in spiritual mentorship. Perhaps you heard that noise in the background. The Gong was going on?
Okay, so if you sense that you may have a divine appointment to partner with us, we'd invite you to reach out. You may be guided to the Magdalene Manifestation Cards or one of our books that can be accessed anywhere where books are sold. You may feel called to join us for the first activation in our Flagstaff activation programs the visionary heart or the birthright of love, you may feel called to join us for a Magdalene codes of love to ignite your Magdalene codes to become a fully initiated Magdalene love being or Divine Light activation to be reincarnating as a Light being incarnate as your multi dimensional self, with your most current vibration and contribution ascended masteries and turned on And that applied spirituality, recognizing that the activation and the embodying of more of your love and light being divine selves is 90% 75% 80% of What will support you in creating the physical plane choices and desires that you have. So we will complete at this time encouraging you to invest in yourself, invest in your spiritual evolution, and we look forward to partnering with you in the way that's light for you, if you're feeling that heart sentience to explore further, and sometimes in The exploration process, one thing may get your attention, and yet the physical circumstances also are indicators of the actual thing. So back to the idea of a green light you may vibrationally recognize partnering with us is a green light. And what got your attention is one of our programs, and as you explore the vibe the program, there may be circumstances in your life, not fear of lack yet that point to that. Not being actually the optimal program and and so sometimes that can be giving clarity as to another more aligned, natural fit, so you may have a green light to partner with us, and as you're exploring a particular way of partnering with us, maybe the financial resources and investing in that now Moment aren't there, or the the time that the meeting happens, or some kind of physical plane thing. Of course, you can always buy, locate to any of our any of our offers, and receiving the the recording later yet that that just is an indication that actually something else is more aligned or optimal. So also recognizing that exploring spiritual mentorship is like a treasure chest, and there's the internal heart sentience and also the continuing refinement, like that childhood game of getting warmer, warmer, warmer, warmer, warmer, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, until there is that alignment full body, yes. So we've had gongs. We've had alarms or chimes coming off. So exclamation points to all that we're sharing, and so we'll complete at this time, acknowledging you for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness. All is light and love, and we are all
Danielle Rama Hoffman: thanks for tuning in today. Join in the conversation over at the seven figure spiritual leader Facebook group, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness you.