How to Use The Magdalene Manifestation Cards

Step into the art of manifestation with Danielle as she works with the Magdalene Manifestation Cards, a powerful tool for spiritual leaders to create abundance through love. In this hands-on episode, she explores how to use the cards to shift energy, activate sacred geometry, and align with divine manifestation principles. Whether using a daily single-card spread to set the tone for the day, a two-card spread for balancing masculine and feminine energies, or a re-Source code spread for tangible results, this episode provides insights to deepen your spiritual practice and supercharge your manifestations.
This episode is best experienced on our Youtube channel. CLICK HERE to watch the video and create your own energy vortexes for your manifestations!
Do not miss these highlights:
00:15 - Introduction to the Magdalene Manifestation Cards and how they are designed to manifest rather than predict.
03:24 - Demonstration of a daily one-card spread to set the energy for the day and align with higher wisdom.
07:28 - Explanation of heart sentience and how the cards integrate intuition, logic, and higher knowing.
09:48 - Two-card spread technique for balancing masculine and feminine energies in manifestation.
12:26 - How the cards interrupt lower vibrational patterns and shift energy into a higher state.
16:07 - The role of sacred geometry in creating an energy vortex for manifestation.
19:52 - Deep dive into the re-Source card spread for manifesting measurable physical outcomes.
24:27 - Using the cards to amplify divine relationships and align with spiritual partnerships.
26:25 - Overview of additional resources, including activation programs and guided meditations.
28:21 - How to integrate the Magdalene Codes into daily life for multidimensional abundance.
Resources Mentioned
Create Abundance Through Love with the Magdalene Manifestation Cards:
Birthright of Love: Manifest What Matters Most
Discover the MULTI-D ABUNDANCE METHOD™ with the Magdalene Wealth Codes:
Vibe into our 2025 Heart Opening Journey to Egypt:
For your free gift, visit for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest!
About the Host:
Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.
Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.
Instagram: @danielleramahoffman
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© 2025 Danielle Hoffman
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Now let's dive into today's episode.
Speaker:Welcome to How To Use The Magdalene Manifestation Cards. This is going to be a very experiential and juicy workshop to really assist you in deepening into how to use the Magdalene Manifestation Cards to supercharge your abundance, to create abundance in the areas that matter most to you and your mission through love. So if you're new, you may be going, What am I talking about? So we have this beautiful card deck, the Magdalene Manifestation Cards create abundance through love, authored by me and The Magdalene guides and our beautiful artist, Christine Lucas. It includes 44 cards and also a book that really goes into the meanings of the cards and and how to use them and what they're for. Yet, I really wanted to create this interactive way of using the cards, because if you have other card decks, they are different, right? The they're not really a divination deck, although, of course, you can use them to get guidance, they're really for manifesting. And each of the cards have this beautiful sacred geometry and color that you can think of like a hologram, like an energy environment or an energy vortex. And so when you are choosing to do a card spread there, there. You just recognize that, that you're creating this energy environment. It's like, it's like a vessel for your creations to come into form. You're, you're setting an energetic space, and you're creating an energy vortex that holds your vision, your intention, your inspiration, your choice, in a coherent and aligned and nourishing energy field while it's coming into physicality. So there's not something that you necessarily have to do. I know as high performing light leaders there, there can be that desire of, like, what do I do? How do I do it? And and it can be as simple as drawing a card for the day. So that's how I wanted to start with our one card spread, how to really focus the energy of your day. How to be in a place, in a space where you have this being of light, this, this energy boost that is supporting you throughout your day and giving you a message for the day.
Speaker:So I thought I'd pull a card, a daily spread, one day card for today, and model what it's like to do a one day card spread. And you may have an intention for the day like and yet we're keeping it pretty open, just what Magdalene card and code and being of light is going to be supportive for this day. So I've got my cards, shuffling them. I like to do it with my left hand, because that just feels like receiving sometimes I spread them out and and feel and like a magnet, my hands drawn to a particular card, and I got heart sentience, which is pretty funny, because when I did my card spread for the day, personally, I pulled the other heart sentience, because there are two cards in the deck for 20 of the cards. So there's two different images. So just now for today, I pulled the heart sentience higher knowing key card you are a vibrational recognizer instantly know what path to take from neutrality and inner authority and so then I just keep it on my desk, or I put it by where I'm going to be, or sometimes if I'm going to be out and about, I'll take a photo of it and look at it on my phone, carry it on my phone, just to remind me of that energy of the day. You can also have it at home and know that it's like a emanating hologram that's supporting you during that day. Now, if I go into the book about heart sentience, you know you're a vibrational recognizer instantly know what path to take from neutrality and inner authority. So that kind of gives a message for the day. You know, a way of going throughout the day to really be connecting even more to your heart, to your to your navigating through the higher knowing and and giving you a tool to go through your day. So I'm just going to look up heart sentience and read a little bit more.
Speaker:Well, I'm having fun already. Okay, so just gonna read. So you may choose. You may that may be it. You may just pull your card and and put it on your nightstand or your desk or the bathroom mirror and go about your day, or you may take a minute to read in the book. So your heart is the epicenter of circulation in your system, and your heart chakra is one of the most highly receptive energy centers you have as a new paradigm creator you have outgrown the old ways of making decisions and navigating your world. This involved weighing pros and cons and leading primarily with your logical mind, or inversely, perhaps you've been highly intuitive and have made decisions based solely on intuition and thrown logic out the window. This code encourages an intuitive logical alignment, accessing the best of both, while expanding beyond this integration into heart sentience. Heart sentience is a divine capacity of higher knowing and guidance that taps into an extra sensory knowing of your heart, your heart wisdom, is aligned with your soul's highest path and takes into consideration the knowledge that all facets of you have to contribute. This includes your intuition and your logical mind, heart. Sentience is an aligned combination of all the Claires, Clair sentience, clairvoyance, Clair cognizance, clairaudience, and instantly weighs them from a place of non attachment and neutrality of the heart. You can imagine this as being similar to how a computer can organize and analyze a large amount of data quickly.
Speaker:This code invites you to leap beyond simply following the calling of your heart and your heart's desires, although these are beautiful steps in the new paradigm, direction into creating from all dimensions of you heart sentience incorporates the totality of your being instantaneously. It is the unification of all higher wisdom you're tapped into, synthesized into a deep, irrevocable knowing. It's a knowing that is evident and crystal clear and bubbles up from the inner sanctuary of your heart connected to the heart of source, this code supports you in reclaiming your discernment inner authority and empowered capacity to create your life based on the inner signals that are relevant to your path in this incarnation, this is an essential way of navigating New Earth and manifesting from the new paradigm of wholeness. When this card comes into your life, take a few moments and drop into your heart, listen, choose and be informed as to the important next step or decision, then ask simply if it's aligned with you. Guidance, implementation, implementation guidance, the experience of navigating your path this way as a vibrational recognizer is freeing it frees up energy and time that have been used inefficiently by overthinking or being attached to the outcome to be spent instead in ways that matter most to you. So that is the heart sentience key card and an example of you just want to set the energy for your day. You you want to have a great day. You want to have a fulfilling day. You want to have an energizing, productive day, and to have a one card spread a daily spread. It focuses your energy, it sets the tone for for the day, and then you're carrying that with you as you're going throughout your day. So that's how to use the cards on a daily basis, pulling one card spread. Now I want to go into a second way of how to using the cards.
Speaker:And the second way was inspired. I just recently received two emails from some clients that have actually done the Magdalene codes full program. Yet are all. So using the cards and and one said that he was he was in a transition. He he left his regular job, and he was starting his business, and he was feeling a little bit of a wobble, a little bit of doubt, and and he just was writing to thank me and the magdalens for for the Magdalene codes and activating the Magdalene codes. And also to share how, in that moment, he did a card spread. And he actually did the two card spread, and the two card spread to balance the masculine the feminine energy and and he was just sharing how helpful that that was to to just take a moment right, like there's some kind of a wobble, and the Magdadalenes talk about this in in the book that comes with the cards, where you may choose to do a spread for enhancing An inner state of being, to to enhance your your mood to to, in this case, to shift out of a slower vibration or a wobble and stabilize that, that integration of the feminine the masculine or the key in the hologram, or the being and the doing. And so this two car spread as an example. And let's do this together. So we've set the energy for the day. We've got heart sentience as our guiding code and light of the day. And now just invite you, because it can be useful to to have an intention, to have a focus, to for card spread. And so in this case, I'd really invite you to focus on a an emotional or an inner state of being. And before, before I, I, before we go into that, while you're kind of noodling on that, you know, the second client had shared that she was also in a wobble, like expanding into new territory and then having doubts and fears about the opportunities that were coming her her way, and so she she happened to do a three Card spread for it and yet also just shared how it just quickly got her out of that.
Speaker:And it's not only like interrupting the pattern to pick up the tools and say I noticed that I'm wobbling right as both of the both of these clients did, it's also that it opens up like this energy spa that you start to bat Baskin, especially when you're in that wobble place of like you may go deeper into the doubt or the fear or the worry or the anxiety or the overthinking or perfectionism or not feeling safe, or whatever the wobble is, or the or the the favorite, familiar, slower vibrational body, mind, emotion like it may also be a negative thought, right about your manifestation, or how it's never going to happen, or the you've got a file cabinet, proof of why it didn't work before, what you don't like about your body, or whatever, the mental mind especially will will kind of Try to take you out that it's not only interrupting that pattern saying, hey, no, like no, I'm not going there. I'm not going into that. I'm not going down the rabbit hole of the slower vibration and interrupting it by saying, I'm going to pull out my cards. But then when you open your cards, it's like this, the hologram that like this, this this energy environment, like a pop up book. You're you're in side of of the sacred geometry and the colors and and they're nourishing your system into a higher vibration. And that's also why it works so so well. So I'd love to do a two card spread, which is where you pull one card and then you find in the deck the companion card for it.
Speaker:So just like in my daily spread before the how to use the Magdalene Manifestation Cards started that I had pulled the hologram card of heart sentience. And you can see that because it has this little symbol on it underneath the name and the the primary theme, there's like this little hologram circle. And then on the key card, there's the a picture of a key. And so the key is more of the active card, the masculine card, the the focusing on external and the hologram is environment internal, more of that feminine. And so the purpose of the two card spread to balance the masculine and feminine energy. This is that in any given state, right? You have being and you have doing you, you have your inner state and your out of state. You have your your intuition, and then your like lot logic and and sometimes they get way out of whack. Sometimes you you may have been really stuck in in intuition and energy, and focusing on your inner world and what's going to create your manifestation. It's going to be amplifying the the action, the trajectory that that masculine energy, or it may be vice versa. You may have been burning yourself out like when the Magdalene codes first came in, I was in a state of burnout and the codes came in, and it just really shifted so much of that, because we're creating more from love. It's a very receptive system that that really can recalibrate our system so that balances the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, or the the the feminine, the masculine.
Speaker:So I'd invite you to dedicate this spread to a mood, to an inner state of being that you want to cultivate. So maybe you've been feeling a little bit down or the blues or a little bit depressed or just kind of slogging through the day and and you're feeling called to dedicate the spread to being in a high vibe or to having more joy. So that's an example. So just take a moment to kind of get clear and and why you're why you're having your intention. You may want to put your the cards in your in your hands, in between your hands. So this may be peace. It may be happy. It may be I stabilizing a mood of of positive expectation, energized. Okay, so once you have your focus again, you can do your card spread. Sometimes I shuffle them, like, really a deck of cards, playing cards. Sometimes I'll just kind of like put them in my hands, and I may be guided. I may also hear something like the top card or the bottom card, or 18 cards in. Or I may do it like the first spread, like spreading them out and feeling over the energies good. So then you pull one card. So I pulled exponential expansion. If you don't have your card deck, then just know this is for your focus. And this is the hologram card that I pulled, exponential expansion, quantum leap as a creator being you create worlds embody the you that has what you desire, and jump timelines and so, exponential expansion, and so then what you do is you go through the cards and the companion one, the key one, it's going to be the same color scheme, and then, and then you you pull out the the one that goes with it. So here's the key card, and here is the hologram card that I pulled, and that is a beautiful one for for our how to use the Magdala Manifestation Cards. And then you look at them together. So I'll hold them towards you, so you can just look at them again, having them by your desk, and just by looking at them together back and forth, like my eyes were, kind of going back and forth from one to another, it does help recalibrate the feminine and the masculine, or the inner and the outer, the being in the doing state, and that's really great for stabilizing a mood or or embodying a mood. So I'll read the key card, exponential expansion, energetic preparation. Calling in more requires space. Energetically prepare for your next level. Leaps in money, mission and joy.
Speaker:Okay, so we've done a one card spread and for the day, and then we've done the two cards. Spread masculine and feminine. And the last card spread that I really wanted to demonstrate here today is a resource card spread. So there's four resource cards. There's like 20 codes that have two cards each, and and and if you happen to pull one of those on a two card spread, then you can look through and just find the next resource code. They're not going to be a key or a hologram, but like the next resource code, and there's four resource codes in the deck, yummy, money, sublime time, radiant energy and divine relationships. And so I'm feeling called to to do a resource code spread, and to dedicate the spread to a specific physical outcome, like you would know if you're in a if you're happier, if your mood changes, if you're more optimistic, if you're energized yet, like something that you're choosing to create physically, and that may fall under that category, like it may be that you're calling in a needle moving relationship, like it may be a romantic partner or a best friend or a guide, a mentor and and, and so you would know, you'd know if that relationship came in your life, or maybe you're dedicating it to yummy money and paying off past expenditures, or owning your home free and clear, or financial freedom, adding to your your pool of money, or getting a Raise, or whatever those things are. Or it may be in supplying time that you want to have more time to spend with loved ones, and you're dedicating that spray spread to something specific, like having one day off a week, or radiant energy to be energized, to have your body be stronger. To my beloved husband, Friedemann and I, we do these hikes, these multiple day hikes and and so that would be an example of like radiant energy might fall under radiant energy, or maybe it's a vitality or health sleeping better, so something specific, something measurable, just like those smart, smart goals. And then what you would do is whatever category that falls under, you go through and and pull out the card.
Speaker:So the first resource code I came across was divine relationships and and so you put your resource code down, and then you can decide to do a one card spread, or a three card spread, or a five card spread, or however many you want to I do most often three card spreads. Just there's something about the three that I really like. And I do feel like a lot of our clients also do three card spreads. So divine relationships is the one I've pulled. So I'm just going to focus a little bit on I and on the focus there that resource code. And then, usually when I do a three card spread, I pull from the top, like 123, but you can also go through and pull all those and then just put it underneath your resource code. So I've got divine relationships on top. Let's see if this will work. And then I'm laying them on the desk with the the three underneath it. Like that, but spread out more, yeah, lots of pinks. And then this one I would leave, maybe on my nightstand overnight, and just set the intention before you go to bed that you're calling in a relationship, and that the cards are supporting you in the process.
Speaker:So for those of you who are using the cards that I'm pulling for your spreads today, and maybe you've had relationships, I got fully realized spiritual deafness Magdalene heart being a magnificent receiver and source union, divine connection. So I hope you've enjoyed this how to use the Magdalene Manifestation Cards. There's a lot more in the book that talks about them and. How to use them. And we've done today a daily spread to set your energy for the day and to nourish you, support you through the day. We've done a spread for stabilizing an internal state of being or a mood, and the two card spread where you're pulling one card and then finding the matching card in the deck and gazing at them to help balance the inner and the outer, the being state and the action state. And then we've done a resource card spread three cards spread where you pulled out a resource code had a physical, measurable focus, intention, and then pulling three cards for that that you can you can put on your your nightstand, so that you are like basking in the energies and that supporting your intention until it comes into physical form. And, you know, sometimes I'll have an altar or spread up for for a week or and sometimes it's just for the day, or sometimes I'll have a card up when I'm when I have a meeting or a session, or I'm recording something like I'll also do that, where I'll pull a card for each of the segments of my day, or each of my sessions, or my channelings that that that I'll just have on my desk. So there's infinite ways to use them.
Speaker:And I highly encourage if you haven't gotten the Magdalene Manifestation Cards, that if you want to go deeper with how to use them, to go to Danielle forward slash, ooh. Cards, yeah, I was like, what is it? I gotta remember. I'm just gonna check that real quick, and, and we'll include the link here if that's not what it is, and, and with that, you You also receive a free manifesting toolbox, which has a yummy money workshop. It has a guided meditation to meet the magdalens and to form your Magdalene manifestation team, like your council of light and love that help are assisting you in manifesting and then also the affirmation reference sheet. So really recommending you to go to Danielle Hoffman forward slash cards. I just verified that. And then from there you can, you can buy the cards wherever books are sold. So you could buy them from our publisher, inner traditions, or Amazon, or Barnes and Noble or wherever you buy books. And then you just come back to the page, and you, you know, book shop, Books a Million. And then you enter in your name, your email and the order number. And then you'll receive your your Magdalene manifestation card DECA bonus bundle, and that'll help you deepen into using the cards. And if you're feeling called to go deeper with us in working with the Manifestation Cards.
Speaker:In addition to the cards, we also have our birthright of love activation, which is activating one of the codes. And so you can experience what partnering with us at that level is like, because it's one thing to use the cards, and they're highly effective. By using them, you may sense that you have a deeper calling, or a deeper connection with the guides or a divine appointment, and so you can activate the birthright of love what matters most master class. So that'll also be in the show notes here, and that includes a right now, at least we have a bonus live session that that goes with that, so we can interact. And then, for those of you who are really feeling called to partner with us on a deeper level, we also have the Magdalene wealth codes program, the Magdalene codes of love, where you activate, you ignite, the 24 codes of love, and really go deeper into the multi D abundance method, which is working with the codes from being a fully initiated Magdalene love being so really excited to play with the cards. And love to hear your experience. So feel free to to reach out and and let us know how you're using the cards, and again, inviting you to buy the cards. Daniel, forward slash cards. Or you can check out the birthright of love master class, or the Magdalene. Love codes, or wealth codes program. So sending you much love, cheering you on for all of your multi dimensional abundance creations, you are a creator, being and creating from energy and consciousness makes up for a lack of alignment that in the past, you may have been focused on all the Do, do, do to make up for that alignment, and working with the Magdalene Manifestation Cards really assist you in supercharging your abundance and being in alignment with the doing and the being. So you're not only meditating to bring in your desires, you're also taking action, but you're not only taking action and not using the power of your consciousness and energy, yet it's all together. Okay. Well, thanks for tuning in. Much love and bye for now.
Speaker:Thanks for tuning in today. Join in the conversation over at the seven figure spiritual leader Facebook group, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution in consciousness you.