Egypt on Your Bucket List: Past Travelers Share Why

Join Danielle as she connects with past travelers who recount their transformative journeys into Egypt. From meditative moments within ancient temples to life-altering spiritual awakenings, each shares how Egypt went beyond being a bucket-list destination to becoming a catalyst for deep inner growth. Egypt's sacred spaces—its pyramids, temples, and the majestic Nile—opened doors to higher consciousness, leaving each traveler forever changed.
For those wondering if Egypt is calling them, the answer lies in listening to their heart wisdom. Listen as Killu, Catherine, Robin, Denise and Rita described their experiences not only as a journey through Egypt's ancient history but as an opportunity for personal evolution, accessing higher dimensions of self and spirit. Whether dancing with locals, meditating in the Temple of Philae, or sailing down the Nile, Egypt offers a co-creative energy that beckons those on the path of spiritual leadership to dive deeper into their purpose.
Do not miss these highlights:
00:45 - Danielle sets the stage for the discussion on Egypt's spiritual significance.
03:30 - Thoth and Isis discuss the concept of "heart wisdom" and how Egypt calls individuals to a divine appointment.
06:49 - Killu shares how Egypt's energy was transformative, emphasizing the rich, multi-dimensional experience she had, from the ISIS Temple to the Great Pyramid.
09:40 - Catherine reflects on the importance of following one's heart wisdom, sharing how each of her Egypt trips deepened her multidimensional understanding.
12:14 - Catherine and Danielle discuss the warmth and heart-centeredness of the Egyptian people, recounting the joy of dancing with the locals and forming lasting connections.
18:06 - Robin explains how toning and sounding in temples, particularly in the Philae Temple and the Great Pyramid, catalyzed his personal awakening.
28:26 - Rita compares Egypt to a three-dimensional, holographic experience, sharing how each moment unfolded like a family reunion with deep spiritual significance.
Resources Mentioned
Explore these life changing masterclasses with the Guides at
- Visionary Heart: Mission
- Visionary Heart: Divine Relationships
Vibe into our 2025 Heart Opening Journey to Egypt
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About the Host:
Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.
Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.
Instagram: @danielleramahoffman
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Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Each episode, my guides and I, plus my favorite six and seven figure experts, will bring you energetic shifts and outer strategies to amplify your money, spiritual leadership and one of a kind. Can't wait to get out of bed. Aligned legacy movement. If you haven't already, be sure to claim your free gift, the three energetic shifts to seven figure consciousness. Go to to unlock your seven figure money consciousness today. Now let's dive into today's episode.
Welcome to this episode on Egypt. On your bucket list, past Egypt travelers share why I am feeling just all the excitement and open heartedness to be here together with some of our folks that traveled with us to Egypt in 2024 as you may know, Egypt still remains one of my top five experiences in my life, and we've been, now, I Don't know 14 times, and every time it's just an extraordinary experience. So I am here with Robin, kilu, Denise and Catherine. Hello, everyone. So glad you're here. Hello, hello, yeah, so I'm actually feeling like bringing the guides for a minute or two just to set the space, and then we can dive into our conversation about why we've got the Egypt wanderlust, the Egypt Traveling bug. So just inviting in the guides here. Hello, dear ones, this is Toth and ISIS moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission. And we are gathering here to bring forward an energy of heart wisdom, an energy of heart wisdom, the energy of wisdom and the energy of the heart for journeying into Egypt and physically going to Egypt is a journey of traveling within the line of your wisdom And the line of Heart, heart wisdom, the line of love and the line of wisdom. And so we're bringing in this blend of heart wisdom, because there are many reasons that individuals are drawn to journey to Egypt, and one is to tap into that inner knowing, that inner heart wisdom, the the connections that you may have from past lives, as well as your curiosity in this life, to be accessing higher consciousness, to be accessing the sacred geometry, to be accessing the love and light languages that are in the hieroglyphs, To be accessing the communal field of the group that gathers, to be bringing to a place of completion, past initiations that you may not have completed, or to be growing in your depthness. There are many reasons that Egypt is calling or Egypt is on the bucket list. So as we're diving into this conversation with our beloved adepts who have traveled with us to Egypt, we wanted to bring in the energy of heart wisdom as an invitation for those of you tuning in to drop into more deeply your own heart wisdom, because it is from there that you may sense that you have a divine appointment with Egypt. So we'll continue to be in the field, yet we'll step aside. All is light and love and we are all good. Thank you. Who so felt like the guides were sharing some possible reasons why one may be called to Egypt, and so I'd love to hear from each of you, if you can remember what may have called you originally to Egypt, and also just to share a little bit about your experience in Egypt. So yeah, kilo, would you kick us off? Sure?
First of all, this was. Such a powerful trip, such a powerful experience. I am still processing it, and this is now, what is it? Eight months, eight months since it and it's all very good. Of course, it's it's been that rich. It was my second time in Egypt, so I already knew that I wanted to go back. And then, having done work with you, Danielle, and with this group, was really it, it felt right, and it didn't always feel right. I mean, I definitely, I tend to doubt and resist, and I think that's just one of my patterns. And then in the in the connection with the deeper self, I just at some point asked, well, you know, what's the truth here? Like, what do I really want on the picture, on the big picture, on the life level, big picture, put aside the money and time and inconvenience, and, you know, is this the right month and the right year and all of that? And then from there, it was an easy answer, absolutely, on the level of a life, absolutely, is this a time? Absolutely that was, that was pretty much as easy as it was, as it was, and then the trip, of course, was, I think, pretty predictably Above Beyond and different from expectations and from, you know, whatever I may have already experienced and loved about Egypt the first time. And it's hard to put in words, but I think that looking at every single person that I was with, and, you know, the different times, different places, there is a richness to Egypt that happens on many different levels, many different dimensions of us, and then it translates further in life. And so from that perspective, it's, I think, wherever we're in life. So there's probably no wrong time to do it.
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. And is there a particular like memory or time at the temple or something you sense you know our topic on your trip, and also our topic for our next trip was relationships. So,
yeah, absolutely, and so. So for me, very powerful places where the ISIS temple, surprisingly Red Pyramid, I had never been there, and there were experiences that are hard to put in words, but that I will carry with me, and it's just sort of these, entering these different different parallel dimensions of reality, is the only way that I can verbally describe it, while also being very much embodied and present, and then also in the Great Pyramid, particularly In the some special places that we got to go to, in the Great Pyramid. And really every temple, how every temple is different, and every place is different, how the Nile is, you know, has her own wisdom working us. So there's, there's many different moments. And in terms of the relationships I my this year working, I came from working with you, Danielle, also on embodiment in the Saho program. And so this year, very much has been on embodiment in this physicality of all the different dimensions and relationships that I carry and have access to. And so that has continued throughout the year, and it was such a strong and powerful anchoring and landing point, and at the same time, it's sort of a radiating point, right? I can forget, like, I don't think of Egypt every day, but it comes up fairly often, and it comes up almost independently of me, in a way, as a as a reminder of this or that. And that happens when you have a strong, strong experience of sort of becoming. And I think it's a becoming more oneself in relation to one's life. And you know this embodiment and everything around and sorry if I cannot put it in words, but that's hopefully it's in that right direction, because it was a very bubble track.
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Well, this idea of, you know, Egypt on your bucket list, or we often say Egypt is calling, or a journey of of a lifetime or lifetimes. So there is so much to share. Yeah, so Catherine, how about you? You've come with us twice, to to Egypt. What? What's on your heart to to share about your experience, and to someone who may be considering joining us?
Yeah, I would echo everything kilo has said and an answer to your question. I think if I think if it's on, I think if you're listening to this, then it's possibly on your bucket list at some level. And if. If you're if you're getting kind of like a heart calling, since we've dropped into the wisdom of the heart, then I would follow that, that heart wisdom and kind of like, know that, that kind of neck that that the path to to go, if that's part of the concern, or part of the kind of like the resistance, maybe the resistance coming up that that path will open once you choose to go and from a personal experience of having been to Egypt twice with Danielle, and actually once with A with another leader as well. So I've been three times. Each time is is richer. Each time I feel like my sense of myself kind of as as a multi dimensional being, or it gets enlivened and gets deepened, and my understanding of why I'm there kind of gets more activated, and so what I experience and pick up for myself and then to kind of bring through and is kind of broadened and deepened and enlivened. And in some ways, the unpacking of Egypt, I think, is a lifetime, and it's not necessarily Well for me personally. It's not necessarily concrete, like I can't go that was this. This is a result of Egypt, so to speak. It's more, it's more that I, I my sense of myself just continues to to unpack my relationship with beings of light and light and work that I do and everything becomes like the field of my understanding of what really interests me, which is spirituality, which is kind of what you know, kind of the new paradigm of consciousness seems to Get experientially richer and deeper, and I get a more cognitive understanding through that as well. And I'd say one of the highlights for me in Egypt is the temple of Philae and the Great Pyramid. Yeah,
Danielle Rama Hoffman: and is there anything that you'd share? Because if somebody hasn't gone they don't know, you know that we're on the boat, or that we do meditations in the temple, or that we dance with the Egyptians. You know that, like those, those kind of daily, daily things, yeah? Or a memory, yeah?
I think, yeah. Well, actually, when you mentioned dancing with the Egyptians, yeah, the Egyptians, the memory of the the heart centeredness, the welcoming, the fun, also, the yeah of the Egyptian people is extraordinary. And also, I think the memory of, like, the pacing, like, I didn't feel like, like, yes, it's very, very full and very, very rich, but it also felt like there was downtime. So there was time to integrate, or time to have relationships, or time to speak to people. I mean, it was, there were lots of surprising things. I think is one way to put it, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's, it's a, it's a, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's hot and it's a little challenging, physically in some ways, yeah, but I think that's, that's a really beautiful memory. Is dancing with the Egyptians absolutely,
Danielle Rama Hoffman: yeah,
yeah, yeah. I remembering back in the day, and we haven't done this in a long time. Our Egyptologist at the time was like, oh, okay, we're gonna ride donkeys. And my mom came with us to Egypt four times, and I was like, Mom, you do not need to ride a donkey, you know? And she was like, I want to ride a donkey. And and so that's one of the things to me, like we just never know where our spiritual advancement is going to come from, or our expansion is going to come from. You know, sometimes it's when folks are like shopping in the bazaar, or when they're riding the donkey, or when they're when they're speaking to a guard, or, you know, of the temples, or that the being with one another in the group. So there can just be so many of those little glimpses that really add up to it being a trip, a trip of a lifetime. And I've heard consistently from folks over the years, like just to be so well taken care of, because we're often so self resilient, is a game changer. Like to just be, you know, like we just have to show up at a certain time with our bag, and we have these amazing partners that that handle the logistics and that that can be so deeply transformational. Yeah? So, yeah,
Robin, how
about you?
Wow. Well, it was, yeah, for me, it was an experience of a lifetime. I had done very little traveling for the previous 10 years, basically. And yeah, got to know you a bit, I think, just through email correspondence and things like that. But, you know, just and this opportunity for the trip came up, and just this feeling came in that just, I've got to go on this trip, you know? And so yeah, sort of put aside any concerns and followed my heart and stepped up, and yeah, just everything I expected, and so much more it was I'd fail to draw to Egypt for a long time, and hadn't really answered the call until now and then, well, this year, and yeah, it was just things came in, just being there was this huge, well, emotional experience. But all this kind of, you know, like a heart opening, and then since then, like, things have just, it was like a catalyst. It was like something that started this whole other process for me of awakening and things that have happened since then, and yeah, which has been amazing. And the trip itself was the beginning of that, and just meeting everybody, and just this wonderful group of souls, of beautiful beings, and spending the time with you and everyone and and the amazing places we visited. Yeah, it was this huge influx and expansion that it was a catalyst, as I say, just sort of hoping or helping to open up this part of me that I I knew was there and starting and continuing to open now, and that was, you know, just an amazing experience, traveling to the different temples and the pyramids. And as the others have said, you know, meeting the the wonderful people, both on the trip and in Egypt as well, everyone who was around us, and whether we were directly interacting with them, or not, you know, or just everybody was so friendly and accommodating and beautiful in Egypt itself and the places we visited, just the energies and each one were different and fantastic. And for me personally, one of the highlights was the the Philae temple when we were there, and, you know, in the sunrise and just things like that. And then some of the temples and the pyramids where we were doing, you know, toning and sounds in them, and just the resonance and sound has always been a big thing for me, and continues to be. And yeah, just the energies that came from all aspects of the trip and sharing them with everyone. And yeah, it's just been, was an amazing experience on the trip, and it has been and continues to be built upon from other experiences I've had and continue to have since it's just amazing. And I would recommend it to anyone. If you're feeling at all called to do it, I would say just follow your heart and yeah, you will not regret anything.
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Yeah, thank you. And I remember for you too, if you're okay with me sharing, I feel like you are that that your voice and sound and your gifts and you know, like your contribution, that that was one of the themes, too, of reconnecting to who it is that you naturally are and your voice and expressing that. Yeah, so would you agree that that was part of your personal transformation?
Absolutely, yes, it's again, it's, it's like a catalyst that's begun that, and then during the trip, and then since the trip. I mean, yeah, my my voice, my throat, my all, all chakras, I guess. But everything started to open up. And it was like this, energies that were in Egypt helped that happen. And then some other pretty wild stuff has happened since, as well. What to do with, you know, like past life memories. And, more recently, I took a short trip to Florida because I'd felt drawn to go there, and hadn't been there. But then during that trip, a bunch of stuff, even, I mean, from like Atlantis, kind of memories and stuff came up and it, see, it felt like it, you know, it connects with Egypt. And Egypt had been the initial, initial thing that awakened that. And now it's like all this other stuff has started to come up. And yeah, it was, it was like the beginning of that, which is, yeah, we all seem to have connections to that. And yeah, anyone who feels drawn to go to Egypt, I would say, Yeah, go for it,
Danielle Rama Hoffman: beautiful, yeah. Well, and also, like you said that it we hadn't met or done previous work together or and there were others, it felt like a beautiful combination in that group of, like, folks that we never met, and then folks that have, uh. You know that that we've partnered with for a while over the years, and so, yeah, as personal growth, I'm not saying always in all ways, but it tends to be a lot of women, and my beloved husband, Friedman, you know, he partners and goes with us, and on that trip, right? We there were a handful of men too. Yeah, I know sometimes like, yeah, how was that being, being in that group with there's some couples, some singles, women, men.
It's beautiful because, yes, I mean, the masculine energy was there as well, and then this whole well Age of Aquarius and all of that we're moving into now, and the divine feminine. So it was a wonderful feeling of the rise of the feminine and the balance of the masculine that's in there. But yeah, that all together with the women and the men. It felt like it was even though, proportionally, there were more women on the trip than the men. That felt right or and feels right, and for the men as well, I believe it's opening, helping us more embrace the feminine in in the masculine within each of us. And yeah, it felt like this amazing kind of rising and balancing of the masculine and the feminine. And yeah, as a man on the trip for me, that was beautiful as well as part of the experience. Yes,
Danielle Rama Hoffman: thank you. Thank you. Oh, all right. Denise, another double dipper,
yes. And my first I went twice. I've gone twice with Danielle, and the first time she put the invitation out. I'm like, Egypt. I never thought about going to Egypt, and then it was like something clicked. So as I'm I'm hearing, you know, people are saying, if you if you hear that, if you hear, hear that, call that, to really listen to it. And and then I went the second time with you. And honestly, I can't imagine going with anyone else, because, like you were saying, everything is like, I didn't know what to expect, and I just really felt like I just need to show up, like, and everything was taken care of, like, the, you know, where we stay near the Great Pyramids, and then we're on a houseboat and and then we stop at the temples along The way, and all the people that we meet. It's, it's just, it's all there. It's all we just, we show up and and whatever we allow, as far as transformation and experiences like, that's, that's our part, that that we bring to it, and and then, of course, on both trips, like different people, except for Catherine, I met, and we've been friends ever since. And it's like we, we, you make these amazing friendships, and you there's a connection with with everybody who goes, and then there's maybe a deeper connection with some others and and yet, it's all like the sacred geometry, and it's this calling of a very specific group to be together and then to contribute so so also knowing that, like, if you're feeling that call that, that you are an integral part of of The whole that comes together to whatever is being done, because it's like there's this, this receiving as you go to the temple, but also we are contributing, individually and as a group, to Egypt and to the temples and to the people and And they're and they to us and, and, I mean, I just like, there were so many new experiences for me, like the organized chaos of of their traffic and how perfect it is, and, and then, Like, just the kindness the heart centeredness of the people, and also that you know, along with you and Friedman, you have these, these, also these Egyptian adapts, that lead us that have everything taken care of. I mean, we can walk into a temple. We have these special arrangements for going to places, going to these temples, where nobody else is there, like and I it just happened for me that, you know, I was celebrating my birthday, and we were in the Great Pyramid, and I just remember seeing 555, in the morning, and five is my number. And. It's just like, there's just, there's just you, like, you could, you can't even make the notes, because you can make the notes of your of everything, all your experiences, every day. And yet, it just, it's, it's so multi dimensional, and it's so transformative. And it's, it's just, it's yummy, it's exciting, it's unexpected, and then it just keeps it just keeps growing and unfolding. So and I, and I didn't really have like, I only know about Egypt through, through what I've learned from you, and then in working with you, Danielle, then Toth has stepped forward like, you know me, you remember me, but there's, you know, a lot of people like, know the Egyptian pantheon, and one of the gals that was on our last trip, like she has been working with them since she was a child. And just so there's so many different aspects and and also just the relationships, the sharing, the love, the it's just, I can't imagine doing it with anyone else. That's all I could say. Yeah,
Danielle Rama Hoffman: well, you're really highlighting something that was, you know, I was tuning into, which is the co creative energy, and to me, that's where the magic happens, and those that are guided to to join us, there is that simultaneity of of giving, receiving and having, and that we have the opportunity to to partner with one another and to to share. Or, you know, I was thinking about our sailing day on the boat, and how, you know, it's not just Friedman and I sharing our gifts, but there's so many amazing healers and light leaders and, you know, sharing, sharing your work and contributing to one another and in the circles. And so it really is, to me, an extension of co creation and and you know, Denise too, like and as I've seen you, just seeing you stepping into even more of that leadership energy and your contribution. And, you know, the exchange and that everybody has a part of the sequence, so being an integral part of the community is really something extraordinary about it. Yeah,
thank you. I'm forever grateful.
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, our and our private sailing yacht is just amazing. Like when I first started going to Egypt, we were on a big cruise ship, and it was just another thing, right? Because you have this deeply transformational experience at the temple, and then you you go back to the buffet buffet line with hundreds of people who are, you know, like it's just another thing. So I really love the cocoon of our private sailing yacht, and that we can have the time for downtime and and processing and the circles and and be able to be in that deep heart wisdom space. Oh, getting excited about going again. Okay, so Rita, welcome. Thank you. What would you share about Egypt being a journey of a lifetime.
Well, as everyone's been sharing, I've been imagining this. How many of us, or at least for myself, Egypt from even when you're a child? Oh, it's this place of these triangular shapes, A flat, two dimensional picture in a picture book, and then maybe later, a travel brochure, flat, two dimensional and, you know, facts of interest, etc. And you know, come here, do this. But this trip was as if this brochure had various folds and openings and three dimensional. It just was so alive, so moving, and at once, an exquisite adventure, and that also a sense of cocoon, sort of familiarity, the to travel with fascinating people, other humans that are just a trip in themselves, and then to be sort of embraced, not only by the expertise of yourself and freedom and but your contacts in terms of our terrific guides who who know their stuff, but also have created their own relationships. All along the way, so that at every moment, I felt like we were being invited into, you know, a family reunion, if you will, or friends, acknowledging old friends. It was just really, really heartwarming to see we got we were able to get insight into local life and and ways that it feels like going to a family reunion only. There's no There's no big arguments across the table. I guess you could say, Which isn't to say that's what my family reunions are like, or anyone's has to be. But there was that, that aspect that to me, was just so nurturing and wonderful, very, very down to earth, and yet so uniquely on a whole other level, when riding along in a bus to a various site in so early in the day that it would feel like night time to have your voice, Danielle, come across the intercom. And by the way, these busses and all of our travel accommodations were so comfortable, it's like top notch, top notch. I almost want to go back to get on a donkey, but to have have your unique relationship transmitted to us as a group and as individuals, it was like we we were had a unique, you know, you had your ticket to ride, so to speak, but then you got a very special personal hand stamp as well that opened what we were about to experience in the different temples, or what was going to unfold in the day as just A real it's like that. That was the cherry on top, and so and so it yeah, this beautiful combination of beautiful planning, but incredible spontaneity as well. That just to me again, this colorful blow brochure. It's not a flat 2d thing at all. We're talking holographic on and on. So that's it.
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thank you. Yeah, I just remember us like for me and I felt, I feel like the group. We share this as well, these being kids like crawling around on the playground of these huge temples. And so there's also that that child like exploration energy that I really feel, and the the blessing to be in a group of of heart centered individuals who are on a path of kindness and joy and and love and and inner transformation, and it does feel like a few of you and all of us have shared too just the the connection that we have to our Egyptologist and our friend who you know we've known now for 20 years, who we partner With there and and their loving energy as well. So yeah, thank you everyone for coming with us to Egypt, for taking the time to share why Egypt has been a journey of a lifetime for you, and I'm really looking forward to our next Egypt journey, journey of many lifetimes. So for those of you tuning in, if you're feeling called to journey with us to Egypt, I invite you to take that first step and find out more. And yeah, Egypt is calling, and I'm going for my 15th scoop, or whatever it is, which there's just more to be garnered. So thank you everyone, sending much love and bye for now.
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